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English-German translation for: differentiation
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Dictionary English German: differentiation

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NOUN   a differentiation | differentiations
SYNO   differentiation | distinction ... 
NOUN   die Differentiation | die Differentiationen
Unterscheidung {f}
Spezialisierung {f}
Differenzierung {f}
Abgrenzung {f}
math. differentiation
Differentiation {f}
Ausdifferenzierung {f}
math. differentiation
Ableiten {n} [ugs.] [Differentiation]
math. differentiation
Ableitung {f} [das Ableiten]
Staffelung {f}
geol. math. differentiationDifferenziation {f}
differentiationUnterschiedenheit {f}
2 Words: Nouns
comm. brand differentiationMarkendifferenzierung {f}
math. case differentiationFallunterscheidung {f}
biol. cell differentiationZelldifferenzierung {f}
biol. chloroplast differentiationChloroplastendifferenzierung {f} [auch: Chloroplasten-Differenzierung]
clear differentiationdeutliche Abgrenzung {f}
med. corticomedullary differentiationkortikomedulläre Differenzierung {f}
math. covariant differentiationkovariante Differentiation {f}
biol. dendrite differentiationDendritendifferenzierung {f}
differentiation abilityDifferenzierungsfähigkeit {f}
med. differentiation gradeDifferenzierungsgrad {m}
differentiation phase [e.g. one of the wound healing phases]Differenzierungsphase {f} [z. B. eine der Wundheilungsphasen]
differentiation processDifferenzierungsprozess {m}
differentiation signDifferentiationszeichen {n}
comm. differentiation strategyDifferenzierungsstrategie {f}
sociol. differentiation theoryDifferenzierungstheorie {f}
geol. facies differentiationFaziesdifferenzierung {f}
philos. sociol. functional differentiationfunktionale Differenzierung {f}
geol. horizon differentiationHorizontdifferenzierung {f}
inclination differentiationNeigungsdifferenzierung {f}
internal differentiationBinnendifferenzierung {f}
internal differentiationInnendifferenzierung {f}
biol. lymphocyte differentiationLymphozytendifferenzierung {f}
zool. nematocyte differentiationNematocytendifferenzierung {f}
ecol. niche differentiationNischendifferenzierung {f}
biol. organ differentiationOrgandifferenzierung {f}
performance differentiationLeistungsdifferenzierung {f}
biol. ecol. population differentiationPopulationsdifferenzierung {f}
price differentiationPreisdifferenzierung {f}
comm. ind. product differentiationProduktdifferenzierung {f}
biochem. stat. progressive differentiationfortschreitende Differenzierung {f}
bot. protonema differentiationProtonemadifferenzierung {f}
philos. self-differentiationSelbstdifferenzierung {f}
relig. spec. self-differentiationSelbstunterscheidung {f}
zool. shell differentiationSchalendifferenzierung {f}
social differentiationAusdifferenzierung {f} der Gesellschaft
biol. species differentiationArtendifferenzierung {f}
biol. med. strain differentiationStammdifferenzierung {f}
biol. surface differentiation [of a cell]Oberflächendifferenzierung {f} [einer Zelle]
system differentiationSystemdifferenzierung {f}
biol. terminal differentiation [of organs, cells]Enddifferenzierung {f} [von Organen, Zellen]
bot. thallus differentiationThallusdifferenzierung {f}
wrong differentiationFehldifferenzierung {f}
3 Words: Nouns
biol. cell-surface differentiationZelloberflächendifferenzierung {f}
med. cluster of differentiation <CD>Cluster of Differentiation {m} [auch {n}] <CD> [internationales System für die Bezeichnung von Differenzierungsantigenen]
degree of differentiationDifferenzierungsgrad {m}
differentiation of labour [Br.]Arbeitsteilung {f}
agr. oenol. differentiation of provenancesHerkunftsdifferenzierung {f}
phase of differentiationDifferenzierungsphase {f}
process of differentiationDifferenzierungsprozess {m}
biochem. biol. stage of differentiationDifferenzierungsstadium {n}
biol. stem cell differentiationStammzelldifferenzierung {f}
strategy of differentiationDifferenzierungsstrategie {f}
dent. tooth color differentiation [Am.]Zahnfarbdifferenzierung {f}
dent. tooth colour differentiation [Br.]Zahnfarbdifferenzierung {f}
4 Words: Nouns
biol. disorder of sex differentiation <DSD>Sexualdifferenzierungsstörung {f}
internal and external differentiationinnere und äußere Differenzierung {f}
5+ Words: Nouns
outward and / or inward differentiationAbgrenzung {f} nach außen und / oder nach innen
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A 2023-01-28: Differentiation
A 2022-11-10: PS: Differentiation between AE and BE is neither here nor there for people...
Q 2022-03-21: Implicit Differentiation
A 2020-01-09: Correct differentiation here
A 2018-10-24: The differentiation seems to apply to German-speaking countries only
A 2017-12-29: https://www.google.co.uk/search?ei=szdGWrjPFYv4kwWlq7LgBw&q=intitle%3A%22s...
Q 2017-12-29: Stammdifferenzierung - strain differentiation ?
A 2017-03-22: Differentiation
A 2015-06-23: As you can see, the author distinguishes between +Natur+ and +Wesen.+ If y...
A 2015-02-17: Social media differentiation?
A 2014-11-22: Lllama's AE/BE differentiation borne out http://www.ldoceonline.com/dicti...
A 2014-01-03: +to hate+ plus gerund or infinitive: differentiation
A 2013-11-27: Differentiation - LINK
A 2012-08-28: differentiation / specification of service / performance ?
A 2011-03-17: Agree. But I feel it's a useful differentiation since a +Kulissentisch+ is...
A 2011-01-08: LINX to demonstrate that the issue is a bit more complicated. Differentiat...
A 2010-12-26: Agree with Lisa. I'd put 'outpatient clinics and day hospitals' just to ma...
A 2010-12-05: Differentiation
A 2010-03-13: BTW, in the logico-philosophical context, +premiss+ rather than +premise+ ...
A 2010-02-10: The German original is equally abstract. Put colloquially: Is it simply a ...

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