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English-German translation for: documentation
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Dictionary English German: documentation

Translation 1 - 50 of 108  >>

English German
NOUN   documentation | -
SYNO   documentation | software documentation ... 
Dokumentation {f}
documentation {sg}
Unterlagen {pl}
documentation {sg}
Urkunden {pl}
Dokumentierung {f}
2 Words: Nouns
publ. tech. (technical) documentation(technische) Unterlage {f}
econ. tech. accompanying documentationBegleitdokumentation {f}
accompanying documentation {sg}Begleitpapiere {pl}
additional documentation {sg}zusätzliche Papiere {pl}
application documentationAnwendungsdokumentation {f}
QM approval documentationGenehmigungsdokumentation {f}
educ. bioscientific documentationbiowissenschaftliche Dokumentation {f}
admin. automot. car documentation {sg}Fahrzeugpapiere {pl}
case documentationFalldokumentation {f}
construction documentation <CD>Ausführungsplanung {f}
construction documentation <CD>Werkplanung {f}
tech. customer documentationKundendokumentation {f}
comm. econ. QM delivery documentation <DD>Lieferdokumentation {f}
design documentation <DD>Entwurfsdokumentation {f}
design documentation <DD>Entwurfsplanung {f}
documentation center [Am.]Dokumentationsstelle {f}
documentation center [Am.]Dokumentationszentrum {n}
documentation centre [Br.]Dokumentationsstelle {f}
documentation centre [Br.]Dokumentationszentrum {n}
documentation componentsDokumentationsunterlagen {pl}
documentation departmentDokumentationsabteilung {f}
documentation gapDokumentationslücke {f}
jobs documentation managerDokumentationsmanager {m}
jobs documentation manager [female]Dokumentationsmanagerin {f}
documentation obligationDokumentationspflicht {f}
tech. documentation representativeDokumentationsbevollmächtigter {m}
admin. documentation requirementDokumentationspflicht {f}
QM documentation requirements [ISO]Dokumentationsanforderungen {pl} [DIN EN ISO]
documentation systemDokumentationssystem {n}
enrollment documentation [Am.]Schulbescheinigung {f}
comp. error documentationFehlerdokumentation {f}
law evidentiary documentation {sg}beweiskräftige Unterlagen {pl}
law evidentiary documentation {sg}nachweisende Unterlagen {pl}
archaeo. excavation documentationAusgrabungsdokumentation {f}
archaeo. excavation documentationGrabungsdokumentation {f}
film documentationFilmdokumentation {f}
MedTech. film documentationDokumentation {f} auf Film
language documentationSprachdokumentation {f}
tech. maintenance documentationWartungsdokumentation {f}
tech. maintenance documentation {sg}Wartungsunterlagen {pl}
acc. gastr. meal documentationBewirtungsbeleg {m}
law notarial documentationnotarielle Beurkundung {f}
med. nursing documentationPflegedokumentation {f}
econ. overall documentationGesamtdokumentation {f}
med. patient documentationPatientendokumentation {f}
photo. photo documentationFotodokumentation {f}
» See 6 more translations for documentation within comments
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A 2021-09-05: 2x SAP Documentation (subcontract purchase order)
Q 2020-09-29: Training documentation Accounting Processes
Q 2020-09-29: Training documentation Accounting Processes
Q 2020-07-23: Training documentation Accounting Processes
Q 2020-07-12: Training documentation Accounting Processes
Q 2020-07-11: Training documentation Accounting Processes
Q 2020-06-22: Training documentation Accounting Processes
Q 2020-06-20: Training documentation Accounting Processes
Q 2020-06-18: Training documentation Accounting Processes
A 2019-09-08: Express Documentation Team http://exdocumentation.net is legit , they will...
A 2019-06-09: best catalogued and with a most efficatious and comprehensive documentation
A 2015-05-20: subject to documentation by (a) notary public
A 2014-06-08: documentation= documenting her activities
A 2014-04-08: From a decade in technical documentation ...
A 2013-05-27: (operational) documentation at the workplace
Q 2011-07-13: Documentation in comments
A 2011-06-11: doppelmoppel ..... - documentation of services provided ....?
A 2011-05-21: agree (once again ;-)) ) with wandle, the English abbreviations are often ...
A 2010-11-11: Seems to be +archival documentation+
A 2010-03-10: process documentation

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documentation manager
documentation obligation
documentation representative
documentation requirement
documentation requirements

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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