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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: die Hacken zusammenknallen [Jargon]
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Dictionary English German: die Hacken zusammenknallen [Jargon]

Translation 1 - 50 of 13594  >>

mil. to click one's heelsdie Hacken zusammenknallen [veraltend] [Jargon]
Partial Matches
mil. to click one's heelsdie Hacken zusammenklappen [veraltend] [Jargon]
mil. to click one's heelsdie Hacken zusammennehmen [veraltend] [Jargon]
mil. to click one's heelsdie Hacken zusammenreißen [veraltend] [Jargon]
mil. to click one's heelsdie Hacken zusammenschlagen [veraltend] [Jargon]
to go to workin die Hacken gehen [österr.] [regional] [arbeiten gehen]
archaeo. the Linear Pottery Culture {sg}die Bandkeramiker {pl} [Jargon]
acc. to expense sth.etw. in die Kosten buchen [Jargon]
to run one's feet off (for sth.) [coll.] [idiom]sichDat. die Hacken (nach etw.Dat.) ablaufen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to chiphacken
to chophacken
gastr. to hashhacken
agr. hort. to hoehacken
to pickhacken
agr. hort. hoeingHacken {n}
hort. tools hoesHacken {pl}
agr. hort. tools mattocksHacken {pl}
comp. to hack (sth.)(etw.) hacken
to hack sth. [chop]etw. hacken
to peck [birds]hacken [Vögel]
to cut firewoodFeuerholz hacken
to chop woodHolz hacken
gastr. to chop meat finelyFleisch klein hacken
med. heel-knee testKnie-Hacken-Versuch {m}
jobHacken {f} [ugs.] [österr.] [Arbeit]
gastr. to mince sth. [chop finely]etw.Akk. fein hacken
to chop sth. into small piecesetw.Akk. klein hacken
to chop sth. upetw.Akk. klein hacken
comp. to type [on a keyboard]hacken [auf einer Tastatur schreiben]
sports to play dirty [coll.]hacken [ugs.] [unfair, rücksichtslos spielen]
sports heel-toe turn [also: heel toe turn] [in hammer throwing]Hacken-Ballen-Drehung {f} [im Hammerwerfen]
anat. cloth. heelHacken {m} [selten oder regional] [Hacke, Ferse]
to chop sth. up into small piecesetw.Akk. in kleine Stücke hacken
to be worn down at the heels [shoes](an den Absätzen / Hacken) abgelaufen sein [Schuhe]
to hackle sth. [chop roughly]etw.Akk. klein hacken [auch: kleinhacken] [in Stücke hauen]
med. heel-to-toe walkHacken-Zehen-Gang {m} [z. B. während der neurologischen Untersuchung]
to have sth. on one's hands [idiom]etw.Akk. an den Hacken haben [Redewendung] [ostmitteld.] [nordd.]
gay {adj} [male homosexual]gay [Jargon]
drugs cannabis cafeCoffeeshop {m} [Jargon]
photo. photo walk [also: photowalk] [jargon]Fotowalk {m} [Jargon]
sports women footballers [Br.]Frauenfußballer {pl} [Jargon]
gay [male homosexual]Gay {m} [Jargon]
econ. job killerJobkiller {m} [Jargon]
mindsetMindset {n} {m} [Jargon]
urineNatursekt {m} [Jargon]
spec. openingOpening {n} [Jargon]
sports tactical geniusTaktikfuchs {m} [Jargon]
bike doored {adj} {past-p} [injured by hitting a car door]gedoort [Radfahrer-Jargon]
sober {adj}trocken [Jargon] [nüchtern]
comp. to escape (sth.)(etw.) escapen [Jargon]
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