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English-German translation for: did
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Dictionary English German: did

Translation 1 - 50 of 230  >>

English German
VERB  to do | did | done ... 
sb. did
jd. tat
[we/they/you] did
[wir/sie/Sie] taten
[you] did
[du] tatest
[you] did [said to two or more people]
[ihr] tatet
2 Words: Others
I did. [answering the question WHO did sth.]Ich war's. [Antwort auf die Frage, WER etw. getan hat]
I did. [answering the question WHO did sth.]Das war ich. [Antwort auf die Frage, WER etw. getan hat]
3 Words: Others
Did he survive?Ist er durchgekommen? [ugs.] [Ist er noch am Leben?]
idiom Did you ever!Hast du Töne!
Did you mean ... ?Meintest du ... ?
He did you? [vulg.]Er hat es mit dir getan? [vulg.]
How did sth. go?Wie ist etw.Nom. verlaufen?
How did sth. go? [e.g.: How did the exam go?]Wie war etw. [Nom.]? [z. B.: Wie war die Prüfung?]
I did it!Ich hab's geschafft!
sb. did a bunk [coll.]jd. verduftete [ugs.]
She did indeed.Hat sie wirklich.
So did he.Genau wie er.
So did I.Ich auch.
Who did that?Wer war das? [hat das gemacht]
Who did that?Wer hat das gemacht?
You did what?Du hast was?
3 Words: Nouns
telecom. direct inward dialing <DID> [Am.]Durchwahl {f}
psych. dissociative identity disorder <DID>dissoziative Identitätsstörung {f} <DIS>
4 Words: Others
[we/they/you] did not have to[wir/sie/Sie] mussten nicht
And if it did, ...Und wenn doch, ...
and so we didwir auch
as the ancients did {adv}nach dem Brauch der Alten
Did he not understand?Hat er nicht verstanden?
Did I hear right?Habe ich recht gehört?
TrVocab. Did you arrive safely?Bist du gut angekommen?
Did you call me?Hast du mich angerufen?
Did you enjoy yourself?Hast du dich amüsiert?
Did you find everything?Haben Sie alles gefunden?
Did you hear that?Hast du das gehört?
Did you know that?Hast du das gewusst?
Did you know that? [formal]Haben Sie das gewusst?
Did you mean me?Meinten Sie mich? [formelle Anrede]
Did you notice something?Ist Ihnen etwas aufgefallen? [formelle Anrede]
Did you sleep well?Gut geschlafen?
Did you sleep well?Hast du gut geschlafen?
TrVocab. Did you understand that?Haben Sie das verstanden?
He actually did it.Er hat es in der Tat gemacht.
He did his best.Er tat sein Bestes.
How did he seem?Wie sah er aus?
idiom How did it go?Wie ist es gelaufen?
How did it happen?Wie kam es dazu?
How did this begin?Wie fing das an?
How did this start?Wie fing das an?
How did we do?Wie war unsere Leistung?
How did we do?Wie haben wir das gemacht?
How did you sleep?Wie hast du geschlafen?
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A 2020-11-15: > 12:18 Assuming the author did not read the +Terms & conditions,+ that ma...
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