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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: discrete
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Dictionary English German: discrete

Translation 1 - 40 of 40

English German
ADJ   discrete | more discrete | most discrete
SYNO   discrete | distinct
discrete {adj}
discrete {adj}
discrete {adj}
discrete {adj}
math. discrete {adj}
discrete {adj} [separate, distinct]
math. stat. discrete {adj}
unstetig [diskret]
bot. med. discrete {adj}nicht verwachsen
discrete {adj}für sich allein stehend
2 Words: Others
electr. engin. stat. discrete-time {adj}zeitdiskret
electr. engin. stat. discrete-valued {adj}wertediskret
tech. time-discrete {adj}zeitdiskret
2 Words: Nouns
electr. discrete circuit <DC>diskrete Schaltung {f}
electr. discrete componentdiskretes Bauelement {n}
electr. discrete componentsdiskrete Bauelemente {pl}
acad. math. discrete geometrydiskrete Geometrie {f}
math. discrete groupdiskrete Gruppe {f}
math. discrete logarithmdiskreter Logarithmus {m}
math. discrete mathematics [treated as sg.]diskrete Mathematik {f}
discrete messageEinzelnachricht {f}
electr. discrete outputdiskreter Ausgang {m}
math. stat. discrete probabilitydiskrete Wahrscheinlichkeit {f}
math. discrete structurediskrete Struktur {f}
math. discrete subgroupdiskrete Untergruppe {f}
educ. discrete thinkingeigenständiges Denken {n}
acad. math. discrete topologydiskrete Topologie {f}
math. discrete valuationdiskrete Bewertung {f}
math. stat. discrete variablediskrete Variable {f}
math. stat. discrete variatediskrete Variable {f}
3 Words: Nouns
comp. math. discrete cosine transform <DCT>diskrete Kosinustransformation {f}
comp. math. discrete cosine transform <DCT>diskrete Cosinus-Transformation {f} <DCT>
comp. discrete event simulation <DES>ereignisorientierte Simulation {f}
acad. educ. math. discrete mathematical financediskrete Finanzmathematik {f}
chem. tech. discrete molecular structureFeinstruktur {f} eines Moleküls
math. stat. discrete probability distributiondiskrete Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilung {f}
math. discrete uniform distributiondiskrete Gleichverteilung {f}
math. discrete valuation ring <DVR>diskreter Bewertungsring {m}
4 Words: Nouns
educ. math. discrete and computational mathematicsdiskrete und computerorientierte Mathematik {f}
comp. math. modified discrete cosine transform <MDCT>modifizierte diskrete Kosinustransformation {f}
5+ Words: Nouns
electr. discrete prolate spheroidal sequence window <DPSS window>DPSS-Fenster {n} [selten] [Slepian-Fenster]
Feel free to link to this translation! Permanent link: https://www.dict.cc/?s=discrete
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A 2020-03-16: https://www.lexico.com/grammar/discreet-or-discrete
Q 2020-03-16: Unterschied von discrete und discreet?
A 2013-06-03: Discreet / discrete
Q 2013-06-02: discrete samples???
A 2010-10-15: discreet / discrete = separate, not intermingling
A 2008-07-23: zeitdiskret = discrete-time (not continuous)
A 2007-08-19: flip...was trying to be discrete...shouldnt bother, should I?
Q 2007-07-19: Fehler: discrete - discreet
Q 2007-05-27: Discrete Prices
A 2006-03-25: First variant reads very well. Please differentiate between 'discreet' and...
Q 2006-03-14: discrete line
A 2005-11-28: homophone: ***discrete*** (related to discreet)

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