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English-German translation for: depot
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Dictionary English German: depot

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NOUN   a depot | depots
SYNO   depot | terminal | terminus ... 
NOUN   das Depot | die Depots
SYNO   Depot | Lager | Lagerhalle ... 
spec. deposit
Depot {n}
Lagerhalle {f}
stocks portfolio
Depot {n}
comm. depot
Ablage {f} [schweiz.] [Agentur]
Depot {n}
comm. depot
Niederlage {f}
Betriebshof {m}
Depot {n}
Warenlager {n}
Auslieferungslager {n}
rail depot [railway/tramway]
Betriebsbahnhof {m}
Magazin {n} [Lagerraum]
Depot {n} [schweiz.] [Pfand bei Mehrwegverpackungen, auch Mieterkaution]
rail depot
Bahnbetriebswerk {n}
rail depotBetriebswerk {n} <Bw>
rail depot [Am.]Güterbahnhof {m}<Gbf> [schweiz.: <Gb>]
rail depot [railway/tramway]Wagenhalle {f} [Depot]
rail railyard [Am.]Depot {n} [Züge]
2 Words: Nouns
oenol. (wine) dregs {pl} [wine lees]Depot {n} [Rotwein]
mil. ammunition depotMunitionsdepot {n}
ammunition depotMunitionskasten {m}
weapons arms depotArsenal {n}
arms depotWaffendepot {n}
arms depotWaffenlager {n}
mil. army depotHeeresgerätepark {m}
transp. travel bus depot [Am.] [Aus.] [NZ]Busbahnhof {m}
cloth. clothes depotKleiderlager {n}
dent. dental depotDentaldepot {n}
deposit facilityDepot {n}
med. depot effectDepotwirkung {f} [auch: Depot-Wirkung]
med. depot fatDepotfett {n}
biochem. depot fatSpeicherfett {n}
med. pharm. depot injectionDepotinjektion {f}
med. pharm. depot insulinDepotinsulin {n}
biochem. depot lipidSpeicherfett {n}
mil. depot maintenanceDepotinstandsetzung {f}
tech. depot maintenanceDepotwartung {f}
depot managementLagerhallenverwaltung {f}
depot masterLagerverwalter {m}
pharm. depot preparationDepotpräparat {n}
mil. naut. depot shipBeischiff {n}
mil. depot shipMutterschiff {n} [Marine]
dispatch depotVersanddepot {n}
comm. distribution depotAuslieferungslager {n}
econ. distribution depotVerteilerlager {n}
transp. distribution depotVertriebsdepot {n}
anat. fat depotFettdepot {n}
final depotEndlager {n}
rail freight depot [Am.]Güterbahnhof {m}<Gbf> [schweiz.: <Gb>]
tech. fuel depotTanklager {n}
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A 2024-08-14: 1. train shed & 2. train depot
A 2023-01-20: Depot?
A 2018-05-06: Home Depot knows. (It's American)
A 2018-03-12: (Depot excepted)
A 2014-12-28: salt house (then explain), or salt merchants' house, salt depot, salt ware...
A 2012-07-22: going back to the depot ..... Fzg = Fahrzeug
Q 2011-03-13: sachliches Depot
Q 2010-08-23: verfügungsvollmacht über Depot, geht das so? was meint Ihr?
A 2010-04-29: Yes, Mietzins-Depot = Mietzins-Kaution = Mietzins-Sicherheit (umgangssprachlich)
Q 2010-04-29: "Depot" in einem schweizerischen Mietvertrag
A 2009-12-02: complete documents to open an account, depot and depository / vault ??
A 2009-05-06: +depot+ wohl eher bei Verkehrsbetrieben, sonst eher +maintenance and stora...
A 2009-02-23: http://extra.vhb.de/psag/fn/abo/sfn/buildabo/sh/0/depot/0/CNDR/juka_jahres...
A 2009-02-23: http://extra.vhb.de/psag/fn/abo/sfn/buildabo/sh/0/depot/0/CNDR/juka_jahres...
A 2008-11-28: Distribution depot/centre
A 2008-10-18: http://www.google.de/search?hl=en&q=%22empty+container+depot%22&btnG=Search
A 2008-10-18: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=%22empties+depot%22&btnG=Google+Sea...
Q 2008-10-18: Leerdepot - empty depot ?
A 2008-10-16: it means: free delivery +to+ the depot
A 2008-10-16: was heisst das genau? free delivery from the depot?

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• depot
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depot fat
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depot maintenance
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depot master
depot preparation

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