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English-German translation for: diary
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Dictionary English German: diary

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NOUN   a diary | diaries
SYNO   diary | journal
Tagebuch {n}
Terminkalender {m}
Taschenkalender {m}
Notizbuch {n}
Kalender {m}
educ. diary [Br.]
Terminplaner {m}
Hausaufgabenheft {n} [Merkheft]
2 Words: Others
Dear diary, ...Liebes Tagebuch, ...
2 Words: Nouns
acceptance diaryVerfallbuch {n} für Akzepte
appointment diaryAgenda {f} [Terminkalender]
appointment diaryTerminkalender {m}
appointments diaryTerminkalender {m}
comm. cash diaryKassenkladde {f} [bes. nordd.]
diary accountsTagebuchaufzeichnungen {pl}
diary entriesTagebucheinträge {pl}
diary entryTagebucheintrag {m}
lit. diary formTagebuchform {f}
lit. diary fragmentTagebuchfragment {n}
diary noteTagebuchaufzeichnung {f}
diary noteTagebuchnotiz {f}
diary notesTagebuchaufzeichnungen {pl}
admin. law diary numberTagebuchnummer {f}
dream diaryTraumtagebuch {n}
holiday diary [Br.]Reisetagebuch {n}
educ. homework diaryHausaufgabenheft {n}
Internet internet diaryInternettagebuch {n}
educ. learning diaryLerntagebuch {n}
admin. pol. official diaryoffizielles Tagebuch {n} [Amtsblatt]
med. pain diarySchmerztagebuch {n}
personal diarypersönliches Tagebuch {n}
pocket diaryTaschenagenda {f} [schweiz.]
private diaryPrivattagebuch {n}
med. MedTech. radiation diaryRöntgentagebuch {n}
constr. site diaryBautagebuch {n}
travel diary [Br.]Reisetagebuch {n}
video diaryVideotagebuch {n}
mil. war diaryKriegstagebuch {n} <KTB>
work diaryArbeitstagebuch {n}
working diaryArbeitstagebuch {n}
3 Words: Others
lit. in diary form {adv}in Tagebuchform
3 Words: Verbs
to keep a diaryein Tagebuch führen
3 Words: Nouns
med. MedTech. X-ray diaryRöntgentagebuch {n}
5+ Words: Others
comics film lit. Diary of a Wimpy Kid [Jeff Kinney]Gregs Tagebuch
5+ Words: Verbs
to bring a diary up to dateein Tagebuch auf den neuesten Stand bringen
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young GirlTagebuch der Anne Frank
film F Bridget Jones's Diary [Sharon Maguire]Bridget JonesSchokolade zum Frühstück
film F Diary of a Lost GirlTagebuch einer Verlorenen [Georg Wilhelm Pabst]
philos. F Diary of a Seducer [also: The Seducer's Diary]Tagebuch des Verführers [Kierkegaard]
lit. F Edith's Diary [Patricia Highsmith]Ediths Tagebuch
film F George A. Romero's Diary of the Dead [George A. Romero]Diary of the Dead
film F The Diary of a Chambermaid [Jean Renoir]Tagebuch einer Kammerzofe
lit. F The Diary of Anne FrankTagebuch der Anne Frank
film F The Diary of Anne Frank [1959: George Stevens, Remake: Gareth Davies]Das Tagebuch der Anne Frank
film F The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer [Craig R. Baxley]Das Tagebuch der Ellen Rimbauer
lit. F The Last Voyage: Captain Cook's Lost Diary [Hammond Innes]Captain Cooks letzte Reise
philos. F The Seducer's Diary [also: Diary of a Seducer]Tagebuch des Verführers [Kierkegaard]
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Q 2017-12-12: Diary-cum-Memoire
A 2016-09-21: Quote from +Full text of "War Diary of Captain U-Boats, Norway, 16 October...
A 2016-04-04: You may say +go to a date+ if you think of the location where you meet; yo...
Q 2014-10-29: Anne Frank diary
A 2012-01-08: Greg is a wimp - http://www.dict.cc/?s=wimp - and it is his diary/life.
Q 2012-01-08: Diary of a wimpy kid
A 2011-11-03: nowadays, nobody writes a diary or a journal. Peöple blog.
A 2011-11-03: Journal vs. Diary
A 2011-11-03: AskOxford equals journal and diary.
A 2011-09-23: Diary (or calendar) can also be used here.
Q 2011-04-14: Simone de Beauvoir's "dear diary"
A 2011-03-27: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice_Liddell#.22Cut_pages_in_diary.22 - "Cut...
Q 2010-06-01: again concerning the diary - correct?
A 2010-05-25: Sometimes my diary entries seem to be a spoof on my life and make me feel ...
A 2010-05-22: HEY! why don't you TWITTER your diary.
A 2009-07-22: company diary
A 2009-02-05: The funny thing is, Adrian Mole is famous for being a diary novel...
Q 2008-11-08: The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole aged 13 3/4
A 2008-06-05: einfach 'just so full'?[I have no windows at all in my diary]
A 2008-04-14: More context from Adrian's diary

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