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English-German translation for: disagree
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Dictionary English German: disagree

Translation 1 - 22 of 22

English German
VERB  to disagree | disagreed | disagreed ... 
SYNO   to disaccord | to disagree ... 
to disagree
to disagree
to disagreenicht übereinstimmen
to disagreesich unterscheiden
to disagreeanderer Meinung sein
to disagreein Widerspruch stehen
to disagreenicht einverstanden sein
to disagreeverschiedener Ansicht sein
to disagreeverschiedener Meinung sein
to disagreeeine andere Meinung haben
2 Words
I disagree.Das finde ich nicht. [Da bin ich anderer Meinung.]
to disagree with sb.jdm. nicht zustimmen
to disagree with sb.jdm. Unrecht geben
to disagree with sb.jdm. unrecht geben
to disagree with sb.mit jdm. nicht übereinstimmen
to disagree with sb. [food, climate, etc.]jdm. nicht bekommen
to disagree with sth.mit etw.Dat. nicht einverstanden sein
3 Words
to agree to disagreeanerkennen, verschiedener Meinung zu sein
to venture to disagreees wagen, anderer Meinung zu sein
4 Words
Cherries disagree with me.Kirschen bekommen mir nicht.
5+ Words
I disagree on that one.Ich bin da anderer Meinung. [auch: Da bin ich anderer Meinung.]
to disagree substantively over an issuein einer Sache grundlegend anderer Meinung sein
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A 2023-04-17: I disagree with disambiguation in cases like that. Lots of words look similar.
A 2022-04-29: I disagree.
A 2022-03-25: @Sasso_ Let's agree to disagree ;-)
A 2021-10-05: The UK Highway Code seems to disagree with +Wett+
A 2019-08-16: Could not disagree more: If the kids had been awake they certainly listene...
A 2018-11-07: *eines* -- but still disagree. Nominativ ja, Genitiv nein.
A 2018-09-26: I disagree
A 2018-02-22: (22:00 / 23:09) Couldn't disagree more
A 2018-02-02: disagree with pw86.
A 2017-07-03: Again, couldn't disagree more
A 2017-07-03: 15:36 — Couldn't disagree more
A 2017-06-21: Sorry to disagree. +praktisch+ is meant to keep the utterance rather loose...
A 2016-11-28: I'm so glad - to disagree https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3GIQ86eu6c
A 2016-04-27: 13:00 Could not disagree more. Grammar being grammar, the adjective +demok...
A 2016-04-14: @ Nordic: I disagree.
A 2016-04-04: I can see why you all disagree with me,
A 2016-03-24: Among countless others, Don and Nicole Nenninger obviously disagree with a...
A 2015-04-05: British dictionaries, I'm afraid, disagree, Lisa
A 2015-02-08: I don't disagree with such overwhelming agreement.
A 2015-01-30: Agree/disagree?

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