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English-German translation for: divided
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Dictionary English German: divided

Translation 1 - 51 of 51

English German
ADJ   divided | more divided | most divided
VERB  to divide | divided | divided ... 
SYNO   divided | divided up | shared ... 
divided {adj} {past-p}
divided {adj} {past-p}
divided {adj} {past-p}
divided {adj} {past-p}
divided {adj} {past-p}
divided {adj} {past-p}
divided {adj} {past-p} [opinions etc.]
gespalten [Ansichten etc.]
sb./sth. divided
jd./etw. teilte
divided {adj} {past-p}
gastr. divided {adj} [e.g. butter]in Stücke geschnitten [z. B. Butter]
2 Words: Others
class-divided {adj}in Klassen unterteilt
divided (into)unterteilt (in)
math. divided bydividiert durch
math. divided bygeteilt durch
divided ineingeteilt in
finely divided {adj}feinzerteilt
not divided {adj}ungeteilt
spatially divided {adj}räumlich getrennt
2 Words: Nouns
geogr. hist. pol. divided countrygeteiltes Land {n}
cloth. hist. divided henninHörnerhaube {f} [Doppelhennin]
transp. divided highway [Am.]Schnellstraße {f} (mit Mittelstreifen)
divided nation [fig.]gespaltene Nation {f} [Staat] [fig.]
divided nation [fig.]gespaltenes Land {n} [fig.]
divided responsibilitygeteilte Zuständigkeit {f}
ind. pharm. divided sampleTeilprobe {f} [durch Probeteilungsverfahren hergestellt; Prozessanalytik]
cloth. divided skirtHosenrock {m}
sociol. divided societygespaltene Gesellschaft {f}
divided state [fig.]gespaltener Staat {m} [fig.]
divided wheelzweiteilige Felge {f} mit geteilter Radscheibe
3 Words: Others
divided by disagreement {adj} [postpos.]uneinig
divided in two {adj} {past-p}entzweigeteilt [selten] [veraltet]
sth. can be dividedetw. ist unterteilbar
3 Words: Verbs
to be divided over sth. [disagree]über etw. uneinig sein [geteilter Meinung sein]
3 Words: Nouns
split / divided rimzweiteilige Felge {f} mit geteilter Radscheibe
4 Words: Others
divided into three sections {adj} [postpos.]in drei Abschnitte geteilt
The opinions are divided.Die Meinungen gehen auseinander.
4 Words: Verbs
to be divided in / into sth.sichAkk. in etw.Akk. gliedern [Buch in Kapitel etc.]
to be divided on / about sth.über etw. geteilter Meinung sein
4 Words: Nouns
hist. law divided inheritance of landRealteilung {f} [veraltet]
house divided into flatsMehrfamilienhaus {n}
5+ Words: Others
math. 20 divided by 5 is 4.20 geteilt durch 5 ist gleich 4.
med. divided into acute and chronic {adj} [postpos.]in akut und chronisch unterteilt
Opinion is deeply divided on this issue.Die Meinungen hierüber gehen weit auseinander.
She divided her life between London and Paris.Sie lebte abwechselnd in London und Paris.
law The legal fees are divided equally between the parties.Die Kosten des Rechtsstreits werden gegeneinander aufgehoben.
proverb United we stand, divided we fall.Vereint stehen wir, getrennt fallen wir.
pol. proverb United We Stand, Divided We Fall. [USA] [Kentucky state motto]Zusammen sind wir stark, geteilt gehen wir unter. [Motto des US-Staates Kentucky]
5+ Words: Verbs
to meet with a divided responseauf ein geteiltes Echo stoßen
5+ Words: Nouns
a house divided against itselfuneiniges Parlament {n}
philos. analogy of the divided line [Plato]Liniengleichnis {n}
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
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A 2022-01-09: "geteilt" hier: shared (not "divided")
Q 2017-08-09: Gibt es eine Kurzform für "divided by"?
A 2016-04-22: @uffiee Two nations divided by the same language
A 2014-06-02: Divided Poland.
A 2013-12-19: evenly divided between - that's good, thanks again.
A 2013-04-23: Carve up means divided up, although in this case it boils down to the same...
A 2013-04-20: Two nations divided by a common language
A 2012-03-11: divided
A 2011-11-18: Context: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/nov/16/divided-conse...
A 2011-09-16: Betriebsaufspaltung > split of a unitary enterprise, divided operations gr...
A 2011-06-14: AE: about evenly divided
A 2011-06-14: could be about equally divided between
A 2011-06-03: The methods of company valuation may be divided into
A 2010-06-08: Dann vielleicht lieber "split up" als "divided".
Q 2010-02-09: Patenttext über Papiermaschine - Bedeutung von "divided" im Sinne von "sep...
A 2010-01-14: If I understand the way you have divided up the legal process,
A 2009-08-06: As to the seriousness of his statement, opinions are divided
A 2009-06-11: inside of = within; divided into = divided up among/between
A 2009-05-31: The +double-naved+ cella +measuring+ 13.55 by 42.37 m is divided by a row ...
A 2009-05-27: Divided by a common language again :-)

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divided country
divided hennin
divided highway
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divided inheritance of land
divided (into)
divided into acute and chronic
divided into three sections

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