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English-German translation for: dirt
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Dictionary English German: dirt

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NOUN   dirt | -
SYNO   dirt | soil | ungraded ... 
Dreck {m} [ugs.] [Schmutz]
Schmutz {m}
dirt [soil or earth, especially when loose]
Erde {f} [bes. lockere Erde]
Kot {m} [geh.] [veraltend] [Schmutz, bes. Straßenschmutz]
dirt [contaminants]
Verschmutzung {f}
dirtKniest {m} [Schmutz] [regional]
2 Words: Others
dirt cheap {adj} [coll.]saubillig [ugs.]
dirt cheap {adj} {adv} [coll.]spottbillig [ugs.]
dirt cheap {adj} {adv} [coll.]supergünstig [ugs.]
dirt cheap {adj} {adv} [coll.]ganz billig
comm. dirt cheap {adj} {adv} [coll.]konkurrenzlos billig
dirt cheap {adj} [coll.]lächerlich billig [ugs.]
dirt poor {adj}sehr arm
dirt-cheap {adj} [coll.]spottbillig [ugs.]
dirt-free {adj}schmutzfrei
dirt-polished {adj}vor Dreck glänzend [vor Dreck stehend]
dirt-poor {adj}bitterarm
dirt-repellant {adj} [spv.] [dirt-repellent]schmutzabweisend
dirt-repellent {adj}schmutzabweisend
dirt-resistant {adj}schmutzabweisend
dirt-stained {adj}schmutzig
2 Words: Verbs
idiom to eat dirt [fig.] [coll.]sich widerspruchslos demütigen lassen
to produce dirtschmutzen [Schmutz abgeben, verursachen]
2 Words: Nouns
bird's dirtVogeldreck {m}
bird's dirtVogelkot {m}
chicken dirtHinkelsdreck {m} [regional]
chicken dirt [coll.]Hühnerdreck {m} [ugs.]
coarse dirtGrobschmutz {m}
bike sports dirt bikeGeländefahrrad {n} [spezieller Typ]
automot. dirt bikeGeländemotorrad {n} [Enduro, Motocross]
dirt depositsSchmutzablagerungen {pl}
dirt eater [fig.]Dreckfresser {m} [fig.]
dirt farmer [Am.] [coll.]Kleinbauer {m}
tech. dirt filterSchmutzfilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}]
transp. dirt laneunbefestigte Straße {f}
jobs dirt moneySchmutzzulage {f}
dirt particleSchmutzpartikel {n}
dirt particlesSchmutzteilchen {pl}
dirt particlesVerunreinigungen {pl}
hist. pharm. dirt pharmacyDreckapotheke {f}
tech. dirt protectionSchmutzabdeckung {f}
dirt reductionSchmutzreduzierung {f}
traffic transp. dirt roadLehmstraße {f} [selten] [unbefestigte Straße]
traffic transp. dirt roadPiste {f}
traffic transp. dirt roadSchotterpiste {f}
traffic transp. dirt roadStaubstraße {f}
agr. dirt roadWirtschaftsweg {m} [bes. Feld-, Wald- oder Wasserwirtschaftswege]
traffic transp. dirt roadunbefestigte Straße {f}
traffic transp. dirt roadnicht asphaltierte Straße {f}
agr. transp. dirt road [field cart road]unbefestigter Feldweg {m}
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A 2022-10-31: Silence befits the likes of AliHeret, whose utterances are as worthy as di...
A 2018-12-14: Some plastics attract dirt...
A 2016-01-12: Dirt under the carpet
A 2014-11-11: dirty deeds done dirt cheap
A 2014-11-10: http://www.songtexte.com/uebersetzung/acdc/dirty-deeds-done-dirt-cheap-deu...
Q 2014-11-10: dirty deeds done dirt cheap
A 2012-03-30: Bacca's right. The emphasis is on the length of the list, not the dirt or ...
A 2011-05-03: Don't you have any funny word for dog dirt?
A 2011-03-26: just basic dirt
A 2010-10-23: and maybe in the sense of "dish the dirt"
A 2010-07-10: Non-concentric contact of the oil filter seal can be discerned from the ou...
A 2010-05-07: The microfibres remove dirt particles that have penetrated into the smalle...
A 2010-03-08: dirt and grime
A 2009-12-29: eine vom Straßenkot beschmutze Mütze > a dirt-smeared cap (agree with Joanne)
A 2009-11-20: 'I want the dirt' = 'ich will alles wissen'
Q 2009-11-20: I want dirt.
A 2009-10-08: if the dirt is on the outside of the pipe, I'd use 'dirt-encrusted'
A 2009-06-05: one always kept such things bundled up high enough so that it did not drag...
A 2009-05-14: not sure what's meant: to eat dirt ( = to be humiliated)? to breathe the d...
A 2009-01-19: also eher schmutzabweisend / dirt-repellent ?

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