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English-German translation for: distant
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Dictionary English German: distant

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ADJ   distant | more distant | most distant
SYNO   distant | remote | remote | removed ... 
distant {adj}
entfernt [Ort]
distant {adj}
distant {adj} [reserved]
kühl [Verhalten]
distant {adj}
distant {adj} [not concentrating]
abwesend [gedankenverloren]
distant {adj} [reserved]
distanziert [Verhalten]
distant {adj}(weit) abgeschlagen
2 Words: Others
most distant {adj}entfernteste
too distant {adj}zu weit entfernt
2 Words: Nouns
distant acquaintanceentfernte Bekanntschaft {f}
EU distant blue [RAL 5023]Fernblau {n} [RAL 5023]
telecom. distant callFernanruf {m}
distant controlFernsteuerung {f}
distant cousinentfernter Cousin {m}
geol. distant earthquakeFernbeben {n}
distant echoAbglanz {m} [Nachklang]
med. distant failureTherapiemisserfolg {m} bei Fernmetastasen
distant goalFernziel {n}
esot. psych. distant healingFernheilung {f} [Heilung eines Menschen aus räumlicher Distanz durch Geistheilung]
distant horizonferner Horizont {m}
med. distant metastasesFernmetastasen {pl}
med. distant metastasisFernmetastase {f}
math. distant parallelismFernparallelismus {m} [auch: Fern-Parallelismus]
distant periodentfernte Zeit {f}
comp. tech. distant readingFernablesung {f}
RadioTV distant receptionFernempfang {m}
mil. distant reconnaissanceFernaufklärung {f}
distant relationferner Verwandter {m}
distant relationsentfernte Verwandte {pl}
distant relativeentfernter Verwandter {m}
distant relativeferner Verwandter {m}
distant relative [female]entfernte Verwandte {f}
distant relative [female]ferne Verwandte {f} [ugs.]
distant relativesentfernte Verwandte {pl}
rail distant signalVorsignal {n}
esot. psych. distant treatmentFernbehandlung {f}
distant viewFernansicht {f}
distant viewFernblick {m}
3 Words: Others
cold and distant {adj}kühl und distanziert
in distant memory {adv}in grauer Vorzeit
3 Words: Verbs
to distinguish distant objectsferne Gegenstände erkennen
3 Words: Nouns
a distant secondabgeschlagener Zweiter {m}
med. distant cardiac murmurDistanzgeräusch {n} [am Herzen]
esot. psych. distant intercessory prayerGebetsfernheilung {f} [Fürbitten und Anrufungen von Göttern und Geistern]
weapons distant-combat weaponFernkampfwaffe {f}
4 Words: Others
in the distant future {adv}in ferner Zukunft
sb. placed a distant thirdjd. landete abgeschlagen auf dem dritten Platz
4 Words: Nouns
mil. distant early warning line <DEW line>Distant Early Warning Line {f} <DEW-Line> [Kette von Radarstationen entlang der US-amerik. und kanadischen Arktis]
distant early warning system <DEWS>Frühwarnsystem {n}
archi. Hall of Distant FragranceHalle {f} des Weitreichenden Duftes
5+ Words: Others
idiom in the not too distant future {adv}in nicht allzu ferner Zukunft
5+ Words: Verbs
to aim at a distant targetein fernes Ziel anpeilen
5+ Words: Nouns
yen to see distant placesFernweh {n}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F A Distant Trumpet [Raoul Walsh]Die blaue Eskadron
film F Distant LightsLichter [Hans-Christian Schmid]
mus. F Distant Seas [Sergei Prokofiev]Ferne Meere [Sergei Prokofjew]
mus. F Lovely Distant Land [also: Beautiful Distant Land]Schöne Fremde [R. Schumann, Liederkreis, Op. 39]
lit. F The Distant Summer [Sarah Patterson]Einst im Sommer
lit. F The Distant Lover [novella]Der fremde Freund / Drachenblut [Christoph Hein]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
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Q 2021-10-18: "Get more distant" or "move back"
Q 2021-10-18: "Get more distant" or "move back"
A 2018-12-05: +far+ distant ... Cf. +far / farther / farthest+ or +further / furthest+
Q 2018-12-05: fur distant from here
A 2016-04-21: near und distant / remote
A 2014-11-11: weitläufige Vetternschaft > distant cousinage
A 2013-05-28: oops! Yes, "shrouded in a distant mist"
A 2013-05-28: shroud in a distant mist
A 2011-08-18: THIS is a great board, is correct. You are here, not distant.
A 2011-08-12: 160 €/mg - must be stardust from a very, very distant galaxy
Q 2011-01-13: distant from their lives and experience
A 2010-11-13: past its peak / its heydays are over / featuring only a distant echo of it...
A 2010-09-20: a distant possibility: Feldschütz (i.e. somebody who is appointed to prote...
A 2010-03-25: http://www.dict.cc/?s=fern - distant or remote
A 2010-03-03: Distance can also be psychological - +those+ pervs are pervs one prefers t...
A 2009-08-05: well done that distant lady ;-)
A 2009-01-22: breath of a distant world
A 2008-12-19: Going by the ending, +everglade+ appears to have mixed me up with my dista...
A 2008-06-07: I think 'weite' here means 'far, distant, long'
A 2008-02-03: distant

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distant cardiac murmur
distant-combat weapon
distant control
distant cousin
distant earthquake
distant echo

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