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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: detailed instructions
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: detailed instructions

Translation 1 - 36 of 36

comp. runbook [detailed instructions and tools for maintenance]Runbook {n} [detaillierte Anleitung und Werkzeuge zur Instandhaltung]
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granular {adj} [finely detailed]detailliert
sketchy {adj} [not detailed]flüchtig
sketchy {adj} [not detailed]oberflächlich
account [detailed report]Rechenschaft {f}
fine-grained {adj} [fig.] [detailed]detailgenau
fine-grained {adj} {past-p} [fig.] [detailed]detailliert
directions {pl} [instructions]Anleitung {f}
comm. fin. bordereau [detailed memo, esp. listing documents]Bordero {m} {n}
razor-sharp {adj} [clear and detailed]gestochen scharf
directions [instructions]Anweisungen {pl} [Instruktionen]
instructions {pl} [service instructions]Dienstanweisung {f}
leaflet [containing instructions]Merkblatt {n}
admin. regulations {pl} [service instructions]Dienstanweisung {f}
brief [set of instructions]Auftrag {m}
directions {pl} [instructions for use]Gebrauchsanleitung {f}
manual [giving instructions]Gebrauchsanweisung {f} [Handbuch]
mus. relig. typicon [Orthodox manual of liturgical instructions]Typikon {n}
tech. [instructions for conversion back to the original condition]Rückrüstanleitung {f}
directions {pl} [instructions on how to reach a destination]Wegbeschreibung {f}
publ. theatre [annual publication containing detailed information on all German-speaking theatres](Deutsches) Bühnenjahrbuch {n}
mil. foragers [soldiers detailed to forage]Furiere {pl} [veraltend] [Fouriere] [für die Verpflegung verantwortliche Soldaten]
to organize sth. [instructions, data]etw.Akk. strukturieren [Unterlagen, Daten]
unreasonable people [willfully refusing to follow laws, instructions etc.]Uneinsichtige {pl}
mil. forager [soldier detailed to forage]Furier {m} [veraltend] [Fourier] [Soldat, der für die Verpflegung verantwortlich ist]
law civil status [regional] [detailed personal information including origin, citizenship, marriage, and family]Zivilstand {m} [schweiz.] [Personenstand]
in small steps {adv} [incremental, detailed] [fig.]kleinschrittig [fig.]
operating {adj} [e.g. instructions, function, desk / console]Bedienungs- [z. B. Anleitung, Funktion, Pult]
itinerary [detailed plan for a journey]Zeitplan {m} [detaillierter Plan für eine Reise]
to follow sth. [rules, instructions, etc.]etw.Akk. befolgen [Regeln, Anweisungen etc.]
spec. sth. is reflected [update, e.g. in instructions, manuals]etw. ist nachgezogen [Änderung in Dokumentationsunterlagen, techn. Richtlinien usw.]
games game {adj} [attr.] [e.g. console, culture, instructions, partner, result, theory]Spiel- [z. B. Konsole, Kultur, Anleitung, Partner, Ergebnis, Theorie]
washing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. agent, bowl, facility, instructions, lotion, machine]Wasch- [z. B. Mittel, Schüssel, Gelegenheit, Anleitung, Lotion, Maschine]
to say sth. [convey specified information or instructions (text, act, etc.)]etw.Akk. besagen [Text, Gesetz etc.]
to keep sth. with sth. [e.g. instructions with the device]etw.Akk. bei etw.Dat. belassen [aufbewahren, z. B. Anleitung beim Gerät]
telecom. unit IPC rate [instructions per cycle rate]IPC-Rate {f}
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