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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: dismiss as
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Dictionary English German: dismiss as

Translation 1 - 50 of 4204  >>

Keywords contained
to dismiss sth. as ...etw. als ... abtun
to dismiss as valuelessals wertlos verwerfen
to dismiss sth. as beside the pointetw.Akk. als nebensächlich abtun
Partial Matches
mil. Dismiss!Weggetreten!
to dismissablehnen
comp. to dismissausblenden
to dismissdimittieren
jobs to dismissfeuern [ugs.] [entlassen]
to dismissvom Amt absetzen
to dismiss [appeal]abweisen
jobs to dismiss sb.jdm. kündigen
jobs to dismiss sb.jdn. ausrangieren [ugs.] [entlassen]
jobs to dismiss sb.jdn. ausstellen [regional] [Gegenteil zu einstellen]
jobs to dismiss sb.jdn. entlassen
jobs to dismiss sb.jdn. freistellen [euphem.] [entlassen]
jobs to dismiss sb.jdn. kündigen [ugs.] [regional] [jdm. kündigen]
to dismiss sb.jdn. wegschicken
mil. to dismiss sb.jdn. wegtreten lassen
to dismiss sth.etw.Akk. verwerfen
sports to dismiss sb. [football]jdn. des Platzes verweisen
to dismiss sb./sth.jdn./etw. verabschieden
to dismiss sth. [disregard]sichAkk. über etw.Akk. hinwegsetzen [nicht beachten]
law to dismiss a caseeine Klage abweisen
law to dismiss a chargeeine Klage abweisen
med. to dismiss a diagnosiseine Diagnose verwerfen
law to dismiss a lawsuiteine Klage abweisen
law to dismiss a motioneinen Antrag ablehnen
to dismiss a problemein Problem abtun
to dismiss a thoughteinen Gedanken vertreiben
law to dismiss all chargessämtliche Anklagepunkte fallen lassen
to dismiss an allegationeine Anschuldigung verwerfen
law to dismiss an appealeine Berufung zurückweisen
admin. to dismiss an applicationeinen Antrag ablehnen
to dismiss an argumentein Argument zurückweisen
law to dismiss with prejudicerechtskräftig abweisen
law motion to dismissAntrag {m} [des Beklagten] auf Klageabweisung
law to dismiss sb. [to depose sb.]jdn. absetzen
to dismiss sb. for sth.jdn. wegen etw. [meist Gen., auch Dat.] entlassen
idiom to dismiss sth. out of handetw. pauschal abtun
to dismiss sb./sth. [treat with contempt]jdn./etw. abqualifizieren
to dismiss sth. [a thought, idea etc.]etw. aufgeben [Idee etc.]
to dismiss sb. from the teaching servicejdn. aus dem Schuldienst entlassen
law to dismiss a case because of the trifling nature of the offence [Br.]ein Verfahren wegen Geringfügigkeit einstellen
as {adv} {prep} {conj}als
as {adv}ebenso
as {adv}genauso
as {conj}indem [zeitlich]
as {adv}so
as {conj}während
as {conj}weil
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