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English-German translation for: dollar-denominated
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Dictionary English German: dollar denominated

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ADJ   dollar-denominated | - | -
dollar-denominated {adj}in Dollar angegeben
cheque denominated in dollars [Br.]auf Dollar ausgestellter Scheck {m}
Partial Matches
comm. one-dollar shopEin-Dollar-Laden {m} <1-Dollar-Laden>
multi-billion dollar {adj} [attr.]von mehreren Milliarden Dollar [nachgestellt]
to be a dollar shorteinen Dollar zu wenig haben
a dollar a dozenein Dollar {m} für das Dutzend
run on the dollarstarke Nachfrage {f} nach dem Dollar
to peg to the dollaran den Dollar klammern
rush on the dollarAnsturm {m} auf den Dollar
trading in U.S. dollarUS-Dollar-Handel {m}
dependency on the US dollarAbhängigkeit {f} vom Dollar
RadioTV F The Six Million Dollar ManDer Sechs-Millionen-Dollar-Mann
curr. pegged to the U.S. Dollaran den US-Dollar gekoppelt
curr. fin. two-dollar bill [Am.]Zwei-Dollar-Schein {m}
ten-dollar gold piece10-Dollar-Goldstück {n}
curr. hist. three-dollar (gold) pieceDrei-Dollar-Münze {f}
idiom the sixty-four-thousand-dollar / $64,000 questiondie Vierundsechzigtausend-Dollar-Frage {f}
Can you spare me a dollar?Hast du einen Dollar für mich übrig?
million dollar giftMillionen-Dollar-Geschenk {n}
curr. non-dollar currenciesNicht-Dollar-Währungen {pl}
sb. denominatedjd. bezeichnete
econ. Euro-denominated assets {pl}Eurovermögen {n}
comm. one-dollar shopEin-Dollar-Shop {m} <1-Dollar-Shop>
curr. The pound sank two cents against the dollar.Das Pfund hat zwei Cent gegenüber dem Dollar verloren.
film F The Million Dollar Duck / The $1,000,000 Duck [Vincent McEveety]Die Millionen-Dollar-Ente
(one) dollar {adj}Ein-Dollar-
curr. dollar countriesDollar-Länder {pl}
curr. dollar sign <$>Dollar-Zeichen {n} <$>
1 dollar a troy ounce1 Dollar für die Feinunze
lit. F Hundred-Dollar Baby [Robert B. Parker]Hundert Dollar Baby
million-dollar question [fig.]Millionen-Dollar-Frage {f} [fig.]
curr. U.S. dollar <USD>US-Dollar {m} <USD>
500 dollar rewardBelohnung {f} von 500 Dollar
curr. Australian dollar <AUD, AU$>Australien-Dollar {m} <AUD, AU$> [ugs.] [australischer Dollar]
curr. dollar <$, dlr>Dollar {m} <$>
to be denominated in Euroauf Euro lauten
curr. Kennedy half (dollar) [U.S. coin]Kennedy-Half-Dollar-Münze {f}
curr. Surinamese dollar <SRD, $>Suriname-Dollar {m} <SRD, $>
curr. fin. two-dollar banknoteZwei-Dollar-Banknote {f}
curr. Cayman Islands dollar <KYD, CI$>Kaiman-Dollar {m} <KYD, CI$>
curr. East Caribbean dollar <XCD, EC$>Ostkaribischer Dollar {m} <XCD, EC$>
curr. Hong Kong dollar <HKD, HK$>Hongkong-Dollar {m} <HKD, HK$>
curr. New Zealand dollar <NZD, NZ$, $>Neuseeland-Dollar {m} <NZD, NZ$, $>
curr. New Zealand dollar <NZD, NZ$, $>neuseeländischer Dollar {m} <NZD, NZ$, $>
curr. Solomon Islands dollar <SBD, SI$>Salomonen-Dollar {m} <SBD, SI$>
curr. Bahamian dollar <BSD, B$>Bahama-Dollar {m} <BSD, B$>
curr. Bermudian dollar <BMD, BD$>Bermuda-Dollar {m} <BMD, BD$>
curr. Canadian dollar <CAD, C$>kanadischer Dollar {m} <CAD, C$>
curr. Fijian dollar <FJD, FJ$>Fidschi-Dollar {m} <FJD, FJ$>
curr. Guyanese dollar <GYD, G$>Guyana-Dollar {m} <GYD, G$>
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