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English-German translation for: dermatitis
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Dictionary English German: dermatitis

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NOUN   a dermatitis | dermatitises/dermatitides
NOUN   die Dermatitis | die Dermatitiden
SYNO   Dermatitis | Hautentzündung
med. dermatitis
Hautentzündung {f}
med. eczema
Dermatitis {f}
med. dermatitis
Dermatitis {f}
med. dermatitisJuckflechte {f} [Ekzem, Dermatitis]
med. seborrhea [Am.] [seborrheic dermatitis / eczema]seborrhoische Dermatitis {f}
2 Words: Nouns
med. atopic dermatitis [prurigo Besnier]Asthmaekzem {n} [Prurigo Besnier]
med. atopic dermatitis <AD>atopische Dermatitis {f} <AD>
med. berlock dermatitisBerloque-Dermatitis {f}
med. berlock dermatitisKölnisch-Wasser-Dermatitis {f}
med. berloque dermatitisBerloque-Dermatitis {f}
med. berloque dermatitisKölnisch-Wasser-Dermatitis {f}
med. bullous pemphigoidDermatitis herpetiformis senilis {f}
med. cercarial dermatitisCercariendermatitis / Cercarien-Dermatitis {f}
med. cercarial dermatitisZerkariendermatitis / Zerkarien-Dermatitis {f}
med. contact dermatitisKontaktdermatitis {f}
med. contact dermatitisKontaktekzem {n}
med. diaper dermatitis [Am.]Windeldermatitis {f}
med. discoid dermatitisdiskoide Dermatitis {f}
med. Duhring's disease <DH> [also: Duhring disease] [Dermatitis herpetiformis]Dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring {f} <DHD>
VetMed. footpad dermatitis <FPD> [esp. in poultry]Fußballenentzündung {f} [bes. bei Geflügel]
med. grass dermatitis [Dermatitis (bullosa) pratensis]Gräserdermatitis {f}
med. grass dermatitis [Dermatitis (bullosa) pratensis]Wiesengrasdermatitis {f}
med. grass dermatitis [Dermatitis (bullosa) pratensis]Wiesengräserdermatitis {f} [auch: Wiesengräser-Dermatitis]
med. housewife's dermatitis [skin inflammation caused due to contact with an irritating substance]Waschfrauenhände {pl}
med. housewife's dermatitis [skin inflammation caused due to contact with an irritating substance]Waschhände {pl}
med. napkin dermatitis [Br.]Windeldermatitis {f}
med. nonspecific dermatitisnichtspezifische Dermatitis {f}
med. nummular dermatitisnummuläre Dermatitis {f}
med. Paederus dermatitis [also: paederus dermatitis]Paederus-Dermatitis {f}
med. perioral dermatitis <PD>Mundrose {f} [periorale Dermatitis]
med. perioral dermatitis <PD>Mannequin-Krankheit {f} [ugs.] [periorale Dermatitis]
med. perioral dermatitis <PD>periorale Dermatitis {f} <PD>
med. perioral dermatitis <PD>Rosazea-artige Dermatitis {f}
med. periorificial dermatitisMundrose {f} [periorale Dermatitis]
med. phytophototoxic dermatitis [Photodermatitis phytogenica]phytophototoxische Dermatitis {f}
med. radiation dermatitisRadiodermatitis {f}
med. radiation dermatitisStrahlendermatitis {f}
med. rhus dermatitis [also: Rhus dermatitis]Rhus-Dermatitis {f}
med. seborrheic dermatitis [Am.]seborrhoische Dermatitis {f} <SD>
med. seborrhoeic dermatitis <SD> [Br.]seborrhoische Dermatitis {f} <SD>
med. solar dermatitisSonnendermatitis {f}
med. stasis dermatitisStasisdermatitis {f} [auch: Stasis-Dermatitis]
med. stasis dermatitis [Dermatitis varicosa]Stauungsdermatitis {f}
med. Toxicodendron dermatitis [urushiol-induced contact dermatitis]Giftefeu-Ausschlag {m} [Hautausschlag nach Kontakt mit Giftefeu]
VetMed. ulcerative dermatitis <UD>ulzerierende Dermatitis {f} <UD>
3 Words: Nouns
VetMed. acral lick dermatitisakrale Leckdermatitis {f} <ALD>
med. allergic contact dermatitis <ACD>allergisches Kontaktekzem {n} <AKE>
med. contact allergic dermatitisallergische Kontaktdermatitis {f}
med. VetMed. contagious pustular dermatitis [Ecthyma contagiosum] [orf]ansteckende Pustulardermatitis {f} [Orf]
VetMed. flea allergy dermatitis <FAD>allergische Flohdermatitis {f} <FAD, AFD>
VetMed. foot-pad dermatitis <FPD> [esp. in poultry]Fußballenentzündung {f} [bes. bei Geflügel]
med. infantile seborrheic dermatitis [Am.]Kopfgneis {m} beim Kind [seborrhoisches Ekzem, seborrhoische Dermatitis]
med. VetMed. infectious labial dermatitis [Ecthyma contagiosum] [orf]ansteckende Pustulardermatitis {f} [Orf]
med. irritant contact dermatitisirritative Kontaktdermatitis {f}
med. photoallergic (contact) dermatitis <PCD>photoallergische Dermatitis {f}
med. photoallergic contact dermatitis <PCD>Photokontaktallergie {f}
med. photoallergic contact dermatitis <PCD>photoallergische Kontaktdermatitis {f}
med. schistosome cercarial dermatitisSchistosomatidendermatitis / Schistosomatiden-Dermatitis {f}
med. schistosome cercarial dermatitisSchistosomendermatitis / Schistosomen-Dermatitis {f}
med. seborrhoeic infantile dermatitis [Br.] [ICD-10]seborrhoisches Ekzem {n} der Kinder [ICD-10]
med. toxic contact dermatitistoxische Kontaktdermatitis {f}
med. X-ray dermatitisRöntgendermatitis {f}
4 Words: Nouns
med. allergic eczematous contact dermatitis <AECD>ekzematöse Kontaktdermatitis {f} [allergisch bedingtes Kontaktekzem]
med. progressive pigmented purpuric dermatitis [Schamberg's disease]Adalin-Purpura {f} [Morbus Schamberg, Schamberg-Krankheit]
med. staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome <SSSS, SSS syndrome, SSS-syndrome>Dermatitis {f} exfoliativa neonatorum Ritter von Rittershain
med. urushiol-induced contact dermatitisallergische Kontaktdermatitis {f} durch Giftpflanzen
5+ Words: Nouns
med. allergic contact dermatitis due to plants, except food [ICD-10]allergische Kontaktdermatitis {f} durch Pflanzen, ausgenommen Nahrungsmittel [ICD-10]
med. allergic contact dermatitis due to poison ivyallergische Kontaktdermatitis {f} durch Giftefeu
VetMed. zool. porcine dermatitis and nephropathy syndrome <PDNS>PDNS {f} [Circovirus-2-Infektion]
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A 2009-07-06: Licht|schwiele > skin thickening due to actinic dermatitis http://www.ge...

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