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Partial Matches |
| sports cross-country {adj} <XC, CC> [attr.] | Crosscountry- <XC, CC> | |
| cc: [carbon copy, indicates additional recipients of a letter or email] | Nachrichtlich: ["Zur Kenntnis", Vermerk über zusätzliche Empfänger im Fuß eines Schreibens] | |
| biochem. biol. coiled-coil {adj} <CC> | superspiralisiert | |
| MedTech. tech. control console <CC> | Bedienkonsole {f} | |
| MedTech. tech. control console <CC> | Bedienpult {n} | |
| complication and comorbidity <CC> [CC-diagnosis, CC-level, etc.] | CC- [CC-Diagnose, CC-Stufen, CC-Status usw.] | |
| med. Charité Center <CC> [Am.] [Charité - Berlin University of Medicine, Germany] | Charitézentrum {n} [Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin] | |
| med. Charité Centre <CC> [Br.] [Charité - Berlin University of Medicine, Germany] | Charitézentrum {n} [Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin] | |
| chem. chlorocarbon <CC> | Chlorkohlenwasserstoff {m} | |
| med. cholangiocarcinoma <CC> | Cholangiokarzinom {n} <CC> | |
| med. chondrocalcinosis <CC> | Chondrokalzinose {f} <CC> | |
| med. (articular) cartilage calcification <CC> | Chondrokalzinose {f} <CC> | |
| med. choriocarcinoma <CC> | Choriokarzinom {n} <CC> | |
| med. choriocarcinoma <CC> | Chorionkarzinom {n} | |
| med. chorion carcinoma <CC> [choriocarcinoma] | Chorionkarzinom {n} | |
| geogr. Cocos (Keeling) Islands <.cc> | Cocosinseln {pl} | |
| chem. computational chemistry <CC> | Computerchemie {f} <CC> [auch: Computer-Chemie] | |
| carbon copy <cc> | Durchschlag {m} | |
| med. cholangiocarcinoma <CC> | Gallengangkarzinom {n} | |
| med. cervical carcinoma <CC> | Gebärmutterhalskrebs {m} <GHK> | |
| med. cerebral compression <CC> [Compressio cerebri] | Gehirndruck {m} | |
| med. cerebral concussion <CC> [Commotio cerebri] | Gehirnerschütterung {f} | |
| electr. continuous current <CC> | Gleichstrom {m} <GS> | |
| pol. county council <CC> | Grafschaftsrat {m} | |
| med. chief complaint <CC> | Hauptbeschwerde {f} [Qualifier: CC] | |
| med. cerebral compression <CC> [Compressio cerebri] | Hirndruck {m} | |
| automot. tech. cubic capacity <cc> | Hubvolumen {n} [Hubraum] | |
| market. cold calling <CC> | Kaltanruf {m} | |
| hist. mil. combat command <CC> [combined-arms organization of armored forces of the U.S. Army 1942–1963] | Kampfgruppe {f} <KG> [Organisationsform der gepanzerten Streitkräfte der US Army 1942–1963] | |
| geogr. Keeling Islands <.cc> [Cocos Islands] | Keelinginseln {pl} [Kokosinseln] | |
| med. clear cell carcinoma <CC carcinoma> | Klarzellkarzinom {n} | |
| geogr. Cocos (Keeling) Islands <.cc> | Kokosinseln {pl} | |
| med. colloid carcinoma <CC> [Carcinoma colloides] | Kolloidkarzinom {n} | |
| med. colloid carcinoma <CC> [Carcinoma colloides] | Kolloidkrebs {m} | |
| math. stat. confidence coefficient <CC> | Konfidenzkoeffizient {m} | |
| electr. constant current <CC> | Konstantstrom {m} | |
| econ. EU pol. coordination committee <CC> | Koordinierungsausschuss {m} <KA> | |
| carbon copy <CC> | Kopie {f} <CC> [Durchschlag, Doppel] | |
| med. coronary catheterization <CC> | Koronarkatheterisierung {f} | |
| acc. cost center <CC, C-center> [Am.] | Kostenstelle {f} <KSt, KSt., KST, K'St. K-Stelle> | |
| med. circulatory collapse <CC> | Kreislaufversagen {n} | |
| electr. telecom. cross connection <CC> | Kreuzverbindung {f} | |
| unit cubic centimeter <cm³, cc, ccm> [Am.] | Kubikzentimeter {m} {n} <cm³, ccm> | |
| unit cubic centimetre <cm³, cc, ccm> [Br.] | Kubikzentimeter {m} {n} <cm³, ccm> | |
| customer complaint <CC> | Kundenbeschwerde {f} | |
| econ. customer connectivity <CC> | Kundenbindung {f} <KB> | |
| electr. tools conductivity cell <CC> [device] | Leitfähigkeitsmesszelle {f} [Gerät] | |
| tech. counterclockwise rotation <CC rotation, CCW rotation> | Linksdrehung {f} | |
| telecom. carrier code <CC> | Netzkennzahl {f} <NKZ> [Verbindungsnetzbetreiberkennzahl] | |
| comp. cloud computing <CC> | Rechnerwolke {f} | |
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