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English-German translation for: dicas de marketing
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Dictionary English German: dicas de marketing

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pharm. market. direct-to-consumer marketing <DTC marketing>DTC-Marketing {n} [insb. direkte Vermarktung rezeptpflichtiger Medikamente an die Patienten]
comm. market. personalized marketing <PM>One-to-one-Marketing {n} <1-zu-1-Marketing, 1:1-Marketing>
comm. market. customized marketing [one-to-one marketing]One-to-one-Marketing {n} <1-zu-1-Marketing, 1:1-Marketing>
comm. market. sales and marketing <S&M, SM>Verkauf und Marketing
ling. market. neol. marketing lingoMarketing-Sprech {n} [hum. und pej. für: Marketing-Fachsprache]
market. marketing reach [sphere of influence]Marketing-Einflussbereich {m}
marketing gibberishMarketing-Gewäsch {n} [ugs.] [pej.]
career in marketingKarriere {f} im Marketing
marketing assistant [female]Marketing-Assistentin {f}
marketing assistant [male]Marketing-Assistent {m}
market. social marketingSocial Marketing {n} [oft synonym verwendet mit Sozialmarketing bzw. Non-Profit-Marketing]
market. guerrilla marketingGuerilla-Marketing {n}
market. local marketinglokales Marketing {n}
econ. market. marketing guidelinesMarketing-Richtlinien {pl}
market. mosquito marketingMoskito-Marketing {n}
market. multisensory marketingmultisensorisches Marketing {n}
econ. market. network marketingNetzwerk-Marketing {n}
market. viral marketingvirales Marketing {n}
market. marketing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. assistant, concept, director, manager, model]Marketing- [z. B. Assistent, Konzept, Chef, Manager, Modell]
geogr. Germany <.de>Deutschland {n} <Dtl., Dtld., DEU, DE, D, GER>
fish T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
astron. dwarf elliptical galaxy <dE>elliptische Zwerggalaxie {f} <dE>
math. de Gua's theorem [also: theorem of de Gua]Satz {m} von de Gua
med. de Morsier's syndrome [also: de Morsier syndrome]De-Morsier-Syndrom {n} [septooptische Dysplasie]
zool. T
film de-agingDe-Aging {n} [Tricktechnik zum digitalen Verjüngen von Charakteren]
tech. two-dimensional gel electrophoresis <2-DE>zweidimensionale Gelelektrophorese {f} <2-DE>
lit. F De Vriendt Goes HomeDe Vriendt kehrt heim [Arnold Zweig]
film F De-Lovely [Irwin Winkler]De-LovelyDie Cole Porter Story
zool. T
zool. T
spec. de novo {adj} {adv}de novo [neu, frisch, von Neuem, erneut]
zool. T
math. de Branges's theoremSatz {m} von de Branges
math. de Moivre's formulaFormel {f} von de Moivre
med. de Quervain's tendinitisde Quervain'sche Erkrankung {f}
med. de Quervain's tendonitisde Quervain'sche Erkrankung {f}
math. de Rham's theoremSatz {m} von de Rham
phys. de Broglie wave length [spv.]De-Broglie-Wellenlänge {f}
math. de Rham cohomology groupDe-Rham-Kohomologie-Gruppe {f}
lit. F The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet [David Mitchell]Die tausend Herbste des Jacob de Zoet
lit. F Crossing the Sierra de GredosDer Bildverlust oder Durch die Sierra de Gredos [Peter Handke]
pol. Force de frappeForce de frappe {f} [ehem. Bezeichnung für die franz. Atom-Streitmacht]
med. de Quervain's tendinitisTendovaginitis de Quervain {f}
med. de novo bone formationDe-novo-Knochenbildung {f}
econ. QM marketing requirements document <MRD>Marketing-Requirements-Dokument {n} <MRD>
faute de mieux {adv} [for lack of anything better]faute de mieux [geh.]
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