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| – |
| Bye! [coll.] | Pfiat di! [österr.] [bayer.] [ugs.] | |
| Goodbye! | Pfüat di! [österr.] [südd.] [ugs.] | |
| Hi! | Griaß di! [bayer.] [österr.] [ugs.] | |
| Wow! [coll.] | Do legst di nieda! [ugs.] [bayer.] [österr.] [Redewendung] | |
Nouns |
| Tuesday <Tue., Tu.> | 4538 Dienstag {m} <Di., Die., Dienst.> | |
| gastr. biscotti [pl. of biscotto] | Biscotti {pl} (di Prato) [Prato-Mandelgebäck] | |
| sienna | Terra di Siena {f} | |
| archi. relig. Tempietto [designed by Donato Bramante] | Tempietto {m} di Bramante | |
2 Words: Others |
| dinky-di {adj} [Aus.] [NZ] [coll.] | echt | |
| dinky-di {adj} [Aus.] [NZ] [coll.] | ehrlich | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| comp. data identifier <DI, data ID> | Datenkennung {f} | |
| pharm. tech. deionized water <DI water> | deionisiertes Wasser {n} | |
| jobs detective inspector <DI> [esp. Br.] [police] | Polizeikommissar {m} [ungefähre Entsprechung in Deutschland] | |
| tech. device identifier <DI> | Gerätekennung {f} | |
| audio DI box [coll.] [direct-input box, direct injection box, direct-interface box] | DI-Box {f} | |
| med. diabetes insipidus <DI> | Wasserharnruhr {f} | |
| med. diabetes insipidus <DI> | Diabetes insipidus {m} <DI> | |
| med. diabetes insipidus <DI> | Diabetes spurius {m} [falsche oder einfache Harnruhr, Wasserharnruhr] | |
| med. diabetes insipidus <DI> [Diabetes insipidus, Diabetes spurius] | Wasserruhr {f} [seltener für: Wasserharnruhr] | |
| MedTech. phys. diffusion imaging <DI> | Diffusionsbildgebung {f} | |
| film digital intermediate <DI> | digitale Zwischenkopie {f} | |
| audio direct box <DI, DI box> | DI-Box {f} | |
| audio directivity index <DI> | Bündelungsmaß {n} | |
| audio directivity index <DI> | Richtwirkungsindex {m} <DI> | |
| insur. disability insurance <DI> | Invaliditätsversicherung {f} <IV> | |
| med. donor insemination <DI> [heterologous insemination] | Samenspenderbehandlung {f} | |
| med. donor insemination <DI> [heterologous insemination] | donogene Insemination {f} <DI> | |
| med. Doppler index <DI> | Doppler-Index {m} <DI> | |
| med. pharm. drug interaction <DI> | Arzneimittelinteraktion {f} <AI> | |
| med. pharm. drug interaction <DI> | Arzneimittelwechselwirkung {f} | |
| med. pharm. drug interaction <DI> | Wechselwirkung {f} | |
| med. VetMed. dynamic ileus <DI> | dynamischer Ileus {m} | |
| anat. inercalated duct <ID, Di> [Ductus intercalatus] | Schaltstück {n} | |
| anat. intercalary duct <ID, Di> [Ductus intercalatus] | Schaltstück {n} | |
| med. urge incontinence <UI> | Dranginkontinenz {f} <DI> | |
3 Words: Others |
| Blow me down! [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] | Da legts di nieder! [ugs.] [südd.] [Redewendung] | |
| la-di-da {adj} [coll.] | geckenhaft | |
| la-di-da {adj} [coll.] | affektiert | |
| la-di-da {adj} [coll.] | manieriert | |
| lah-di-dah {adj} [coll.] | affektiert | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| mus. aria di bravura | Bravourarie {f} | |
| astronau aviat. engin. convergent-divergent nozzle <con-di nozzle, condi nozzle, CD nozzle> | konvergent-divergente Schubdüse {f} [Lavaldüse] | |
| audio direct-injection box <DI, DI box> | DI-Box {f} | |
| audio direct-input unit <DI, DI unit> | DI-Box {f} | |
| la-di-da | Dandy {m} | |
| la-di-da | Geck {m} | |
| la-di-da | affektierter Kerl {m} | |
| hist. Matteo di Bascio | Matthäus {m} von Bascio | |
| United Services Union [Germany] | Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft {f} <ver.di> | |
4 Words: Others |
| I can't believe it. | Do legst di nieda! [ugs.] [bayer.] [österr.] [Redewendung] | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| med. artificial insemination by donor <AID> [donor insemination] | donogene Insemination {f} <DI> | |
| mil. naut. Conte di Cavour class [battleship] | Conte-di-Cavour-Klasse {f} | |
| chem. pharm. di-sulfated iduronic acid <Di-S-IdoA> [Am.] | disulfatierte Iduronsäure {f} | |
| chem. pharm. di-sulphated iduronic acid <Di-S-IdoA> [Br.] | disulfatierte Iduronsäure {f} | |
| engine with direct injection | DI-Motor {m} | |
| la-di-da appearance | geckenhaftes Auftreten {n} | |
| la-di-da behaviour [Br.] | affektiertes Verhalten {n} | |
| la-di-da behaviour [Br.] | geziertes Benehmen {n} | |
| la-di-da behaviour [Br.] | vornehmes Getue {n} | |
| la-di-da manners | Vornehmtuerei {f} [abwertend] | |
| la-di-da manners {pl} | Vornehmgetue {n} [ugs.] [pej.] | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| la-di-da way of speaking | geckenhaftes Gerede {n} | |
| la-di-da way of speaking [coll.] | vornehmes Gerede {n} [ugs.] | |
| UWH Late Baroque Towns of the Val di Noto [South-Eastern Sicily] | Spätbarocke Städte {pl} des Val di Noto [im südöstlichen Sizilien] | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| lit. F Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee [translated from the Chinese by Robert van Gulik] | Merkwürdige Kriminalfälle des Richters Di | |
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi) |
| zool. T Unverified Di Caprio's snail-eating snake [Sibon irmelindicaprioae] | Darién-Schneckennatter {f} | |
English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others.
More informationContains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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