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Dictionary English German: dream

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NOUN   a dream | dreams
VERB  to dream | dreamed/dreamt | dreamed/dreamt ... 
SYNO   dream | pipe dream | dreaming ... 
dream {adj} [attr.] [e.g. interpretation, car, beach]
Traum- [z. B. Deutung, Auto, Strand]
to dream
to dream [enthuse]
to dream [fantasize]
Traum {m}
2 Words: Others
Dream on! [hum.]Träum weiter! [hum.]
dream-like {adj}traumartig
dream-like {adj}wie im Traum [nachgestellt]
2 Words: Verbs
to day-dreamtagträumen
to day-dreammit offenen Augen schlafen [ugs.]
to dream awayverträumen
to dream of sb./sth. [imagine]sichDat. jdn./etw. erträumen
to dream sth. up [also: to dream up sth.](sichDat.) etw.Akk. zusammenfantasieren [oft pej.]
to dream sth. up [also: to dream up sth.](sichDat.) etw.Akk. zusammenphantasieren [oft pej.]
to dream sth. up [invent by ingenuity]sichDat. etw. einfallen lassen [ausdenken, erfinden]
to dream upfantasieren
to dream up sth.sichDat. etw. ausdenken
2 Words: Nouns
affordable dreamTraum {m}, den man sich leisten kann
ambitious dreamehrgeiziger Traum {m}
psych. anxiety dreamAngsttraum {m}
bad dreamAlbtraum {m}
bad dreamAlptraum {m}
bad dreamböser Traum {m}
broken dreamgeplatzter Traum {m} [ugs.]
child's dreamKindertraum {m}
childhood dreamJugendtraum {m}
childhood dreamKindertraum {m} [Kindheitstraum]
childhood dreamKindheitstraum {m}
childhood dream [desire from childhood]Kindheitswunsch {m}
day-dreamTagtraum {m}
psych. dream activityTraumaktivität {f}
philos. dream argument [Descartes]Traumargument {n}
med. psych. dream associationTraumassoziation {f}
travel TrVocab. dream beachTraumstrand {m}
dream bookTraumbuch {n}
dream butt [Am.] [coll.]Traum-Po {m} [auch: Traumpo] [ugs.]
dream carTraumauto {n}
automot. dream carWunschauto {n}
film theatre dream castTraumbesetzung {f}
dream catcherTraumfänger {m}
dream cityTraumstadt {f}
philos. psych. dream consciousnessTraumbewusstsein {n}
psych. dream contentTrauminhalt {m}
dream coupleTraumpaar {n} [ugs.]
dream creatureTraumwesen {n}
sports dream cross [pass for a player who is in a perfect position to score a goal]tödlicher Pass {m} [Fußballjargon]
dream dayTraumtag {m}
dream destinationSehnsuchtsort {m} [Traumziel]
travel TrVocab. dream destinationTraumort {m} [Traumziel]
dream destinationTraumziel {n}
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Q 2024-05-25: to not dream of doing sth.
A 2017-09-13: Dictionaries are more up to date than you seem to think. They rely on many...
A 2017-01-09: Realistisches Müssen +sometimes I have to pinch myself to realize it isn't...
A 2016-09-13: (for the rest of the dream) carry on to page 2
Q 2016-03-22: It was like a dream come true
A 2015-12-23: or dReam ....??
Q 2015-09-23: A Midsummer Night's Dream-or nightmare?
Q 2014-11-22: Tricks for Getting yourself ready for your dream house Office Shifting
Q 2014-07-28: The American Dream
A 2014-06-11: Evidence: Why, Windfall et al., do we get so many Google hits for +your dr...
A 2014-06-10: Beg to differ: Wohnträume > dream house or flat / apartment
A 2014-06-10: A dream home can't come true :-)
A 2013-08-21: OK, but that holds for 'staple titles' only: e.g. A Midsummer Night's Dre...
A 2013-08-04: It must have been in a dream.
A 2013-06-19: I wouldn't dream of it (but I might call you a wimp).
A 2013-02-21: I dream, therefore I am who I am.
Q 2013-02-21: Dream
Q 2012-09-22: Kind of been a dream of mine
A 2012-07-24: I agree - a paradise dream in real life seems much more realistic :-)
Q 2012-06-16: Translation of "We are all born dreamers, so any dream will do"

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