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English-German translation for: divorce
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Dictionary English German: divorce

Translation 1 - 50 of 99  >>

English German
NOUN1   a divorce | divorces
NOUN2   divorce | -
VERB  to divorce | divorced | divorced ... 
SYNO   divorce | divorcement | to divorce ... 
to divorce [fig.]
to divorce
scheiden [Eheleute]
to divorce sb.
jdn. verstoßen [Ehegatte]
to divorcesichAkk. scheiden lassen
law to divorce sb.sich von jdm. scheiden lassen
Scheidung {f}
Ehescheidung {f}
divorce [fig.]
Trennung {f}
divorcé [Am.]
Geschiedener {m}
divorcé [Am.]in Scheidung lebender Mann {m}
2 Words: Nouns
amicable divorceeinvernehmliche Scheidung {f}
amicable divorceeinverständliche Scheidung {f}
amicable divorcegütliche Scheidung {f}
amicable divorceScheidung {f} auf einvernehmlicher Ebene
law consensual divorceeinvernehmliche Scheidung {f}
law contested divorceKampfscheidung {f} [schweiz.]
law divorce agreementScheidungskonvention {f} [schweiz.]
divorce battleRosenkrieg {m} [fig.]
divorce battleScheidungskrieg {m}
divorce caseScheidungsfall {m}
law divorce certificateScheidungsurkunde {f}
law divorce courtScheidungsgericht {n}
law divorce dateScheidungstermin {m}
law divorce decreeScheidungsurkunde {f}
law divorce decreeScheidungsurteil {n}
divorce dramaScheidungsdrama {n}
jobs law divorce judgeScheidungsrichter {m}
jobs law divorce judge [female]Scheidungsrichterin {f}
law divorce lawScheidungsgesetz {n}
law divorce lawScheidungsrecht {n}
law divorce lawScheidungsrechtsprechung {f}
jobs law divorce lawyerScheidungsanwalt {m}
law divorce lawyer [female]Scheidungsanwältin {f}
law divorce papersScheidungspapiere {pl}
relig. divorce papers {pl} [Jewish] [also: get]Scheidebrief {m}
law divorce petitionScheidungsantrag {m}
law divorce petitionerScheidungskläger {m}
law divorce proceedingScheidungsverfahren {n}
divorce proceedingsScheidungsverhandlungen {pl}
law divorce proceedings {pl}Scheidungsprozess {m}
law divorce proceedings {pl}Scheidungsverfahren {n}
stat. divorce rateScheidungsquote {f}
stat. divorce rateScheidungsrate {f}
divorce settlementScheidungsvereinbarung {f}
law divorce statuteScheidungsstatut {n}
law divorce suitScheidungsklage {f}
law express divorce [coll.]Blitzscheidung {f} [ugs.]
law fault divorceVerschuldensscheidung {f}
law fault divorceverschuldensabhängige Scheidung {f}
instant divorceBlitzscheidung {f}
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Q 2023-03-14: law to file [a suit, a petition for divorce] [Akk.] einreichen [Klage...
Q 2017-06-04: complaint for limited divorce
Q 2017-05-12: Gerichtsbeschluss? court order/ruling/judgement? (divorce)
Q 2015-09-26: Please, please check my two English paragraphs translated from a German di...
A 2015-05-22: Divorce
A 2015-05-21: ? https://www.google.co.uk/#q=%22joint+divorce+petition%22 ?
A 2013-11-15: Drugs, divorce or trouble with the police? Do you have to sue for admissio...
A 2012-10-28: @rabend: perhaps it's confusing because divorce laws in the U.S. vary sign...
A 2012-03-22: My suggestion: The divorce will be fought at the kids' costs
A 2012-03-11: Divorce
A 2011-09-02: http://www.mylifeafterdivorce.com/reasons-for-divorce/principles-of-divorc...
Q 2010-10-18: Joint Petition for Summary Decree of Divorce
A 2010-09-19: bill of divorce > Scheidebrief {m}
A 2010-04-29: @wuffke: You should include the subphrase "most of which I paid with my di...
Q 2009-10-26: no-fault divorce
A 2009-10-08: I'd write "immediate divorce."
A 2009-10-08: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Ade%3A...
A 2009-05-05: none whatsoever, see http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UT...
A 2009-03-16: agreement on ancillary consequential divorce matters
A 2009-03-16: consequential divorce agreement

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