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English-German translation for: diagnosis
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Dictionary English German: diagnosis

Translation 1 - 50 of 124  >>

English German
NOUN   a diagnosis | diagnoses
SYNO   diagnosing | diagnosis
Diagnose {f}
spec. diagnosis [process]
Befundung {f}
Unterscheidung {f}
med. diagnosis [process]
Diagnostik {f}
med. psych. VetMed. diagnosisDiagnosestellung {f}
med. diagnosisBestimmung {f} von Krankheiten
2 Words: Nouns
accident diagnosisUnfalldiagnose {f}
med. admission diagnosisAufnahmediagnose {f}
med. admission diagnosisEinweisungsdiagnose {f}
med. basic diagnosisBasisdiagnose {f}
biol. psych. behavioral diagnosis [Am.]Verhaltensdiagnose {f}
med. cardiac diagnosiskardiologische Diagnose {f}
correct diagnosiskorrekte Diagnosestellung {f}
med. delayed diagnosisDiagnoseverzögerung {f}
automot. tech. diagnosis cableDiagnoseleitung {f}
med. diagnosis codeDiagnoseschlüssel {m}
tech. diagnosis displayDiagnoseanzeige {f}
med. diagnosis groupDiagnosegruppe {f}
automot. tech. diagnosis lampDiagnoselampe {f}
automot. tech. diagnosis moduleDiagnosemodul {n}
diagnosis processDiagnoseprozess {m}
diagnosis processDiagnoseverfahren {n}
med. diagnosis puzzleDiagnoserätsel {n}
comp. diagnosis scriptDiagnoseskript {n}
diagnosis systemDiagnosesystem {n}
med. differential diagnosisdifferentialdiagnostische Abklärung {f}
med. differential diagnosisdifferenzialdiagnostische Abklärung {f}
med. differential diagnosis <DD, DDx, ddx, ΔΔ>Differentialdiagnose {f} <DD>
med. differential diagnosis <DD, DDx, ddx, ΔΔ>Differenzialdiagnose {f} <DD>
early diagnosisFrühdiagnose {f}
early diagnosisFrühdiagnostik {f}
med. early diagnosisFrüherkennung {f}
med. early diagnosisfrühzeitige Diagnose {f}
error diagnosisFehlerdiagnose {f}
false diagnosisFehldiagnose {f}
fault diagnosisFehlerdiagnose {f}
med. final diagnosisendgültige Diagnose {f}
comp. med. tech. first diagnosiserste Diagnose {f}
med. first diagnosis <FD>Erstdiagnose {f} <ED>
med. inclusion diagnosisEinschlussdiagnose {f}
incorrect diagnosisfalsche Diagnosestellung {f}
med. initial diagnosisAnfangsdiagnose {f}
med. initial diagnosiserste Diagnose {f}
med. initial diagnosis <ID>Erstdiagnose {f} <ED>
med. pharm. laboratory diagnosisLabordiagnose {f}
late diagnosisSpätdiagnose {f}
med. medical diagnosismedizinische Diagnose {f}
network diagnosisNetzwerkdiagnose {f}
med. nursing diagnosisPflegediagnose {f}
dent. oral diagnosisorale Diagnose {f}
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A 2018-08-23: working diagnosis
A 2016-12-12: Lok. Diagnose > localization diagnosis
Q 2016-07-19: Images on the VivaScope system are displayed in real-time and can immediat...
Q 2016-07-19: Images on the VivaScope system are displayed in real-time and can immediat...
A 2016-02-02: mixed diagnosis passt! Danke alia
A 2016-02-02: mixed diagnosis
A 2016-01-30: Diagnosis-related group (DRG)
A 2015-02-27: pseudo-diagnosis
A 2014-05-06: In psychiatric diagnosis
A 2012-08-22: One possibility: "zentral" can be short for "das zentrale Nervensystem bet...
A 2012-06-19: Diagnosis
A 2011-11-09: There's nothing to indicate they're talking about an early diagnosis.
A 2011-06-10: Result, presentation and diagnosis are not the same.
A 2011-06-10: overall diagnosis / overall presentation
A 2011-01-09: Where, however, does such a diagnosis of society leave history and politic...
A 2010-05-10: Da hapert's im Englischen: +Diagnose > diagnosis,+ nicht +diagnose+
Q 2009-06-09: Diagnosis: Prostate i.o.
A 2009-02-10: diagnosis resistance
Q 2008-09-21: Indikationsstellung (not diagnosis this time)
A 2007-12-07: Diagnosis of anxiously watch not all ways.

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