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English-German translation for: discretion
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Dictionary English German: discretion

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NOUN   discretion | -
SYNO   discernment | discretion | delicacy ... 
discretion [judgement, assessment]
Ermessen {n}
Diskretion {f}
discretion [reticence]
Verschwiegenheit {f}
discretion [prudence]
Umsicht {f}
discretion [prudence]
Besonnenheit {f}
discretion [tact]
Takt {m} [Taktgefühl, Diskretion]
discretion [understanding]
Einsicht {f}
discretion [freedom of decision]
Gutdünken {n}
discretion [obligation to secrecy, confidentiality]
Schweigepflicht {f}
discretion [judgement]
Urteil {n}
Verfügungsfreiheit {f}
discretion [as in age of discretion]
Verstand {m} [Besonnenheit, Entscheidungsfähigkeit]
discretion [prudence]
Umsichtigkeit {f}
2 Words: Others
at discretion {adv}nach Belieben
at discretion {adv}nach Gutdünken
at sb.'s discretion {adv}auf jds. Wunsch
at sb.'s discretion {adv}nach jds. Ermessen
2 Words: Verbs
law to exercise discretionErmessen ausüben
to exercise discretionsich in Diskretion üben
2 Words: Nouns
absolute discretionabsolute Diskretion {f}
law absolute discretionuneingeschränktes Ermessen {n}
administrative discretionErmessensspielraum {m}
fin. banker's discretionBankgeheimnis {n}
business discretiongeschäftliche Schweigepflicht {f}
criminal discretionStrafmündigkeit {f}
law enforcement discretionVollzugsermessen {n}
law equitable discretionbilliges Ermessen {n}
law judicial discretionrichterliches Ermessen {n}
philos. limited discretion [conditional freedom to decide]Willkür {f}
official discretionamtliche Schweigepflicht {f}
EU law pol. policy discretionpolitischer Handlungsspielraum {m}
professional discretionberufliche Schweigepflicht {f}
reasonable discretionbilliges Ermessen {n}
sole discretionalleiniges Ermessen {n}
trading discretionHandelsbefugnis {f}
wide discretiongroßer Ermessensspielraum {m}
3 Words: Others
at one's discretion {adv}nach Belieben
at one's discretion {adv}wie es einem gefällt
at one's discretion {adv} [ad bene placitum] [also: ad beneplacitum]ad bene placitum [geh.] [veraltet] [lat.] [nach Belieben, Gutdünken]
at sb.'s own discretion {adv}nach eigenem Ermessen
at your discretionwie du entscheidest
in my discretion {adv}nach meinem Ermessen
in sb.'s sole discretionnach jds. alleinigem Ermessen
law using equitable discretion {adv}nach billigem Ermessen
3 Words: Verbs
to be at sb.'s discretionin jds. Ermessen stehen
to leave sth. to sb.'s discretionjdm. etw.Akk. anheimgeben [geh.] [in jds. Ermessen stellen]
to leave sth. to sb.'s discretionetw.Akk. jds. Entscheidung überlassen
to use one's discretionnach eigenem Ermessen handeln
3 Words: Nouns
abuse of discretionErmessensmissbrauch {m}
abuse of discretionMissbrauch {m} der Ermessensfreiheit
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A 2013-05-14: (the) buyer consents to part-shipments at the (the) seller's reasonable di...
A 2011-07-22: Agree, but let discretion be the better part of valor.
A 2011-05-22: Quite right, wandle - it is what Fowler would have called +elegant variati...
A 2011-05-10: Updates will be provided / based on the sole discretion of XXX
A 2010-06-05: scope of discretion
A 2010-04-30: is subject to reasonable discretion
A 2009-12-16: There is no public censorship in the US, Bacca. Private publishers are fre...
A 2009-08-25: ... and suggest a date that would suit you (--- leaves you with a certain ...
Q 2009-08-01: exclusionary discretion
Q 2009-07-21: Viewer discretion is advised!
A 2009-07-05: Discretion
Q 2008-11-26: allocated at the discretion of the fund manager.
A 2008-09-01: please can I rely on your discretion, as I am serving my notice
Q 2008-06-21: ...felt a serene confidence in his own most scrupulous discretion.
A 2008-05-07: limits of discretion
A 2008-04-02: strict discretion
Q 2008-03-30: at the convenience and discretion
A 2007-09-12: das ist ein ziemlich verkorkstes Deutsch. Es könnte bedeuten: "stelle ich ...
A 2007-08-23: "is at the lecturer's discretion"
A 2007-07-31: oder: at his discretion / when deemed necessary

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