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English-German translation for: dhobie itch
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Dictionary English German: dhobie itch

Translation 1 - 64 of 64

med. dhobie itch [Tinea cruris] [coll.]Wäscherkrätze {f} [ugs.]
Partial Matches
med. Dhobie ear [rare] [Otitis externa (diffusa)] [swimmer's ear]Schwimmerohr {n} [Otomykose, Otitis externa]
to itchbeißen [ugs.] [österr.] [schweiz.] [südd.] [jucken]
to itchjucken
to itchkrabbeln [ugs.] [jucken, z. B. Wollsachen auf Haut]
itchJuckreiz {m}
med. itchKrätze {f}
med. cobalt itchKobaltekzem {n}
med. copra itchKrämerkrätze {f} [bes. Koprahändler]
VetMed. summer itchSommerekzem {n} [bei Pferden]
VetMed. sweet itchSommerekzem {n} [bei Pferden]
zool. T
itch [coll.] [urge]Lust {f}
med. baker's itchBäckerekzem {n}
barber's itchSykose {f}
med. grocer's itchKrämerkrätze {f}
med. swimmer's itchBadedermatitis {f}
med. swimmer's itchBadekrätze {f}
med. swimmer's itchSchwimmbadkrätze {f}
med. washerwomen's itchWaschfrauenekzem {n}
med. winter's itchWinterekzem {n}
idiom to itch after / forbegierig sein nach
itch to fightKampfbegier {f} [geh.]
med. barley itch [Acarodermatitis urticaroides]Gerstenkrätze {f}
med. grain itch [Acarodermatitis urticarioides]Gerstenkrätze {f}
itch for sth. [coll.]brennendes Verlangen {n} nach etw.Dat.
zool. mad itch [coll.] [pseudorabies]Juckpest {f} [ugs.]
VetMed. mad itch [coll.] [pseudorabies]Juckseuche {f} [ugs.]
VetMed. mad itch [coll.] [pseudorabies]Pseudowut {f}
VetMed. mad itch [coll.] [pseudorabies]Tollkrätze {f} [ugs.]
med. mattress itch [Acarodermatitis urticarioides]Getreidekrätze {f}
med. prairie itch [Acarodermatitis urticarioides]Getreidekrätze {f}
med. straw itch [Acarodermatitis urticarioides]Getreidekrätze {f}
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
med. barber's itch [Tinea barbae]Bartflechte {f}
med. dhobi itch [Br.] [Tinea cruris]Tinea Cruris {f} [Pilzkrankheit der Leiste]
med. duck itch [coll.] [cercarial dermatitis]Entenfloherkrankung / Entfloh-Erkrankung {f} [ugs.] [Badedermatitis]
med. jock itch [Tinea cruris] [Am.]Tinea cruris {f} [Pilzinfektion im Leistenbereich]
med. swimmer's itch [cercarial dermatitis]Weiherhippel {m} [Zerkariendermatitis]
med. grain / prairie itch [Acarodermatitis urticaroides]Milbendermatitis {f} [durch Kontakt mit Stroh od. Getreide]
itch to do sth. [coll.]brennendes Verlangen {n}, etw. zu tun
idiom the seven-year itch [coll.]das verflixte siebte Jahr {n} [ugs.]
med. ground itch [coll.] [cutaneous larva migrans]Hautmaulwurf {m} [Ankylostomiasis]
VetMed. mad itch [coll.] [Aujeszky's disease]aujeszkysche Krankheit {f}
med. pelican itch [Aus.] [coll.] [cercarial dermatitis]Badedermatitis {f}
med. clam digger's itch [Am.] [coll.]Badedermatitis {f}
to have an itch for sth. [coll.]auf etw. scharf sein [ugs.]
film F The Seven Year Itch [Billy Wilder]Das verflixte 7. Jahr
med. crotch itch / rot [Tinea cruris] [Am.] [coll.]Tinea cruris {f}
He's got the seven-year itch. [coll.]Er ist im verflixten siebenten Jahr.
I had an itch to do sth. [coll.]Mich hats richtig gejuckt, etw. zu tun. [ugs.]
I've (got) an itch on my back.Es juckt mich am Rücken.
med. jockey itch [Tinea cruris] [Am.] [rare for: jock itch]Tinea cruris {f}
med. lake itch [Am., esp. Western Minnesota] [coll.] [cercarial dermatitis]Badedermatitis {f}
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
med. dhobi / dhobi's itch [Tinea cruris] [coll.]Wäscherkrätze {f} [ugs.]
bot. T
med. jock itch [tinea cruris (in the U.S.), tinea inguinalis (in the UK)]Leistenflechte {f}
med. carboloy itch [Carboloy®][Juckreiz / Hautausschlag durch Hartmetall, z. B. Wolframcarbid]
bibl. The LORD will smite thee with the botch of Egypt, and with the emerods, and with the scab, and with the itch, whereof thou canst not be healed. [Deut 28:27, KJV]Der HERR wird dich schlagen mit Drüsen Ägyptens, mit Feigwarzen, mit Grind und Krätze, daß du nicht kannst heil werden. [5. Mose 28:27, Luther 1912]
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