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English-German translation for: derivative
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Dictionary English German: derivative

Translation 1 - 65 of 65

English German
ADJ   derivative | more derivative | most derivative
NOUN   a derivative | derivatives
SYNO   derivative | derived function ... 
ADJ  derivativ | [selten] derivativer | [selten] am derivativsten
derivativer | derivative | derivatives
derivativster | derivativste | derivativstes
NOUN   das Derivativ | die Derivative
derivative {adj}
derivative {adj}
derivative {adj} [imitative]
derivative {adj}
philos. derivative {adj}
abkünftig [selten] [abgeleitet von]
Weiterentwicklung {f}
math. tech. derivative
Ableitung {f} [abgeleitete Funktion]
chem. derivative
Abkömmling {m}
Derivat {n}
spec. derivativeDerivantium {n}
ling. derivativeDerivativ {n}
derivativeverbessertes Modell {n}
ling. derivative [derived word]abgeleitetes Wort {n}
2 Words: Nouns
biochem. adenine derivativeAdeninderivat {n}
biochem. agarose derivativeAgarosederivat {n}
pharm. amphetamine derivativeAmphetaminderivat {n}
chem. boron derivativeBorderivat {n}
biochem. cholesterol derivativeCholesterolderivat {n}
biochem. cyclopropane derivativeCyclopropanderivat {n}
derivative actionVorhalt {m}
law derivative action [USA]Prozessstandschaftsklage {f}
derivative instrumentssekundäre Instrumente {pl}
derivative marketssekundäre Märkte {pl}
philos. derivative MarxismAbleitungsmarxismus {m}
math. derivative matrixFunktionalmatrix {f}
derivative moneysekundäres Geld {n}
law derivative rightsabgeleitete Rechte {pl}
derivative securitysekundäres Wertpapier {n}
ling. Unverified derivative termUnterbegriff {m}
electr. engin. derivative timeDifferenzierzeit {f}
stocks derivative tradingDerivatehandel {m}
math. derivative vectorAbleitungsvektor {m}
directional derivativeRichtungsableitung {f}
pharm. ergotamine derivativeErgotaminderivat {n}
pharm. fentanyl derivativeFentanylderivat {n}
math. first derivativeerste Ableitung {f}
math. Fréchet derivative <F-derivative>Fréchet-Ableitung {f} <F-Ableitung>
math. functional derivativeFunktionalableitung {f}
math. Gâteaux derivative <G-derivative>Gâteaux-Ableitung {f} <G-Ableitung>
math. Lie derivativeLie-Ableitung {f}
math. Lie derivativeLie'sche Ableitung {f}
math. Lie derivativeliesche Ableitung {f}
math. logarithmic derivativelogarithmische Ableitung {f}
chem. material metal derivativeMetallderivat {n}
pharm. morphine derivativeMorphinderivat {n}
chem. naphthalene derivativeNaphthalenderivat {n}
math. partial derivativepartielle Ableitung {f}
med. plasma derivativePlasmaderivat {n}
pharm. purine derivativePurinderivat {n}
math. second derivativezweite Ableitung {f}
chem. sorbitol derivativeSorbitolderivat {n}
cosmet. tallow derivativeTalgderivat {n}
chem. testosterone derivativeTestosteronderivat {n}
phys. time derivativeZeitableitung {f}
math. total derivativetotale Ableitung {f}
biochem. chem. toxin derivativeToxinderivat {n}
chem. tropane derivativeTropanderivat {n}
pharm. uracil derivativeUracilderivat {n}
math. weak derivativeschwache Ableitung {f}
pharm. xanthine derivativeXanthinderivat {n}
3 Words: Nouns
biochem. amino acid derivativeAminosäurederivat {n}
biochem. purified protein derivative <PPD>gereinigtes Proteinderivat {n} <PPD>
math. Radon-Nikodym derivative <RN-derivative, R-N derivative>Radon-Nikodým-Ableitung {f} <RN-Ableitung> [Radon-Nikodym-Ableitung]
4 Words: Nouns
law derivative rights of actionKlagerechte {f} in Prozessstandschaft
med. purified protein derivative test <PPD test>PPD-Test {m}
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A 2024-10-20: ... and the well-worn derivative verb is +hierarchize+
A 2018-01-02: contractually granted derivative right of action / contractually granted s...
A 2010-06-19: The writer was probably paid by the word, with a bonus for every Latin der...
Q 2009-05-31: derivative works
A 2009-01-27: WillM is correct, but there is a coll. derivative which might apply here.
A 2008-08-27: design derivative
Q 2008-06-02: derivative works
A 2006-11-29: eher, variation of current with time (not the same as derivative)
A 2006-11-29: time derivative of current
A 2004-10-23: derivative
A 2004-06-30: an S-nitroso derivative

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