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English-German translation for: devil's
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Dictionary English German: devil's

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devil's advocateAdvocatus {m} Diaboli
devil's advocatedes Teufels Advokat {m}
devil's advocateGegner {m} der Heilsprechung
Devil's dandruff [Am.] [sl.]Cocainpulver {n}
Devil's dandruff [Am.] [sl.]Crack Cocain {n}
devil's faceTeufelsfratze {f}
devil's handiworkTeufelswerk {n}
geogr. devil's hole [karst cave]Teufelsloch {n}
geogr. hist. law Devil's Island [former French exile prison]Teufelsinsel {f} [ehemalige französische Strafkolonie]
fish devil's pocketbook [coll.] [egg case]Eikapsel {f}
fish devil's purse [coll.] [egg case]Eikapsel {f}
geogr. Devil's Triangle [Bermuda Triangle]Teufelsdreieck {n} [Bermudadreieck]
Devil's Triangle [sl.] [threesome involving one woman and two men]Dreier {m} [mit einer Frau und zwei (heterosexuellen) Männern]
devil's wheelTaifunrad {n} [veraltet] [Teufelsrad]
tech. devil's wheelTeufelsrad {n}
devil's workTeufelswerk {n}
devil's workshopGiftküche {f}
3 Words: Nouns
relig. (the) Devil's apparitionTeufelserscheinung {f}
gastr. devil's food cakeSchokoladentorte {f} [sehr gehaltvoll und dunkel]
hist. weapons devil's head maceTeufelskopfstreitkolben {m}
5+ Words: Others
proverb An idle brain is the devil's workshop.Müßiggang ist aller Laster Anfang.
proverb Idle hands are the Devil's playthings.Müßiggang ist aller Laster Anfang.
proverb Idle hands are the devil's workshop.Müßiggang ist aller Laster Anfang.
5+ Words: Verbs
to beat the devil's tattoo on sth. [Br.] [idiom]mit den Fingern auf etw. [Akk. / Dat.] trommeln
to have the devil's own time (doing sth.) [coll.] [dated]höllische Schwierigkeiten haben (etw. zu tun) [ugs.]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Death in Devil's Acre [Anne Perry]Tod in Devil's Acre
lit. F Devil's Bargain [Marlene Suson]Aber ich liebe sie, Mylord
lit. F Devil's Bride [Stephanie Laurens]In den Armen des Eroberers
lit. F Devil's Waltz [Jonathan Kellerman]Exit
film F Paganini: The Devil's Violinist [Bernard Rose]Der Teufelsgeiger
lit. F The Adventure of the Devil's Foot [Arthur Conan Doyle]Der Teufelsfuß
film F The Devil's Advocate [Taylor Hackford]Im Auftrag des Teufels
lit. F The Devil's Alternative [Frederick Forsyth]Des Teufels Alternative
lit. F The Devil's Bargain [Karen Harbaugh]Der Pakt mit dem Teufel
lit. F The Devil's Blind Spot [abridged version]Die Lücke, die der Teufel läßt [Alexander Kluge]
lit. F The Devil's Cure [Kenneth Oppel]Das Werk des Teufels
lit. F The Devil's Dare [Jean Reece]Mein Herz gehört Ihnen, Elaine
lit. F The Devil's Disciple [Glenn Meade]Der Jünger des Teufels
lit. F The Devil's ElixirDie Elixiere des Teufels [E. T. A. Hoffmann]
lit. F The Devil's ElixirsDie Elixiere des Teufels [E. T. A. Hoffmann]
film F The Devil's Eye [Ingmar Bergman]Das Teufelsauge
lit. F The Devil's Feather [Minette Walters]Des Teufels Werk
film F The Devil's Own [Alan J. Pakula] [1997]Vertrauter Feind
lit. F The Devil's Own [Sandra Brown]Dschungel der Gefühle
film F The Devil's Rain [Robert Fuest]Nachts, wenn die Leichen schreien
film F The Devil's Rejects [Rob Zombie]TDR - The Devil's Rejects
lit. F The Devil's Sooty Brother [Grimm Brothers]Des Teufels rußiger Bruder [Brüder Grimm]
lit. F The Lord's Animals and the Devil's [Grimm Brothers]Des Herrn und des Teufels Getier [Brüder Grimm]
film F Tower of Evil [Jim O'Connolly]Devil's TowerDer Schreckensturm der Zombies
film lit. F Devil's Snare [magical plant] [Harry Potter]Teufelsschlinge {f} [magische Pflanze]
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A 2018-09-18: Devil's pacts on parchment
A 2011-08-09: To coin a phrase, "Idle hands are the devil's playground".
A 2010-03-03: Devil's work, work of the devil and miracle cure are each set phrases,
A 2009-01-17: People who say +attrition-based pipeline+ turn the mixing of metaphors int...
A 2008-01-13: Mißverstanden für "the devil's archer is ..." ?
Q 2007-08-06: An open mind is the devil's picnic.
Q 2007-04-24: devil's own timing en->de
A 2006-06-24: "devil's doorstep" ist fast ein Klischee; der Übersetzer muss eher den Sin...
Q 2006-06-24: right at the devil's doorstep of Jezebel's palace
A 2006-05-26: Devil's tattoo
A 2005-06-14: The devil's right hand...Copperhead Road...
A 2004-10-18: A dam ... The devil's beldam is the devil's grandmother ...

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