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English-German translation for: destination
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Dictionary English German: destination

Translation 1 - 50 of 143  >>


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NOUN   a destination | destinations
SYNO   destination | terminus | finish ... 
NOUN   die Destination | die Destinationen
SYNO   Bestimmungsort | Destination ... 
Ziel {n}
Reiseziel {n}
Bestimmungsort {m}
transp. travel destination
Bestimmung {f} [Ziel, Bestimmungsort]
destination [country]
Zielland {n}
aviat. destination
Flugziel {n}
Verbleib {m}
Fahrtziel {n}
naut. destination
Löschungshafen {m}
travel destination
Destination {f} [Reiseziel, Ziel]
Zielpunkt {m}
Unverified destinationAnlaufziel {n}
2 Words: Nouns
comp. backup destinationBackup-Ziel {n}
comp. branch destinationSprungziel {n}
delivery destinationLieferziel {n}
desired destinationgewünschter Bestimmungsort {m}
desired destinationgewünschter Zielort {m}
comm. destination (point) [of a delivery, drop-off]Abgabestelle {f}
destination addressZieladresse {f}
aviat. destination airfieldBestimmungsflugplatz {m}
aviat. destination airportZielflughafen {m}
comp. destination applicationZielanwendung {f}
destination areaZielgebiet {n}
aviat. rail transp. destination boardAnzeigetafel {f}
destination boardRichtungsschild {n}
destination boardWegweiser {m}
destination countryBestimmungsland {n}
destination countryZielland {n}
comp. destination deviceGegenstelle {f}
comp. tech. destination deviceZielgerät {n} [im Gegensatz zum Quellgerät]
destination fieldEmpfangsfeld {n}
destination fileZieldatei {f}
telecom. destination officeGegenamt {n} [fachspr.]
destination panelWegweiser {m}
destination portZielhafen {m}
EU fin. law destination principleBestimmungslandprinzip {n}
destination profileZielprofil {n}
rail destination railwayBestimmungsbahn {f}
destination routeZielrichtung {f}
automot. TrVocab. destination selection [when using a navigation system]Zielauswahl {f} [bes. bei Programmierung des Navigators]
comp. destination serverZielserver {m}
traffic destination sign [tram, bus]Zielschild {n} [Straßenbahn etc.]
rail destination stationBestimmungsbahnhof {m}
rail destination stationZielbahnhof {m}
transp. destination trafficZielverkehr {m}
dream destinationSehnsuchtsort {m} [Traumziel]
travel TrVocab. dream destinationTraumort {m} [Traumziel]
dream destinationTraumziel {n}
excursion destinationAusflugsziel {n}
travel favorite destination [Am.]Lieblingsreiseziel {n}
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A 2023-10-13: bound for (a destination)
A 2016-11-22: oops! then you (always) have a goal / destination in view
A 2016-11-22: then you (always) have have a goal / destination in view
A 2014-11-14: the journey rather than the destination.
A 2014-06-21: Health tourism destination development and offering innovative services, a...
Q 2014-06-21: Profilierung einer gesundheitstouristischen Destination und Innovation des...
Q 2013-09-25: Destination Wedding
A 2013-03-15: destination
A 2012-07-04: I'd take the underground to [destination].
A 2012-06-02: "recheck a bag ... for their connecting flight to their final destination...
A 2012-02-23: The bread of heaven gives the shadows their final destination
Q 2011-11-03: destination experience
A 2010-09-11: AE: destination fee
A 2010-05-06: Happiness is not a destination, it is a journey.
A 2010-04-14: depending on destination
A 2010-04-14: Seems to be +destination-dependent+
A 2010-04-14: destination-specific ??
A 2010-04-14: Relation = Bestimmungsort http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&source=hp...
A 2009-12-08: siehe: http://www.google.co.uk/intl/en/#hl=en&source=hp&q=Thornton+Wilder+...
A 2009-09-03: 2nd favourite destination for short trips to Germany

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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