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English-German translation for: determine
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Dictionary English German: determine

Translation 1 - 43 of 43

English German
VERB  to determine | determined | determined ... 
SYNO   to determine | to set | to influence ... 
to determine sth. [decide, ascertain, define]
etw.Akk. bestimmen [festsetzen, ermitteln, definieren]
to determine sth.
etw.Akk. festlegen [Abstand, Größe etc. bestimmen]
to determine
to determine
to determine
to determine
to determine
to determine
to determine
to determine
to determine
to determine
to determine
to determine [ascertain]
to determine [ascertain]
to determine
to determinesich entschließen
2 Words: Verbs
to co-determine sth.etw. mitbestimmen
to determine sb.'s identityjds. Identität feststellen
to determine upon sth.in einer Sache entscheiden
to determine whetherbestimmen, ob
chem. to experimentally determineexperimentell bestimmen
biol. to genetically determinegenetisch bestimmen
spec. to over-determine sth. [also: overdetermine]etw.Akk. überdeterminieren
3 Words: Others
hard to determine {adj}schwer zu bestimmen [nur prädikativ]
3 Words: Verbs
med. to determine a diagnosiseine Diagnose erstellen
to determine as abovewie oben zu entscheiden
to determine sb. to do sth.jdn. veranlassen, etw. zu tun
to determine sb. to do sth.jdn. (dazu) bestimmen, etw. zu tun [geh.] [veranlassen]
to determine sth. (for sure)etw. dingfest machen [Sachlage etc.]
to determine the priceden Kurs festlegen
to determine the sexdas Geschlecht bestimmen
to determine the taxdie Steuer festsetzen
to determine the tenancydas Pachtverhältnis beenden
to determine to do sth.sichAkk. (dazu) entschließen, etw. zu tun
to determine training requirementsden Ausbildungsbedarf ermitteln
4 Words: Others
law The law will determine ...Das Recht sieht vor ...
4 Words: Verbs
to determine a key figureeine Kennzahl ermitteln
to determine official market pricesamtliche Kurse feststellen
to determine once for allein für alle Mal bestimmen
to determine your time frameden Zeitrahmen festlegen
5+ Words: Others
in order to determine whether ...um festzustellen, ob ...
5+ Words: Nouns
law right to determine who shall be allowed or denied access [to premises]Hausrecht {n}
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Q 2023-03-29: Trying to determine if C. F. Blumhardt is referring to land, influence, etc.
Q 2019-12-18: With this product, doctors can quickly, directly and easily determine if a...
A 2018-11-22: Statutory Instrument to Determine Critical Infrastructures subject to the ...
Q 2015-09-16: Method to determine how Br. or Am. an English word or phrase is
A 2012-12-04: Conduct value analysis, determine actions and implement them as needed
A 2012-11-21: to determine = to find out, ascertain
Q 2012-11-21: to determine?
A 2012-08-04: prepositions don't determine the gender of the article
A 2011-07-06: how to determine the length of the (drilled) hole
A 2011-03-30: No, you flipped a quarter ($ .25) to determine who pays for the next song.
A 2011-02-20: determine the location coordinates
A 2010-10-31: ... hardly/barely to say/determine .....
A 2010-08-03: "Restbauhöhe" indicates *how* to determine brush wear, so I think it's OK here.
A 2010-02-25: determine?
A 2010-01-14: oder 'determine' wie goog schon vorgeschlagen hat
A 2009-08-22: Considering Lisa's intervention: Setting targets comprises an entrepreneur...
A 2009-08-22: Set targets are an entrepreneur's activities undertaken to determine / dec...
A 2009-07-23: The following formula - solved for the unknown quantity - can be used to ...
A 2009-02-25: ... to determine for which sea state the cable should be designed during i...
A 2008-09-28: calculation of the MRT was achieved by (way of) resorting to CAP models / ...

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