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English-German translation for: doesn't
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Dictionary English German: doesn't

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bot. hort. [a plant which doesn't need much attention]eine dankbare Pflanze {f} [fig.] [Topfpflanze, anspruchslos in der Pflege]
2 Words: Others
Doesn't everyone?Tut das nicht jeder?
Doesn't matter. <dm, DM, Dm>Egal!
sb. doesn't dojd. tut nicht
sth. doesn't bother sb.etw. kratzt jdn. nicht [ugs.] [fig.] [stört, berührt nicht]
2 Words: Nouns
Bielefeld Conspiracy [satirical conspiracy theory claiming that the city of Bielefeld doesn't exist]Bielefeldverschwörung {f}
3 Words: Others
Age doesn't matter.Das Alter spielt keine Rolle.
proverb Crime doesn't pay.Verbrechen lohnt sich nicht.
proverb Crime doesn't pay.Verbrechen macht sich nicht bezahlt.
proverb Crime doesn't pay.Verbrechen zahlt sich nicht aus.
Doesn't he understand?Versteht er nicht?
Doesn't work properly.Funktioniert nicht richtig.
He doesn't dance.Er ist Nichttänzer.
idiom It doesn't figure.Das passt / stimmt nicht zusammen.
It doesn't matter.Das tut nichts. [macht nichts]
It doesn't matter.Es macht nichts.
It doesn't matter.Es verschlägt nichts. [regional]
It doesn't matter.Es ist wurstegal / wurschtegal. [ugs.]
It doesn't pay.Es bringt nichts ein.
It doesn't work.Des funzt net. [bes. schwäbisch: Das funktioniert nicht.]
proverb Once doesn't count.Einmal ist keinmal.
proverb Paper doesn't blush.Papier ist geduldig.
Size doesn't matter.Die Größe ist unwichtig.
Size doesn't matter.Es kommt nicht auf die Größe an.
sth. doesn't agree with sb.jd. verträgt etw. nicht
sth. doesn't go here. [e.g. not on this shelf]etw. gehört nicht hierher. [nicht auf diesen Platz]
That doesn't compute. [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]Das ergibt keinen Sinn.
That doesn't matter.Das macht nichts.
That doesn't matter.Das tut nichts zur Sache.
3 Words: Verbs
to pretend sb. doesn't existjdn. totschweigen
4 Words: Others
A duck's quack doesn't echo.Entenquaken erzeugt kein Echo.
He doesn't hang about. [Br.] [coll.] [doesn't wait or hesitate]Er geht ran wie Blücher. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
idiom He doesn't hang about. [coll.]Er fackelt nicht lange.
He doesn't have to.Das muss er gar nicht.
He doesn't like work.Er arbeitet nicht gern.
He doesn't mince matters. [idiom]Er nimmt kein Blatt vor den Mund. [Redewendung]
idiom He doesn't miss much.Ihm entgeht so schnell nichts.
He simply doesn't count.Er zählt überhaupt nicht.
It doesn't bear contemplating.Nicht auszudenken.
It doesn't bother me.Es stört mich nicht.
It doesn't box easily.Es lässt sich nur schlecht verpacken.
idiom It doesn't come cheaply.Das ist nicht gerade billig.
It doesn't concern you.Es geht dich / Sie nichts an.
It doesn't grab me.Ich kann mich dafür nicht begeistern.
Unverified It doesn't half stink! [Br.] [coll.] [idiom]Es stinkt grottenschlecht! [ugs.] [Redewendung]
It doesn't hurt that ...Es schadet nicht, dass ...
idiom It doesn't look it.Sieht gar nicht danach aus.
It doesn't make sense.Das ergibt keinen Sinn.
It doesn't matter whether ...Egal ob ...
It doesn't matter whether ...Es spielt überhaupt keine Rolle, ob ...
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A 2023-07-11: This word doesn't exist in German.
A 2023-04-08: @Leop22: "dict.cc" doesn't do anything, its users do.
A 2023-03-19: Right, English doesn't have a central authority like German.
A 2022-12-28: ironically enough - doesn't fit imho
A 2022-11-21: Incentive doesn't mean money,
Q 2022-09-27: Who doesn't know God, to any saint prays
A 2022-08-30: Accidentally duplicated. This word doesn't exist, IMHO.
Q 2021-12-16: Something that doesn't make sense to me
A 2021-05-09: it doesn't seem necessary
A 2021-05-03: @Windfall: very odd, your text doesn't show any line breaks, and therefore...
A 2021-03-28: Ever doesn't always mean jemals; it also means immer.
A 2020-12-23: Lack of clearance on the latch sounds familiar, doesn't it?
A 2020-10-27: Doesn't technical terminology vary quite a bit among workmen / in differen...
A 2020-09-16: it doesn't matter to what end, any end will do. The crucial factor is that...
A 2020-08-09: 16:34 / 2: What goes for +countersunk+ fillets equally holds for +sunk / s...
A 2020-07-11: The warrior doesn't ask any questions and leaves only few (questions) unanswered
A 2020-07-10: she doesn't ask any questions and that leaves little scope for doubt
A 2020-05-11: Doesn't kidding around inevitably fall flat?
A 2020-01-29: Evidence doesn't change people's minds.
A 2019-10-19: no, it doesn't necessarily destroy the object, but it might do so ....

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Doesn't everyone
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Doesn't matter. dm DM Dm
Doesn't mean anything to me.

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