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English-German translation for: dict.cc
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Dictionary English German: dict cc

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sports cross-country {adj} <XC, CC> [attr.]Crosscountry- <XC, CC>
cc: [carbon copy, indicates additional recipients of a letter or email]Nachrichtlich: ["Zur Kenntnis", Vermerk über zusätzliche Empfänger im Fuß eines Schreibens]
biochem. biol. coiled-coil {adj} <CC>superspiralisiert
MedTech. tech. control console <CC>Bedienkonsole {f}
MedTech. tech. control console <CC>Bedienpult {n}
complication and comorbidity <CC> [CC-diagnosis, CC-level, etc.]CC- [CC-Diagnose, CC-Stufen, CC-Status usw.]
med. Charité Center <CC> [Am.] [Charité - Berlin University of Medicine, Germany]Charitézentrum {n} [Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin]
med. Charité Centre <CC> [Br.] [Charité - Berlin University of Medicine, Germany]Charitézentrum {n} [Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin]
chem. chlorocarbon <CC>Chlorkohlenwasserstoff {m}
med. cholangiocarcinoma <CC>Cholangiokarzinom {n} <CC>
med. chondrocalcinosis <CC>Chondrokalzinose {f} <CC>
med. (articular) cartilage calcification <CC>Chondrokalzinose {f} <CC>
med. choriocarcinoma <CC>Choriokarzinom {n} <CC>
med. choriocarcinoma <CC>Chorionkarzinom {n}
med. chorion carcinoma <CC> [choriocarcinoma]Chorionkarzinom {n}
geogr. Cocos (Keeling) Islands <.cc>Cocosinseln {pl}
chem. computational chemistry <CC>Computerchemie {f} <CC> [auch: Computer-Chemie]
carbon copy <cc>Durchschlag {m}
med. cholangiocarcinoma <CC>Gallengangkarzinom {n}
med. cervical carcinoma <CC>Gebärmutterhalskrebs {m} <GHK>
med. cerebral compression <CC> [Compressio cerebri]Gehirndruck {m}
med. cerebral concussion <CC> [Commotio cerebri]Gehirnerschütterung {f}
electr. continuous current <CC>Gleichstrom {m} <GS>
pol. county council <CC>Grafschaftsrat {m}
med. chief complaint <CC>Hauptbeschwerde {f} [Qualifier: CC]
med. cerebral compression <CC> [Compressio cerebri]Hirndruck {m}
automot. tech. cubic capacity <cc>Hubvolumen {n} [Hubraum]
market. cold calling <CC>Kaltanruf {m}
hist. mil. combat command <CC> [combined-arms organization of armored forces of the U.S. Army 1942–1963]Kampfgruppe {f} <KG> [Organisationsform der gepanzerten Streitkräfte der US Army 1942–1963]
geogr. Keeling Islands <.cc> [Cocos Islands]Keelinginseln {pl} [Kokosinseln]
med. clear cell carcinoma <CC carcinoma>Klarzellkarzinom {n}
geogr. Cocos (Keeling) Islands <.cc>Kokosinseln {pl}
med. colloid carcinoma <CC> [Carcinoma colloides]Kolloidkarzinom {n}
med. colloid carcinoma <CC> [Carcinoma colloides]Kolloidkrebs {m}
math. stat. confidence coefficient <CC>Konfidenzkoeffizient {m}
electr. constant current <CC>Konstantstrom {m}
econ. EU pol. coordination committee <CC>Koordinierungsausschuss {m} <KA>
carbon copy <CC>Kopie {f} <CC> [Durchschlag, Doppel]
med. coronary catheterization <CC>Koronarkatheterisierung {f}
acc. cost center <CC, C-center> [Am.]Kostenstelle {f} <KSt, KSt., KST, K'St. K-Stelle>
med. circulatory collapse <CC>Kreislaufversagen {n}
electr. telecom. cross connection <CC>Kreuzverbindung {f}
unit cubic centimeter <cm³, cc, ccm> [Am.]Kubikzentimeter {m} {n} <cm³, ccm>
unit cubic centimetre <cm³, cc, ccm> [Br.]Kubikzentimeter {m} {n} <cm³, ccm>
customer complaint <CC>Kundenbeschwerde {f}
econ. customer connectivity <CC>Kundenbindung {f} <KB>
electr. tools conductivity cell <CC> [device]Leitfähigkeitsmesszelle {f} [Gerät]
tech. counterclockwise rotation <CC rotation, CCW rotation>Linksdrehung {f}
telecom. carrier code <CC>Netzkennzahl {f} <NKZ> [Verbindungsnetzbetreiberkennzahl]
comp. cloud computing <CC>Rechnerwolke {f}
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A 2012-10-11: Dict cc
A 2010-06-19: that's what dict cc says too............
A 2010-01-30: Look in dict cc: abberufbar, then please see the guidelines! [try on your ...
A 2010-01-02: Oh... The forum is not the place to enter vocab to the dict, the forum is ...
A 2009-07-22: and then it's back again. strange things happening at dict cc, and i'm nev...
Q 2008-10-16: ich sehe in dict cc FANTASIEN
A 2008-06-15: so when i type in "druckgraphik" now at dict cc what do i get?
A 2008-05-21: just check the dict cc.
A 2007-09-03: Dann bin ich wohl auf dict cc reingefallen
A 2006-11-05: try even using dict cc with first one bit then the other....
A 2006-10-01: prima, danke. dict cc kennt diese frucht nämlich nicht und fragt
A 2006-08-14: @thurid....so what part of 'dict cc gives all 3' and north-n-n ' do you
Q 2005-10-25: Problem mit dict cc : Beispiel, willkürlich (random): DWARF

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