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English-German translation for: dollars
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Dictionary English German: dollars

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NOUN   a dollar | dollars
NOUN   der Dollar | die Dollar [in Beträgen]/Dollars [einzelne Münzen, Noten]
Dollars {pl}
curr. dollars [amount]
Dollar {pl}
2 Words: Nouns
ad dollars [coll.] [Am.]Werbeeinnahmen {pl}
advertising dollars [Am.]Werbegelder {pl}
federal dollars [Am.]Bundesmittel {pl}
giving dollars [Am.]Spendengelder {pl}
tax dollars [Am.]Steuergelder {pl}
3 Words: Others
idiom Dollars to doughnuts ... . [Am.]... da kannst du einen drauf lassen. [vulg.]
Dollars to doughnuts ... . [Am.]... da kannst du Gift drauf nehmen.
idiom Dollars to doughnuts ... . [Am.]... das ist so sicher wie das Amen in der Kirche.
Dollars to doughnuts ... . [Am.] [idiom]... da verwette ich meinen Arsch drauf. [vulg.] [Redewendung]
dollars-and-cents {adj} [attr.] [Am.]finanziell
fin. in constant dollars {adv}in konstanten Dollar / Dollars
3 Words: Verbs
fin. to translate into dollarsin Dollar umrechnen
3 Words: Nouns
amount in dollarsDollarbetrag {m}
cheque for dollars [Br.]Dollarscheck {m}
exchange of dollarsDollarumtausch {m}
curr. price in dollarsPreis {m} in Dollar
translation into dollarsUmrechnung {f} in Dollar
zillions of dollars [coll.]zig Milliarden {pl} Dollar [ugs.]
4 Words: Others
around five thousand dollarsetwa fünftausend Dollar
at five dollars each {adv}zu fünf Dollar das Stück
available in US dollars {adj} [postpos.]in US-Dollar verfügbar
fin. pol. paid by tax dollars {adj} [Am.]auf Kosten des Steuerzahlers
4 Words: Verbs
to buy sth. for three dollarsetw. für drei Dollar kaufen
to buy sth. for three dollarsetw. um drei Dollar kaufen [österr.]
to change dollars into francsDollar in Franken tauschen
to look a million dollars [coll.] [idiom]toll aussehen [ugs.]
to look a million dollars [coll.] [idiom]umwerfend aussehen [ugs.]
4 Words: Nouns
cheque denominated in dollars [Br.]auf Dollar ausgestellter Scheck {m}
reward of 100 dollarsBelohnung {f} von $100
trading in U.S. dollarsDollarhandel {m}
trading in U.S. dollarsUS-Dollar-Handel {m}
5+ Words: Others
I feel like a million dollars. [coll.] [idiom]Ich fühle mich pudelwohl. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
I wouldn't go out with him for a million dollars. [idiom]Ich würde für kein Geld der Welt mit ihm ausgehen. [Redewendung]
In round numbers, a diamond of this quality is worth five thousand dollars.Ein Diamant dieser Qualität kostet rund fünftausend Dollar.
not for a million dollars {adv} [idiom]für kein Geld der Welt [Redewendung]
not for a million dollars {adv} [idiom] [not for all the world]um nichts in der Welt [Redewendung]
That will be five dollars.Das macht dann fünf Dollar.
up to one billion dollars {adv}bis zu einer Milliarde Dollar
5+ Words: Verbs
to be down to one's last ten dollarsnur noch zehn Dollar übrig haben
to feel like a million dollars [coll.] [idiom]sichAkk. sauwohl fühlen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to feel like a million dollars [coll.] [idiom]sichAkk. fühlen, als könnte man Bäume ausreißen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
5+ Words: Nouns
fin. budget of millions of dollarsMillionenbudget {n} [in Dollar]
exchange rate of the dollarWechselkurs {m} des Dollars
fin. expenditure {sg} of billions of dollarsMilliardenausgaben {pl} [in Dollar]
comm. econ. fin. losses running into billions of dollarsmilliardenschwere Verluste {pl} [in Dollar]
millions of dollars of damageMillionenschaden {m}
several hundreds of millions of dollarsmehrere hundert Millionen Dollar {pl}
fin. value of billions (of dollars / pounds)Milliardenwert {m}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F (A) Fistful of Dollars [Sergio Leone]Für eine Handvoll Dollar
film F Dollars / $ [Richard Brooks]Der Millionenraub
film F For A Few Dollars More [Sergio Leone]Für ein paar Dollar mehr
lit. F The Busy Body [Donald E. Westlake]Heroin und viele Dollars
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
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A 2017-10-30: LINX Also: to pay an extra nn dollars / pounds
A 2016-12-19: Die Propan-Dollars fliegen schnell weg!
A 2015-01-14: It's not an exact amout, but most of/nearly fifty dollars -
A 2014-02-20: +Over a million dollars+ is ok.
Q 2012-04-25: Hey, They Only Stole 1.2 Billion Dollars
A 2011-11-25: In this context, one million dollars per year.
A 2011-06-10: Also - dollars.
Q 2011-03-27: Anyone else been offered millions of dollars?
A 2011-03-09: Possibly G = grand = 1000, in this case, dollars.
Q 2011-01-31: for a couple of dollars' worth of groceries
A 2010-09-28: What have all those billions (of dollars) achieved?
A 2010-08-19: dollars to doughnuts
Q 2010-08-19: dollars to doughnuts
A 2010-04-16: but then again: *hawanja* I bet a million dollars this guy is in the close...
A 2010-02-13: Typo: +$200m / $200mn+ rather than +200 Mio Dollars+ (which is, except for...
A 2010-02-13: Paul just confirmed that he will sponsor Wimbledon with 200 Mio Dollars in...
Q 2009-09-27: tens of millions of dollars
A 2009-08-02: Die Verteidiger des Dollars bzw. des Dollaradlers
A 2009-04-21: :) Yeah - But for like a gazillion dollars I could stand being teased for ...
Q 2008-12-19: US filthy rich invaded Liechtenstein to evade US taxes to the tune of 100 ...

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