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English-German translation for: devices
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Dictionary English German: devices

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NOUN   a device | devices
Geräte {pl}
Bauteile {pl}
Vorrichtungen {pl}
2 Words: Nouns
market. RealEst. advertising devicesReklameeinrichtungen {pl}
art artistic devicesKunstmittel {pl}
audio devicesAudiogeräte {pl}
bipolar devicesbipolare Bauteile {pl}
law destructive devicesZerstörungsmittel {pl}
display devicesSichtgeräte {pl}
electr. tools electrical devicesElektrogeräte {pl}
electronic devicesElektronikgeräte {pl}
electronic deviceselektronische Baugruppen {pl}
gas devicesGasgeräte {pl}
lifting devicesHubgeräte {pl}
ling. lit. linguistic devicesSprachmittel {pl}
lit. literary devicesliterarische Hilfsmittel {pl}
relig. liturgical devicesliturgische Geräte {pl}
med. MedTech. medical devicesMedizinprodukte {pl}
med. MedTech. pharm. medical devices <MDs>medizintechnische Produkte {pl}
comp. telecom. mobile devicesMobilgeräte {pl}
obsolete devicesnicht mehr gebräuchliche Geräte {pl}
comp. electr. output devicesAusgabegeräte {pl}
peripheral devicesPeripheriegeräte {pl}
comp. peripheral devicesRandgeräte {pl}
tech. safety devicesSchutzeinrichtungen {pl}
safety devicesSicherheitseinrichtungen {pl}
electr. safety devicesSicherheitsorgane {pl} [z. B. bei Ventiltechnik]
tech. safety devicesSicherheitsvorrichtungen {pl}
safety devicesSicherungseinrichtungen {pl}
comp. electr. smart devicesintelligente Geräte {pl}
tech. tracking devicesPeilsender {pl}
training devicesTrainingsmittel {pl}
electr. telecom. wireless devicesGeräte {pl} mit Funkübertragung
3 Words: Others
comp. tech. across (multiple) devices {adj}geräteübergreifend
3 Words: Nouns
anthropometric test devices <ATDs>Crashtest-Dummys {pl}
audio electr. assistive listening devices <ALDs>Hörhilfsmittel {pl}
automatic control devicesautomatische Kontrollvorrichtungen {pl}
custom-made devicesSonderanfertigungen {pl} [Geräte]
tech. devices and equipmentGeräte {pl} und Einrichtungen
med. devices for hemostasis [Am.]Behelfe {pl} zur Blutstillung
MedTech. full-protection devicesVollschutzgeräte {pl}
graphic peripheral devicesGrafikperipherie {f}
audio hearing aid (devices)Hörgeräte {pl}
MedTech. high-protection devicesHochschutzgeräte {pl}
electr. engin. intelligent electronic devices <IEDs>intelligente elektronische Geräte {pl}
MedTech. pharm. Medical Devices Act <MPG> [Germany]Medizinproduktegesetz {n} <MPG> [Deutschland]
EU Medical Devices DirectiveMedizinprodukte-Richtlinie {f}
electr. programmable logic devices <PLDs>programmierbare logische Bauteile {pl} <PLD>
MedTech. phys. radiation protection devicesStrahlenschutzmittel {pl}
self-service devicesSelbstbedienungsgeräte {pl}
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A 2024-07-08: Talking Translator is a nice frontend app for mobile devices.
Q 2020-08-27: connected devices
A 2019-02-21: Usually +thrown on her / his / its own devices / resources+ etc.
A 2017-06-28: Water saving devices
Q 2016-12-05: In for a kill? https://www.grahamcluley.com/fry-things-usb-kill-zaps-tons-...
A 2016-08-18: Perhaps they sell devices that go on a cart, to be wheeled around a hospit...
Q 2016-03-12: left to my own devices
Q 2016-01-08: to turn sb. adrift = to leave sb. to their own devices ?
A 2015-09-09: PS: 7 Out of Top 10 Internet of Things Devices Riddled With Vulnerabilities
A 2015-08-05: Measuring devices made in Britain since (probably about) 1970...
A 2015-06-23: Not 'Arbeitszeit' in AE. In fact, the exact opposite: left to their own devices.
A 2014-04-08: as a connecting link between devices that
A 2013-09-29: to be left to one's own devices
A 2013-05-27: All the pipes up to the outside diameter of 28mm / 28 mm must be cold bend...
A 2013-04-01: Many experts think in this respect the odds are stacked in favour of books...
Q 2013-02-06: Implanting and Following-up on XMed devices
A 2013-01-11: [whatever] also supplies peripheral devices / equipment / units with power
A 2012-10-26: http://visual.merriam-webster.com/science/measuring-devices.php any help?
A 2012-09-10: he was left to his own devices
A 2012-02-01: display and control devices / instruments

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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