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English-German translation for: direktionale Opposition
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Dictionary English German: direktionale Opposition

Translation 1 - 34 of 34

ling. directional oppositiondirektionale Opposition {f}
Partial Matches
dissidenceOpposition {f}
oppositionOpposition {f}
pol. outsOpposition {f}
by way of opposition {adv}durch Opposition
pol. extra-parliamentary oppositionaußerparlamentarische Opposition {f}
spec. binary oppositionbinäre Opposition {f}
brutal oppositionbrutale Opposition {f}
split oppositiongespaltene Opposition {f}
stiff oppositionhartnäckige Opposition {f}
loyal oppositionkollegiale Opposition {f}
ling. sociol. complementary oppositionkomplementäre Opposition {f}
pol. parliamentary oppositionparlamentarische Opposition {f}
political oppositionpolitische Opposition {f}
massive oppositionstarke Opposition {f}
vehement oppositionstarke Opposition {f}
copious oppositionweitverbreitete Opposition {f}
pol. extraparliamentary oppositionaußerparlamentarische Opposition {f} <APO>
to be in oppositionder Opposition angehören
to recede from opposingdie Opposition aufgeben
to break down all oppositiondie Opposition zusammenschlagen
to be in oppositionin Opposition stehen
all oppositiondie gesamte Opposition {f}
oppositionistMitglied {n} der Opposition
strength of oppositionStärke {f} der Opposition
section of the oppositionTeil {m} der Opposition
pol. under pressure from the opposition {adv}auf Druck der Opposition
He cannot brook opposition.Er verträgt keine Opposition.
pol. to go into (the) oppositionin die Opposition gehen
pol. His / Her Majesty's Opposition [Br.]Seiner / Ihrer Majestät Opposition {f}
pol. to join the oppositionsichAkk. der Opposition anschließen
to sweep the opposition into officedie Opposition ans Ruder bringen
to silence the oppositiondie Opposition zum Schweigen bringen
pol. after five years in opposition {adv}nach fünf Jahren in der Opposition
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