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English-German translation for: doctors
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Dictionary English German: doctors

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NOUN   a doctor | doctors
VERB  to doctor | doctored | doctored
doctoring | doctors
sb. doctorsjd. verarztet [ugs.]
Ärzte {pl}
doctors [female]
Ärztinnen {pl}
jobs med. doctors
Doktoren {pl} <Dres.>
2 Words: Nouns
med. assistant doctorsAssistenzärzte {pl}
med. clown doctors {pl}Clowndoktoren {pl}
jobs med. doctors shortage [also: doctors' shortage]Ärztemangel {m}
mus. doctors' choirÄrztechor {m}
doctors' mess [Br.]Ärztekasino {n}
hist. Doctors' plot [Russia]Ärzteverschwörung {f}
med. pol. doctors' strikeÄrztestreik {m}
hist. Doctors' TrialNürnberger Ärzteprozess {m}
med. registered doctors [practitioners]niedergelassene Ärzte {pl}
3 Words: Nouns
acad. med. conference of doctorsÄrztekongress {m}
acad. med. conference of doctorsÄrztekongreß {m} [alt]
conference of doctorsZusammenkunft {f} von Ärzten
med. Doctors Without Borders <DWB, MSF> [MSF: Médecins Sans Frontières]Ärzte ohne Grenzen [ohne Artikel] <ÄoG>
FireResc emergency doctors' helicopterNotarzteinsatzhubschrauber {m} <NEH>
family of doctorsArztfamilie {f}
jobs med. shortage of doctorsÄrztemangel {m}
med. team of doctorsÄrzteteam {n}
4 Words: Nouns
med. association of female doctorsÄrztinnenbund {m} [Vereinigung]
med. association of female doctorsÄrztinnenvereinigung {f}
5+ Words: Others
Doctors worked to rebuild his face.Die Ärzte versuchten, sein Gesicht wiederherzustellen.
5+ Words: Verbs
to be given up by the doctorsvon den Ärzten aufgegeben werden
5+ Words: Nouns
hist. National Socialist German Doctors' LeagueNationalsozialistischer Deutscher Ärztebund {m} <NSDÄB, NSD-Ärztebund>
med. spec. Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia <RFDS>Flying Doctors {pl}
acad. med. Society of German Natural Scientists and DoctorsGesellschaft {f} Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte <GDNÄ>
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Doctors [Erich Segal]Die Ärzte [auch: Die das Leben lieben]
RadioTV F The Flying DoctorsDie fliegenden Ärzte
film F The Flying Doctors of East AfricaDie Fliegenden Ärzte von Ostafrika [Werner Herzog]
film F The Young Doctors [Phil Karlson]Chefarzt Dr. Pearson
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Q 2019-12-18: With this product, doctors can quickly, directly and easily determine if a...
A 2017-01-24: The majority of NHS doctors being women, +houseman+ was less and less the ...
A 2016-05-06: Best to avoid both. Doctors and guns.
A 2016-01-20: Doctors' writing
A 2015-08-25: +Clear+ is what doctors say in television programmes when they are using d...
A 2015-08-13: Why Doctors recommending Xtra Booster to All?
A 2014-10-23: I wrote, +Please tell me what the doctors said,+
A 2014-10-23: Please tell me what the doctors said.
A 2013-06-05: Even to doctors?
A 2013-03-27: "The doctors decided what care I should have."
A 2012-05-11: The original doesn't say that doctors and lawyers are 'solos' but that the...
A 2011-10-20: dentists used to be just misters, compared to M.D.s who were doctors
A 2011-07-28: associated doctors' surgery
A 2011-06-16: Doctors
A 2011-02-11: Specifically +has already proved to be a successful treatment in cases whe...
Q 2010-12-05: Of all the doctors I dislike I dislike you the least
A 2010-10-09: @ wandle - Some doctors send the prescription electronically to the chemis...
A 2010-09-27: Doctors are here, but people are dying on them right on the asphalt.
A 2010-09-24: @Kornelius: Only thing: "work coat" wouldn't work for doctors. Social stan...
A 2010-08-25: @Mandy: if it's the basis for a 'Werbebroschüre', wouldn't it be selling o...

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