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English-German translation for: disco
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Dictionary English German: disco

Translation 1 - 66 of 66


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NOUN   a disco | discos
SYNO   disco | disco music | discotheque
NOUN   die Disco | die Discos
SYNO   Disco | Discothek | Disko ... 
dance to disco [dance to disco music]Disco tanzen
to disco [go to discotheques]in Discos gehen
Disco {f}
Disko {f}
Diskothek {f}
discoDisse {f} [ugs.] [Disco]
discothèqueDisco {f}
discothequeDisco {f}
2 Words: Nouns
children's discoKinderdisco {f}
disco ballDiscokugel {f}
disco ballDiskokugel {f}
disco ballSpiegelkugel {f}
disco chick [esp. Am.] [sl.]Discotusse {f} [ugs.] [attraktives Mädchen]
disco chick [esp. Am.] [sl.]Discotussi {f} [ugs.] [attraktives Mädchen]
disco chick [esp. Am.] [sl.]Diskotusse {f} [ugs.] [attraktives Mädchen]
disco chick [esp. Am.] [sl.]Diskotussi {f} [ugs.] [attraktives Mädchen]
disco chick [esp. Am.] [sl.]Disco-Tusse {f} [ugs.] [attraktives Mädchen]
disco chick [esp. Am.] [sl.]Disco-Tussi {f} [ugs.] [attraktives Mädchen]
disco chick [esp. Am.] [sl.]Disko-Tusse {f} [ugs.] [attraktives Mädchen]
disco chick [esp. Am.] [sl.]Disko-Tussi {f} [ugs.] [attraktives Mädchen]
disco chicks [esp. Am.] [sl.]Discotussen {pl} [ugs.] [attraktive Frauen]
disco chicks [esp. Am.] [sl.]Discotussis {pl} [ugs.] [attraktive Frauen]
disco chicks [esp. Am.] [sl.]Diskotussen {pl} [ugs.] [attraktive Frauen]
disco chicks [esp. Am.] [sl.]Disco-Tussen {pl} [ugs.] [attraktive Mädchen]
disco chicks [esp. Am.] [sl.]Disco-Tussis {pl} [ugs.] [attraktive Frauen]
disco chicks [esp. Am.] [sl.]Disko-Tussen {pl} [ugs.] [attraktive Mädchen]
disco crawlDiscotour {f}
disco crawlDiskotour {f}
dance disco foxDiscofox {m}
mus. disco musicDiscomusik {f}
disco noise [discotheque noise]Discolärm {m} [kurz für: Discothekenlärm]
disco noise [discotheque noise]Diskolärm {m} [kurz für: Diskothekenlärm]
dance mus. disco queenDiscoqueen {f} [ugs.]
disco slut [vulg.]Discoschlampe {f} [vulg.]
disco slut [vulg.]Diskoschlampe {f} [vulg.]
girls' discoMädchendisco {f}
girls' discoMädchendisko {f}
girls' discoMädchen-Disco {f}
girls' discoMädchen-Disko {f}
dance mus. silent discoKopfhörerdisco {f}
mus. silent discostille Disco {f}
teen discoTeenagerdisco {f}
teen discoTeeniedisco {f}
teen discoTeenydisco {f}
teenybopper discoTeeniedisco {f} [für bes. junge Teenager]
teenybopper discoTeenydisco {f} [für bes. junge Teenager]
dance village discoDorfdisco {f} [ugs.]
youth discoJugenddisco {f}
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
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mycol. T
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mycol. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
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Feel free to link to this translation! Permanent link: https://www.dict.cc/?s=disco
Hint: Double-click next to phrase to retranslate — To translate another word just start typing!
Search time: 0.015 sec

Q 2017-08-14: Disco-Rückschlagventil
A 2009-12-29: has a disco(theque)
A 2009-05-08: Village disco.
A 2009-04-22: in der Disco?
A 2008-09-24: disco
A 2008-04-08: dance party (statt disco), summer festival
A 2008-04-02: Double Dutch Disco
Q 2008-01-23: Oooh, I'm so disco tonight!
A 2007-07-11: do you mean like a mosh pit (teenage disco antics)?
A 2007-05-23: gehört es mit der Disco nicht hier in den Forum her oder allgemein in den ...
A 2007-03-16: You are trying to say you go to the disco? Man, do it!
A 2007-03-10: So I decided to visit the disco "Little Missenden" once again, to look for...
A 2007-03-01: thinking of a disco? :-)
A 2006-11-19: Weiß ich doch. Die anna, die keine Zeit für die Disco hat ;-)
A 2006-09-09: @ Allan... no disco tonight??
A 2005-12-02: go to the disco! it's the weekend!

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