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English-German translation for: desires
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Dictionary English German: desires

Translation 1 - 19 of 19

English German
NOUN   a desire | desires
VERB  to desire | desired | desired
desiring | desires
sb. desires
jd. begehrt
sb. desires
jd. wünscht
Lüste {f}
Begehrlichkeiten {pl}
2 Words
to fulfil sb.'s desires [Br.]jds. Wünsche erfüllen
to fulfill sb.'s desires [Am.]jds. Wünsche erfüllen
acquisitive desiresTrieb {m} der Begierde
animal desiresfleischliche Begierden {pl}
animal desiresfleischliche Lüste {pl}
animal desires {pl}animalisches Verlangen {n}
carnal desiresfleischliche Gelüste {pl}
carnal desiressinnliche Begierden {pl}
econ. shopping desiresKonsumwünsche {pl}
3 Words
as one desires {adv}wie man wünscht
to arouse desires (in sb.)(in jdm.) Begehrlichkeiten wecken
to comply with sb.'s desiresjds. Wünschen nachkommen
4 Words
everything the heart desiresalles, was das Herz begehrt
5+ Words
relig. to mortify (oneself) to earthly desiresden irdischen Begierden absterben
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Devices and Desires [P. D. James]Vorsatz und Begierde
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A 2015-05-11: Quote: +His Wealth's encrease encreaseth his desires+ < A constant observa...
Q 2013-11-16: Turn Desires into Self-Motivation
A 2012-09-14: looking for dreams / identifying desires
Q 2012-08-28: The challenge is rather not to let these desires become prevalent.
Q 2011-09-14: desires come in line with purpose
A 2011-01-12: It means "a person who is able to have control over all his desires and vi...
A 2010-12-17: I think what's meant is self-indulgence = excessive and unrestrained grati...
A 2009-02-17: products accomplish all your desires / needs?
Q 2009-02-08: Still, he had to start owning his desires sooner or later.
A 2008-10-25: animal/carnal/exotic desires ?
A 2007-10-26: jim: luther was more down-to-earth here: whatever his sons' desires, they
A 2007-06-10: were only meant to arouse desires among consumers
A 2007-06-07: no desires remain unmet / unfulfilled
A 2007-02-28: and my office is not far away from HARIBO .... can you imagine my desires... ?
A 2006-10-20: craving for safety oder safety desires ?

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desire sth.
desire sth. ardently
desire to buy
desire to die
desire to dominate
desire to fight
desire to go swimming
desire to have children
desire to kill

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