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English-German translation for: develop
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Dictionary English German: develop

Translation 1 - 68 of 68

English German
VERB  to develop | developed | developed ... 
SYNO   to develop | to grow | to build up ... 
to develop sth.
etw.Akk. entwickeln
to develop
to develop [create]
erarbeiten [entwickeln, schaffen]
to develop
to develop sth.
etw.Akk. ausbauen [weiterentwickeln]
to develop
to develop
erschließen [Bauland, Gebiet]
med. to develop [a disease]
bekommen [eine Krankheit]
RealEst. to develop sth.
etw.Akk. aufschließen [Land]
to develop
to develop sth. [e.g. leaves, a certain behaviour]
etw. ausbilden [z. B. Blätter, ein bestimmtes Verhalten]
to developsich ausprägen
to developsich entfalten
to developsich formen
to developsich weiterentwickeln
to develop [e.g. flowers, brain]sich ausbilden [z. B. Blüten, Gehirn]
to develop [grow, evolve]sichAkk. entwickeln
to develop [into]sich gestalten [entwickeln]
to develop sth.etw.Akk. nutzbar machen
2 Words: Verbs
to develop (into)sich ausweiten (zu)
to develop (into)sich herausbilden (zu)
med. to develop arthritisArthritis bekommen
med. to develop canceran Krebs erkranken
to develop fromhervorgehen aus
to develop fromsich entwickeln aus
to develop further [thoughts e.g.]weiterspinnen [fig.] [Gedanken z. B.]
to develop into sth.zu etw. avancieren
photo. to develop picturesBilder entwickeln
comm. to develop salesdie Umsätze steigern
to develop sth. furtheretw.Akk. fortentwickeln
to develop sth. furtheretw.Akk. weiterentwickeln
med. to develop symptomsSymptome entwickeln
to develop tradeHandel aufbauen
to develop waterWasser nutzbar machen
to develop wellsichAkk. (gut) herausmachen [sich gut entwickeln]
3 Words: Verbs
to allow sth. to developetw.Akk. aufkommen lassen
to develop a clienteleKundschaft aufbauen
to develop a conscienceein Gewissen entwickeln
film MedTech. photo. to develop a filmeinen Film entwickeln
to develop a formulaeine Formel entwickeln
to develop a habiteine Gewohnheit entwickeln
comm. econ. to develop a marketeinen Markt erschließen
to develop a modelein Modell entwickeln
MedTech. photo. to develop an exposureeine Aufnahme entwickeln
to develop information systemsNachrichtensysteme entwickeln
to develop one's potentialsein Potential entfalten
to develop one's talentsseine Talente ausbauen
gastr. to develop the aromadas Aroma entfalten
to develop trading systemsHandelssysteme entwickeln
4 Words: Verbs
to develop (a) hatred for sb.(einen) Hass gegen jdn. entwickeln
to develop (a) love for sb./sth.jdn./etw. liebgewinnen
to develop (a) love for sb./sth.jdn./etw. lieb gewinnen
naut. to develop a (heavy) list(starke / schwere) Schlagseite bekommen
comm. econ. to develop a foreign marketeinen Auslandsmarkt erschließen
to develop a gambling habit(langsam) der Spielsucht verfallen
to develop a loyal followingAnhängerschaft gewinnen
biol. med. to develop a resistance against sth.eine Resistenz gegen etw. entwickeln
to develop a taste for sth.einen Geschmack für etw. entwickeln
comm. econ. to develop an overseas marketeinen Überseemarkt erschließen
to develop and adapt skillsFähigkeiten entwickeln und anpassen
to develop sth. to the maximummaximieren
to develop sth. to the maximumetw. maximal steigern
5+ Words: Others
All children need a certain amount of leeway to be able to develop freely.Jedes Kind braucht einen gewissen Spielraum zur freien Entfaltung.
FireResc Minor conflagrations were doused before they could develop into forest fires.Kleine Flächenbrände wurden gelöscht, bevor sie sich zu Waldbränden ausweiten konnten.
5+ Words: Verbs
to develop a life of one's / its ownein Eigenleben entwickeln
to develop a momentum of its ownsich verselbstständigen
to develop one's sense of taste [literary]seinen Geschmack entwickeln
5+ Words: Nouns
party, who is willing to develop the landBauwilliger {m}
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Q 2018-05-29: to develop best-in-class solutions for customers
A 2015-06-02: develop / ensue
Q 2015-04-05: to develop so. into
A 2014-05-13: To develop the system, a suitable model first had to be identified as a st...
A 2014-01-22: for as long as it is assumed the profit situation will develop in a clearl...
Q 2013-11-03: Company to develop the oil company "Davidson Oil Industrics"
Q 2013-10-22: Develop a willingness to bump scheduled tasks as opportunities or crises p...
Q 2013-08-26: Develop your own skin
A 2012-11-06: Adolescents should develop and present texts.
Q 2011-07-19: to de-develop
A 2011-02-23: develop new mixtures
A 2010-09-01: continued to develop ? continued with the development of ?
A 2010-05-01: ... helped to develop an ethos throughout the company / met with widesprea...
A 2009-11-04: "You've showed me that I'm still able to develop feelings towards somebody"
A 2009-09-27: It's hard(ly) to explain, you have to develop a feeling for it.
A 2009-08-20: We develop concepts for (effective) measures?
A 2009-07-22: In general yes. However, you have 3 "develop...." in your sentence.
A 2009-07-12: Develop
A 2009-05-27: Develop
A 2009-05-26: What goes without saying still gives rise to a mammoth task whenever basic...

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