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English-German translation for: doctor
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Dictionary English German: doctor

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NOUN   a doctor | doctors
VERB  to doctor | doctored | doctored ... 
SYNO   Doctor | Doctor of the Church ... 
to doctor [tamper with, falsify]
med. to doctor sb.
jdn. verarzten
med. to doctor sb.
jdn. behandeln
to doctor [repair; mend]
VetMed. to doctor [Br.] [sterilize]
sterilisieren [Tier]
to doctor sb. [treat sb. medically, unprofessionally]an jdm. doktern [ugs.] [Unterschiedliches ausprobieren, um sich / jdn zu behandeln, zu heilen, wiederherzustellen]
jobs med. doctor
Arzt {m}
dent. med. VetMed. surgery [Br.] [doctor's office]
Praxis {f} [Arztpraxis]
jobs med. doctor [female]
Ärztin {f}
acad. educ. doctor [person who holds the highest university degree]
Doktor {m} [Träger eines Doktortitels]
med. Doctor <Dr.>
Doktor {m} <Dr.>
jobs med. doctor [physician]
Mediziner {m} [Arzt]
jobs doctor [female]
Doktorin {f}
sports doctor
Betreuer {m}
med. doctorMedikus {m} [veraltet] [noch hum.]
jobs med. doctor [female]Medizinerin {f} [Ärztin]
jobs med. doctor [physician]Doktor {m} [ugs.] [Arzt]
2 Words: Others
Dear Doctor [female]Sehr geehrte Frau Doktor
Dear Doctor [male]Sehr geehrter Herr Doktor
2 Words: Verbs
to doctor accountsKonten fälschen
acc. to doctor accountsKonten frisieren
to doctor balancesdie Bilanz verschleiern
games to play doctor [coll.] [of children]Doktor spielen [ugs.] [Kinder]
to spin-doctor (sth.)(etw.Akk.) schönfärben
2 Words: Nouns
med. (doctor's) office [Am.]Behandlungszimmer {n} [Arztpraxis]
jobs med. (doctor's) receptionist [female]Arzthelferin {f} [ugs.] [für Anmeldung, Praxisorganisation]
(doctor's) receptionist [female]Sprechstundengehilfin {f}
jobs med. (doctor's) receptionist [male]Arzthelfer {m}
med. abortion doctorAbtreibungsarzt {m}
med. abortion doctor [female]Abtreibungsärztin {f}
jobs med. accompanying doctorBegleitarzt {m}
print air doctorLuftrakel {f}
VetMed. animal doctorViehdoktor {m} [ugs. für: Tierarzt]
med. mil. army doctorFeldarzt {m}
jobs med. mil. army doctorMilitärarzt {m}
med. assistant doctorAssistenzarzt {m}
med. assistant doctor [female]Assistenzärztin {f}
authorised doctor [Br.]befugter Arzt {m}
authorized doctorbefugter Arzt {m}
authorized doctorzuständiger Arzt {m}
med. baby doctorKinderarzt {m}
hist. med. barefoot doctor [China]Barfußarzt {m}
hist. med. barefoot doctor [China] [female]Barfußärztin {f}
jobs med. bone doctor [coll.]Knochenarzt {m} [ugs.]
jobs med. bone doctor [coll.]Knochendoktor {m} [ugs.] [Orthopäde]
hist. med. camp doctorLagerarzt {m}
med. casualty doctorUnfallarzt {m}
med. casualty doctor [Br.]Notarzt {m} [bei Unfällen etc.]
med. casualty doctor [female]Unfallärztin {f}
med. children's doctorKinderarzt {m}
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A 2024-01-31: We'll get back (???) later … we need a doctor … we got somebody down
A 2023-01-16: @MichaelK: locum - at least in BE - refers specifically to a doctor ...
Q 2022-01-18: Was ist denn ein "internal medicine doctor"?
A 2021-10-30: he is a sort of doctor? a quasi doctor ?
A 2021-09-18: Talking with patients / doctor - patient communication
A 2020-03-08: Quote from +Looking at Colour: A Philosophical Exposition by Kerstin Merte...
A 2019-12-18: sick note [from a doctor] = (ärztliches) Krankheitszeugnis {n} [schweiz...
A 2019-03-07: Just an apple for dinner makes the doctor no winner
A 2019-01-11: duty app. / doctor
Q 2019-01-11: duty doctor
Q 2018-12-05: mehrere Doctor Grade, 3 Dr Grade , Dr mult ?
A 2018-07-17: (your) doctor in charge ?
A 2018-07-17: While Dr Smith - the lecturer in archaeology - could very well be a medica...
A 2017-03-18: niedergelassener Arzt > registered doctor in private practice
A 2016-12-28: Another shortie: Your family doctor / GP can run this blood test.
A 2016-12-28: Variant ': Your family doctor / GP may perform this blood test.
A 2016-12-28: Your family doctor / GP may carry out this blood test. \ +Variants to be p...
A 2016-04-04: It means that the patient doesn't know or can't tell what the doctor is ad...
A 2016-02-15: Medical translation, doctor's report
Q 2016-02-13: Medical translation, doctor's report

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