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English-German translation for: detailed
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Dictionary English German: detailed

Translation 1 - 50 of 101  >>

English German
ADJ   detailed | more detailed | most detailed
VERB  to detail | detailed | detailed ... 
SYNO   detailed | elaborate | elaborated
detailed {adj}
detailed {adj}
detailed {adj} {past-p}
detailed {adj}
detailed {adj}
eingehend [ausführlich]
detailed {adj}
detailed {adj}
detailed {adj}
sb. detailed
jd. detaillierte
detailed {adj}
detailed {adj} [comprehensive]
detailed {adj}
detailed {adj}in allen Einzelheiten [nachgestellt]
2 Words: Others
minutely detailed {adj}minuziös
minutely detailed {adj} [account etc.]minutiös [geh.] [Bericht etc.]
more detailed {adj}ausführlicher
more detailed {adj}detaillierter
most detailed {adj}ausführlichste
most detailed {adj}detaillierteste
too detailed {adj}zu sehr in Einzelheiten gehend
2 Words: Nouns
detailed accountausführlicher Bericht {m}
detailed accountdetaillierter Bericht {m}
detailed acknowledgementdetaillierte Bestätigung {f}
econ. pol. stat. detailed analysisDetailanalyse {f}
spec. detailed analysisFeinanalyse {f}
detailed analysisgenaue Analyse {f}
detailed answerausführliche Antwort {f}
detailed approachdetaillierte Vorgehensweise {f}
detailed attentiongenaue Aufmerksamkeit {f}
detailed conceptFeinkonzept {n}
detailed considerationeingehende Betrachtung {f}
detailed descriptionausführliche Beschreibung {f}
detailed descriptiondetaillierte Beschreibung {f}
detailed descriptioneingehende Schilderung {f}
detailed descriptiongenaue Beschreibung {f}
detailed descriptionins Einzelne gehende Beschreibung {f}
detailed designAusführungsplanung {f}
econ. tech. detailed design <DD>Detailentwurf {m}
econ. tech. detailed design <DD>Feinentwurf {m} [Detailentwurf]
detailed directionsgenaue Anweisungen {pl}
constr. detailed drawingDetailplan {m}
detailed drawingDetailzeichnung {f}
engin. tech. detailed drawingFertigungszeichnung {f} [Detailzeichnung]
detailed drawingdetaillierte Zeichnung {f}
detailed drawinggenaue Zeichnung {f}
detailed examinationeingehende Überprüfung {f}
detailed explanationausführliche Erklärung {f}
detailed explanationgenaue Erklärung {f}
detailed explanationnähere Erläuterung {f}
meteo. detailed forecastdetaillierte Prognose {f}
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A 2023-12-18: A more detailed history
A 2023-09-28: Many thanks Sunfunlili & Sasso. @bxcnch - Your detailed explanation helped...
A 2021-04-24: If there is no more detailed context...
A 2021-01-07: Many thanks to MichaelK and Zuchi1 for the detailed answers!
A 2020-09-21: Thanks for your detailed information, sunfunlilly.
A 2019-07-10: Thank you, Zuchi1, for the detailed explanation!
A 2018-09-09: exhaustive > abschließend / erschöpfend / vollständig / (A) taxativ; ausfü...
A 2017-04-09: Thank you very much for your detailed explanation and the link!
A 2016-11-10: Can you explain me more detailed? Thanks in advance
A 2016-03-06: Thank you all for the detailed explanations.
A 2015-10-05: Thanks a lot for these quick and detailed answers.
A 2015-09-11: Michael, many thanks for your detailed and helpful answer :-)
A 2015-01-31: Thank you very much, anonymous, for your detailed answer!
A 2014-05-12: more detailed description/explanation
A 2014-03-09: Thanks a lot for the detailed explanations!
A 2014-03-07: Thank you for your detailed explanations!
A 2014-01-20: or: detailed for harvesting duty ?
A 2012-11-20: I will let the German speakers give more detailed comments, but one vocabu...
A 2012-09-01: Thanks for the detailed explanation, tomaquinaten!
A 2011-11-18: thanks for your detailed answer

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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