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English-German translation for: dock
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Dictionary English German: dock

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NOUN   a dock | docks
VERB  to dock | docked | docked ... 
SYNO   dock | loading dock | bob | bobtail ... 
NOUN   das Dock | die Docks
SYNO   Dock | Reparaturwerft ... 
to dock
to dock sth. [e.g. wages, salaries]
etw. kürzen [z. B. Gehälter, Bezüge]
naut. to dock
anlanden [anlegen]
VetMed. to dock
kupieren [Schwanz]
equest. to dock
stutzen [Schwanz eines Pferdes]
to dock
law dock
Anklagebank {f}
naut. dock [Am.] [pier etc.]
Steg {m} [Bootssteg]
Dock {n}
naut. dock
Hafenbecken {n}
naut. dock [for berthing]
Kai {m}
bot. T
Ampfer {m}
naut. dock [Am.] [wharf at a port]
Hafenkai {m}
dockStummel {m} [ugs.] [Stummelschwanz (kurzer gestutzter Schwanz, z. B. beim Hund)]
equest. VetMed. dock [base of the tail]Schweifrübe {f}
electr. dock [docking station]Dockingstation {f}
2 Words: Verbs
naut. to dock at(in einem Hafen) anlegen
naut. to dry-dockins Trockendock verholen
2 Words: Nouns
naut. building dockBaudock {n}
naut. construction dockBaudock {n}
naut. transp. container dockContainerdock {n}
equest. crupper dockSchweifmetze {f}
dickory dock [Br.] [cockney rhyming slang for: clock][Cockney Rhyming Slang für: Uhr]
dock areaHafenviertel {n}
transp. dock bumper [loading dock]Rampenpuffer {m}
naut. dock duesDockgebühren {pl}
naut. dock duesHafengebühren {pl}
fin. naut. dock feesDockgebühren {pl}
naut. tech. dock gateHafenschleuse {f}
constr. naut. tech. dock installationDockanlage {f}
jobs naut. dock labourer [Br.]Hafenarbeiter {m}
bot. dock leafAmpferblatt {n}
transp. dock leveller [also: dockleveller]Überladebrücke {f}
dock warrantDockschein {m}
jobs naut. dock workerDockarbeiter {m}
jobs naut. dock workerHafenarbeiter {m}
jobs naut. dock worker [female]Hafenarbeiterin {f}
naut. dry dockTrockendock {n}
naut. ferry dockFähranleger {m}
aviat. finger dockFingerdock {n} [Fluggastbrücke]
naut. floating dockSchwimmdock {n}
naut. graving dockTrockendock {n}
transp. loading dockLadedock {n}
loading dockLaderampe {f}
theatre scene dockKulissenlager {m}
theatre scenery dockBühnenbilddepot {n}
MedTech. storage dockParkstation {f}
vendors dockLaderampe {f} des Verkäufers
naut. wet dockHafenbecken {n}
naut. wet dockNassbox {f}
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Q 2023-12-12: to dock a point = to deduct a point Fehlerpunkt
A 2018-08-24: There is no Angeklagtenstand in German. It's the Anklagebank = dock, as in...
Q 2018-06-28: government dock
Q 2017-03-08: Hillary and ... +Mike+ comrades in the dock?
A 2015-10-20: dock bumper - Rampenpuffer
A 2014-09-03: Agree, the dock in fire alarm text sounds like a +Kammer.+ Regionalism perhaps?
A 2014-09-03: Perhaps a loading dock.
A 2014-09-03: Dock
A 2014-09-03: dock = Verschlag eventuell Kabuff
Q 2014-09-03: custodian’s dock
A 2012-09-08: to dock sb. / sb's pay for sth.
Q 2012-09-08: to dock so. for sth.
A 2011-08-08: But keep in mind that a "dock" in AE can also be huge structure, like a "c...
A 2011-08-08: In AE, it would be "dock."
A 2010-03-17: bow line > Vorleine (extends from the bow (Bug) to the dock cleat)
A 2010-01-22: "ab Rampe" maybe: ex loading bay / loading dock
A 2009-05-17: 'Verriegelung' works too. Dock = LKW Laderampe.
A 2009-05-17: I googled - "dock lock" LKW -
Q 2009-05-17: dock locks
Q 2009-02-11: dock work

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