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English-German translation for: diameter
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Dictionary English German: diameter

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NOUN   a diameter | diameters
SYNO   diam | diameter
NOUN   der Diameter | die Diameter
SYNO   Diameter | Durchmesser
diameter <d, D, ⌀, DIA, dia>
Durchmesser {m} <d, D, ⌀, DIA>
Dicke {f}
Diameter {m}
2 Words: Others
tech. diameter-dependent {adj} [also: diameter dependent]durchmesserabhängig
in diameter {adv}im Durchmesser
2 Words: Nouns
zool. anal diameterAnaldurchmesser {m}
astron. math. angular diameterWinkeldurchmesser {m}
electr. engin. telecom. aperture diameterAperturdurchmesser {m}
photo. telecom. aperture diameterBlendendurchmesser {m}
phys. atomic diameterAtomdurchmesser {m}
engin. tech. average diameterMittendurchmesser {m}
biol. axon diameterAxondurchmesser {m}
tech. bar diameterStabdurchmesser {m}
tech. bar diameterStangendurchmesser {m}
barrel diameterLaufdurchmesser {m}
barrel diameterPinolendurchmesser {m}
base diameterFußdurchmesser {m}
med. biparietal diameter <BPD>biparietaler Durchmesser {m} <BPD>, <BIP>
bore diameterBohrdurchmesser {m}
bore diameterBohrungsdurchmesser {m}
broach diameterDorndurchmesser {m}
electr. cable diameterKabeldurchmesser {m}
cable diameterSeildurchmesser {m}
canal diameterKanaldurchmesser {m}
candle diameterKerzendurchmesser {m}
anat. cardiac diameterHerzdurchmesser {m}
MedTech. catheter diameterKatheterdurchmesser {m}
tech. chuck diameter [diameter of a lathe chuck]Futterdurchmesser {m} [Durchmesser eines Drehfutters]
circle diameterKreisdurchmesser {m}
tech. clamping diameterSpanndurchmesser {m}
tech. clamping diameterSpannkreisdurchmesser {m} [selten]
tech. coil diameterWickeldurchmesser {m}
material tech. coil diameter [sheet metal production]Coildurchmesser {m} [Stahlblecherzeugung] [auch: Coil-Durchmesser]
colony diameterKoloniedurchmesser {m}
archi. tech. column diameterSäulendurchmesser {m}
electr. tech. connection diameterAnschlussdurchmesser {m}
electr. core diameterAderdurchmesser {m}
core diameterKerndurchmesser {m}
math. tech. diameter circle [stereometry]Durchmesserkreis {m} [Stereometrie]
tech. diameter dimensioningDurchmesserbemaßung {f}
bot. diameter increment [esp. of tree rings]Durchmesserzuwachs {m} [bes. bei Jahresringen]
diameter rangeDurchmesserbereich {m}
diameter rangeSpannbereich {m}
print diameter sign <⌀>Durchmesserzeichen {n}
constr. tech. drilling diameterBohrdurchmesser {m}
droplet diameterTröpfchendurchmesser {m}
droplet diameterTropfendurchmesser {m}
astron. Earth's diameterErddurchmesser {m}
tech. effective diameterWirkdurchmesser {m}
biol. egg diameterEidurchmesser {m} [auch: Ei-Durchmesser]
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A 2017-06-08: Vielleicht differenzieren: +großer+ Durchmesser üblicherweise > +large+ di...
A 2017-06-07: Why don't you refer to the +great+ diameter of the tree?
Q 2017-06-07: big/large/... ? diameter
Q 2016-10-16: "inversely related to the fourth power of diameter"
A 2016-02-02: customers' needs in respect of diameter, outer profile and installation
Q 2016-01-15: the diameter decreases with the distance away from...
A 2015-07-27: (convex) clock glass, 170mm (outer) diameter and 22mm doming height
A 2015-04-30: Diameter
A 2015-04-23: The brush system is integrated by grabbing the outer diameter of the rotor...
A 2015-02-10: 144 mm / 5.6 inch diameter rope
Q 2013-06-08: Coin Diameter (Encoder Ticks) (money machine)
A 2013-05-27: All the pipes up to the outside diameter of 28mm / 28 mm must be cold bend...
A 2012-08-01: the extension beams (successively smaller in diameter) of a crane are ofte...
A 2012-03-01: No, 'oversquare' in this context means the bore (diameter) is larger than ...
A 2011-10-28: Several ways to express this if it's clear that nominal size = nominal diameter.
A 2011-10-28: discrepancies of nominal bore / diameter / size / width; of inner / inside...
A 2011-10-17: bacca is right: the diminutive is for the diameter.
A 2011-08-29: stem diameter > Schaftdurchmesser, valve guide > Ventilführung +(please en...
A 2011-02-21: If the object is ellipse-shaped , "short diameter" (as opposed to the "lon...
A 2011-02-21: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&&sa=X&ei=qmBiTYXFB4Xasgadrfy1CA&ved=0CBc...

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