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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: dollar cheque
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dollar cheque in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: dollar cheque

Translation 1 - 50 of 363  >>

NOUN   a dollar cheque | dollar cheques
dollar cheque [Br.]Dollarscheck {m}
Partial Matches
curr. dollar <$, dlr>Dollar {m} <$>
(one) dollar {adj}Ein-Dollar-
dollar-denominated {adj}in Dollar angegeben
fin. constant dollarBasisdollar {m}
dollar acceptanceDollarakzept {n}
dollar amountDollarbetrag {m}
dollar areaDollarblock {m}
dollar areaDollarraum {m}
dollar billsDollarnoten {pl}
econ. dollar bondDollaranleihe {f}
dollar clauseDollarklausel {f}
curr. dollar coinDollarmünze {f}
curr. dollar coinsDollarmünzen {pl}
curr. dollar countriesDollar-Länder {pl}
dollar countryDollarland {n}
dollar crisisDollarkrise {f}
dollar depositDollareinlage {f}
dollar diplomacyFinanzdiplomatie {f}
dollar drainDollarschwund {m}
dollar flightDollarabwanderung {f}
dollar gapDollarlücke {f}
dollar glutDollarschwemme {f}
fin. dollar holdingsDollarbestände {pl}
dollar holdingsDollarreserven {pl}
dollar holdings {pl}Dollarreserve {f}
pol. dollar imperialismDollarimperialismus {m}
dollar millionaireDollarmillionär {m}
dollar parityDollarparität {f}
fin. dollar pegDollarbindung {f}
dollar priceDollarkurs {m}
dollar quotationDollarnotierung {f}
fin. dollar rateDollarkurs {m}
dollar reservesDollarreserven {pl}
dollar shortageDollarknappheit {f}
curr. dollar sign <$>Dollar-Zeichen {n} <$>
curr. dollar sign <$>Dollarzeichen {n} <$>
curr. dollar symbol <$>Dollarzeichen {n} <$>
dollar valueDollarwert {m}
dollar weaknessDollarschwäche {f}
euro-dollarEuro-Dollar {m}
forward dollarTermindollar {m}
curr. hist. gold dollarGolddollar {m}
fin. cheque [Br.]Scheck {m}
curr. dollar bill [Am.]Dollarnote {f}
curr. dollar bill [Am.]Dollarschein {m}
dollar check [Am.]Dollarscheck {m}
dollar store [Am.]1-Euro-Shop {m}
comm. dollar store [Am.]Ramschladen {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
giving dollar [Am.]Spende {f} [Geldspende]
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