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English-German translation for: documentary
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Dictionary English German: documentary

Translation 1 - 50 of 92  >>

English German
NOUN   a documentary | documentaries
SYNO   docudrama | documentary ... 
documentary {adj}
documentary {adj}
documentary {adj}
documentary {adj} [analysing contemporary issues]
zeitkritisch [Zeitkritik enthaltend / äußernd]
documentary {adj}durch Dokumente belegt
documentary {adj}in Form einer Dokumentation [nachgestellt]
film documentary
Dokumentarfilm {m}
RadioTV documentary
Doku {f} [ugs.]
Dokumentarbericht {m}
RadioTV documentary
Dokumentarsendung {f}
film RadioTV documentary [film]
Bildreportage {f}
documentary [film]
Sachgeschichte {f}
film RadioTV documentary [documentary film]Dokufilm {m} [ugs.] [Kurzwort] [Dokumentarfilm]
2 Words: Others
non-documentary {adj}nicht dokumentär
film lit. semi-documentary {adj}halbdokumentarisch
2 Words: Nouns
documentary channelDokumentarkanal {m}
fin. documentary collectionDokumenteninkasso {n}
documentary collectiondokumentäres Inkasso {n}
fin. documentary creditAkkreditiv {n}
documentary creditDokumentenakkreditiv {n}
documentary creditsDokumentenakkreditive {pl}
documentary draftDokumententratte {f}
documentary evidenceBelegmaterial {n}
documentary evidenceUrkundenbeweis {m}
documentary evidencedokumentarische Beweisführung {f}
hist. law documentary evidenceurkundlicher Beleg {m}
law documentary evidenceurkundliches Beweismaterial {n}
film documentary featureDokumentarspielfilm {m}
film documentary filmDokumentarfilm {m}
film documentary filmmakerDokfilmer {m} [schweiz.]
film jobs documentary filmmakerDokumentarfilmer {m}
documentary filmmakerDokumentarist {m}
film jobs documentary filmmaker [female]Dokumentarfilmerin {f}
film documentary filmmaker [female]Dokumentaristin {f}
film documentary flick [coll.]Dokstreifen {m} [schweiz.] [ugs.]
documentary fraudDokumentenbetrug {m}
bibl. documentary hypothesis(neuere) Urkundenhypothese {f}
documentary materialAktenmaterial {n}
documentary materialDokumentationsmaterial {n}
film documentary movie [Am.]Dokumentarfilm {m}
journ. lit. documentary narrativedokumentarische Erzählung {f}
archaeo. hist. documentary papyriPapyrusurkunden {pl}
photo. documentary photographyDokumentarfotografie {f} [Genre]
photo. documentary photographyDokumentarphotographie {f} [Genre]
documentary practices {pl}Praxis {f} im Umgang mit Dokumenten
documentary proofschriftlicher Nachweis {m}
law documentary proofurkundlicher Nachweis {m}
RadioTV documentary reportDokumentation {f}
film journ. RadioTV documentary reportTatsachenbericht {m}
documentary seriesDoku-Serie {f}
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A 2022-07-26: supporting documents / documentary evidence (relevant to studies)
A 2016-08-14: (documentary) evidence of the amount of my income
A 2009-12-11: legalese: Documentary evidence with respect to/regarding the events is not...
A 2009-12-11: Typos: Documentary evidence concerning the events +is+ not to +be+ submitt...
A 2009-12-11: Documentary evidence concerning the events are not to submitted/introduced...
Q 2009-11-10: Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen, and welcome to our documentary: "Four ...
A 2009-08-20: Documentary made in USA
A 2009-04-23: Beitragsgrundlagennachweis > documentary evidence of contribution base; Ka...
A 2008-10-05: http://uktv.co.uk/documentary/item/aid/528196 ? http://www.tigerhomes.org...
A 2008-04-22: Well, I saw a documentary on Wagners Ring of Nibelung
A 2008-02-12: Beitragsgrundlage > contribution base, Beitragsgrundlagennachweis > docume...
A 2007-10-01: What about: cinematic documentary ~ documentary shown on the silver screen...
A 2006-11-24: Under quasi documentary-like conditions, with virtually no (additional)
Q 2006-10-17: "we would therefore draw attention to the documentary CD we enclosed this ...
A 2006-08-06: There is (documentary) proof/evidence of ...
A 2006-07-20: We would like you to open a documentary letter of credit with your bank;
Q 2006-07-20: (documentary credit) available with (Bank) .... by (payment)
A 2005-06-17: Documentary credit

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