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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: digital media
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Dictionary English German: digital media

Translation 1 - 50 of 799  >>

educ. digital mediadigitale Medien {pl} [Studiengang, auch Digital Media]
Keywords contained
comp. (digital) media designerMediengestalter {m} [Digital und Print]
audio comp. electr. digital media playerdigitales Medienabspielgerät {n}
Partial Matches
electr. digital-to-digital converter <DDC>Digital-digital-Konverter {m} <DDC>
electr. digital-to-digital converter <DDC>Digital-digital-Umsetzer {m} <DDC>
electr. digital-to-digital converter <DDC>Digital-digital-Wandler {m} <DDC>
electr. digital-digital converter <DDC>Digital-digital-Wandler {m} <DDC>
MedTech. digital image intensifier fluoroscopy <digital I.I. fluoroscopy>digitale Bildverstärker-Durchleuchtung {f} <digitale BV-Durchleuchtung>
digital {adj}digital
digital {adj}Digital-
digital {adj}fingerartig
digital {adj}ziffernmäßig
mediaDatenträger {pl}
mediaMedia {pl} [selten]
market. mediaWerbeträger {pl}
all-digital {adj}volldigital
comp. Unverified born digital {adj}digital entstanden
phys. digital holographic {adj}digitalholografisch
fully digital {adj}rein digital
fully digital {adj}volldigital
MedTech. (digital) tourniquet(digitales) Blutsperregerät {n}
MedTech. (digital) tourniquet(digitales) Blutsperrgerät {n}
tech. digital accessDigital-Zugang {m}
digital adderAddierwerk {n}
admin. Internet digital administrationdigitale Verwaltung {f}
MedTech. tech. digital archivingdigitale Archivierung {f}
art comp. digital arts {pl}digitale Kunst {f}
equest. VetMed. digital asymmetry[Asymmetrie im Hufgelenk, Hufdeformation]
electr. digital cabledigitales Kabel {n}
electr. digital cableDigitalkabel {n}
tools digital caliperdigitaler Messschieber {m}
photo. digital cameraDigitalkamera {f}
comp. digital certificatedigitales Zertifikat {n}
digital circuitdigitale Schaltung {f}
digital circuitDigitalschaltung {f}
watches digital clockDigitaluhr {f}
digital comparatorDigitalkomparator {m}
comp. digital computerDigitalrechner {m}
digital controlDigitale Steuerung {f}
tech. digital controllerDigitalregler {m}
digital converterDigitalumwandler {m}
electr. digital converterDigitalwandler {m}
curr. Internet digital currencyDigitalwährung {f}
VetMed. zool. digital cushionBallenpolster {n}
digital datadigitale Daten {pl}
digital decoderdigitaler Dekoder {m}
neol. psych. digital dementiadigitale Demenz {f}
digital displayDigitalanzeige {f}
tech. digital displaydigitale Anzeige {f}
comp. digital dividedigitale Spaltung {f}
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A 2013-09-12: A website for digital media designers/editors
A 2008-10-31: digital media designer (mediengeSTalter) ;-)
A 2007-06-29: analog and digital media

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