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English-German translation for: dread
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Dictionary English German: dread

Translation 1 - 28 of 28

English German
NOUN1   a dread | dreads
NOUN2   dread | -
VERB  to dread | dreaded | dreaded ... 
SYNO   to dread | to fear | apprehension ... 
dread {adj}
to dread sb./sth.
jdn./etw. fürchten
to dread sth.
etw.Akk. scheuen
to dread sb./sth.jdn./etw. sehr fürchten
to dread sb./sth.sichAkk. vor jdm./etw. fürchten
to dread sb./sth.sich vor jdm./etw. grauen
dread [horror]
Grauen {n}
Schrecken {m}
dread [apprehension, awe]
Scheu {f} [Furcht]
dread [person, figure]
Schreckgestalt {f}
dread [vision, sight]
Schreckbild {n}
dread [coll.] [also: Dread] [Rastafarian or any other person wearing dreadlocks]
Rasta {m} [ugs.] [hier: als Träger von Dreadlocks, oft nur der Mode wegen]
dread [archaic] [awe]ehrfürchtige Scheu {f}
dread [great fear]große Angst {f}
2 Words
I dread sb./sth.mir graut vor jdm./etw.
dread of sb./sth. [fear]Furcht {f} vor jdm./etw.
psych. existential dreadExistenzangst {f}
3 Words
I dread it.Davor grault mir.
I dread it.Ich graule mich davor.
I dread it.Mir graut (es) davor.
to dread going somewheresich fürchten, irgendwohin zu gehen
fear and dreadFurcht und Schrecken
sense of dreadAngstgefühl {n}
sense of dreadGefühl {n} der Angst
5+ Words
I dread to think what ...Ich wage gar nicht, daran zu denken, was ...
I dread to think what ...Ich will gar nicht erst wissen, was ...
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Club Dread [Jay Chandrasekhar]Club Mad
lit. F Koba the Dread: Laughter and the Twenty Million [Martin Amis]Koba der Schrecklichedie zwanzig Millionen und das Gelächter
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A 2019-11-26: PS: +dread+ has always also been an adjective https://www.lexico.com/en/de...
A 2019-11-26: +I'm feeling dread+ in slang may also mean +I'm feeling awful+
Q 2019-11-26: I feel dreadful vs. I feel dread
A 2012-03-01: http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/dread?q=dread
Q 2012-03-01: dread - fear
Q 2009-08-21: Why don't you, Bacca, enter in dict.cc +Furcht und Schrecken > fear and dr...
A 2009-07-21: Great - thanks!!! (dread vielleicht eher nicht :-)
A 2009-07-21: ... the result needs not dread competition/comparison
A 2009-01-27: Dread - (from dreadlocks) someone with dreadlocks or just a man
Q 2009-01-27: Dread in a Babylon
Q 2008-09-28: A sprinkled in English using German words. It means something like: "dread...
A 2006-08-03: dont know what Id do without you guys...dread you signing off

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