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English-German translation for: died
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Dictionary English German: died

Translation 1 - 46 of 46

English German
VERB  to die | died | died ... 
sb./sth. died
jd./etw. starb
died {past-p} <d.>
gestorben <gest.>
[they] died
[sie] starben
died {past-p}
2 Words: Others
died away {past-p}ausgeklungen
died away {past-p} [acoustical]verhallt
died down {past-p} [fire] [also fig.]verglüht [Feuer] [auch fig.]
died off {past-p}weggestorben
died out {past-p}ausgestorben
sb. has diedjd. ist tot geblieben [regional] [ugs.]
3 Words: Others
died down / away {past-p}erstorben [geh.]
died of thirst {past-p}verdurstet
He died suddenly.Der Tod ereilte ihn. [geh.]
He has died.Er ist nicht mehr. [geh., veraltend: Er ist gestorben.]
sb./sth. died of thirstjd./etw. verdurstete
sb./sth. has / had diedjd./etw. ist / war gestorben
sth. died down / awayetw. erstarb [geh.]
who died young {adj} [attr.] [postpos.]jung verstorben
4 Words: Others
died in car crash {adj} <DICC>bei einem Autounfall gestorben
He all but died.Er wäre fast gestorben.
He might have died. [It was possible, but he didn't]Er hätte sterben können.
He might have died. [It's a possibility that he did]Er könnte gestorben sein.
4 Words: Nouns
the room where sb. diedjds. Sterbezimmer {n}
5+ Words: Others
(almost) died of / from / with laughter {past-p}totgelacht
idiom died for his / her countryfürs Vaterland gefallen
He died as a result of his wounds.Er starb an den Folgen seiner Verletzungen.
He died of a broken heartEr starb an gebrochenem Herzen.
med. He died of a heart attack.Er starb an einem Herzschlag.
It is a year tomorrow since she died.Morgen jährt sich ihr Todestag.
idiom It smells like somebody died in here.Hier riecht es wie im Pumakäfig.
idiom It smells like somebody died in there.Da riecht es wie im Pumakäfig.
idiom It smells like something died in here.Hier riecht es wie im Pumakäfig.
idiom It smells like something died in there.Da riecht es wie im Pumakäfig.
John Smith, who died in 1994, was ...Der 1994 verstorbene John Smith war ...
sb. died at the ripe age of ...jd. starb im biblischen Alter von ...
She died as a result of her wounds.Sie starb an den Folgen ihrer Verletzungen.
She died sometime later as a result of her wounds.Sie starb an den Spätfolgen ihrer Verletzungen.
What crawled up your ass (and died)? [coarse] [coll.] [idiom] [What made you so annoyed?]Welche Laus ist dir denn über die Leber gelaufen / gekrochen? [ugs.] [Redewendung]
What crawled up your ass (and died)? [coarse] [Why are you smelling so bad?]Du stinkst, als ob du einen toten Vogel in der Tasche hättest. [ugs.] [selten]
idiom when the furor died down [Am.]als allmählich Gras über die Sache gewachsen war
Who died and made you boss?Wer hat dich denn zum Käpt'n gemacht?
5+ Words: Nouns
year in which X diedJahr {n} des Todes des / der X
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F I Died a Thousand Times [Stuart Heisler]Gegen alle Gewalten
lit. F Raven DeathDied in the MoonlightRabentodIm Mondlicht gestorben [Marcel Weyers]
lit. F The Knight Has Died [Cees Nooteboom]Der Ritter ist gestorben
film F They Died with Their Boots On [Raoul Walsh]Sein letztes Kommando
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A 2017-02-24: Trump doesn't drink. His brother died over alcoholism, I think. Not funny ...
A 2017-02-09: Died a hero
A 2016-11-06: as if you had died and risen to the Olymp
A 2016-08-11: the intended works of the author who died before his time
A 2016-02-19: "Died on me"
Q 2014-07-04: When my father died... Gibt es Fehler?
A 2014-01-22: Had died
A 2014-01-21: It felt like I had died and a new me had come / was coming to life
A 2012-12-21: Gorn = gone, ie, she has died.
A 2012-06-20: +In fond memory+ is a phrase that's used when someone has died - In fond m...
A 2012-02-01: the daugther died
A 2012-02-01: So who died?
A 2011-11-16: +... he died in 2010. Several years later, the company moved to Nürnberg ...+
Q 2010-10-11: Dame Joan Sutherland has died in Switzerland.
A 2010-10-01: No good learning German. According to Thilo Sarrazin, the language will ha...
A 2010-09-15: If she has died, then - whose mother contracted and died of ...
Q 2010-09-10: In memoriam of Irena Sendler, died only in 2008
A 2010-05-25: Thanks, Fiddlesticks. He died (only in a film, though :-))
A 2010-04-16: In the black tie case, someone might ask, "Has somebody died?"
A 2010-01-29: Just talking about the fact that he died.

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