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English-German translation for: dressed
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Dictionary English German: dressed

Translation 1 - 50 of 142  >>

English German
VERB  to dress | dressed | dressed ... 
SYNO   dolled up | dressed | dressed to kill ... 
cloth. dressed {adj} {past-p}
angezogen [gekleidet]
dressed {adj} {past-p}
dressed {adj} {past-p}
dressed {adj} {past-p}
sb. dressed
jd. kleidete
2 Words: Others
appropriately dressed {adj}angemessen gekleidet
badly dressed {adj}schlecht gekleidet
best-dressed {adj}bestangezogen
best-dressed {adj}bestgekleidet
best-dressed {adj}am besten angezogen
best-dressed {adj}am besten gekleidet
better dressed {adj}besser angezogen
carelessly dressed {adj}lässig gekleidet [nachlässig]
cloth. casually dressed {adj}in Freizeitkleidung [nachgestellt]
casually dressed {adj}lässig gekleidet
cloth. casually dressed {adj}zwanglos angezogen [salopp gekleidet]
cloth. correctly dressed {adj}korrekt gekleidet
dressed up {adj} {past-p}aufgebrezelt [ugs.]
dressed up {adj} {past-p}aufgeputzt [ugs.]
dressed up {adj} {past-p}geschniegelt [ugs.]
dressed up {adj} {past-p}kostümiert
cloth. dressed up {adj} {past-p}fein gemacht
dressed up {adj} {past-p}gut gekleidet
dressed up {adj} {past-p} [disguised]verbrämt
cloth. fashionably dressed {adj} {past-p}modern gekleidet
formally dressed {adj}formell gekleidet
cloth. formally dressed {adj}förmlich gekleidet
fully dressed {adj}vollständig bekleidet
fully dressed {adj}in voller Kleidung [nachgestellt]
half-dressed {adj}halbbekleidet
ill-dressed {adj}schlecht gekleidet
lightly dressed {adj} {past-p}leicht bekleidet
lightly dressed {adj}luftig angezogen
lightly dressed {adj}luftig gekleidet
nattily dressed {adj}geschniegelt [ugs.]
properly dressed {adj}anständig gekleidet
properly dressed {adj}passend gekleidet
provocatively dressed {adj} {past-p}freizügig gekleidet [nicht den bürgerlichen Moralbegriffen entsprechend]
ravishingly dressed {adj}hinreißend gekleidet
sartorially dressed {adj}elegant gekleidet
sb. (got) dressedjd. zog sich an
scantily dressed {adj}leicht bekleidet
scantily dressed {adj}spärlich bekleidet
sloppily dressed {adj}schlampig gekleidet [ugs.] [pej.]
slovenly dressed {adj}schlampig gekleidet [ugs.] [pej.]
staidly dressed {adj}gedeckt gekleidet
uniformly dressed {adj} {pres-p}einheitlich gekleidet
well-dressed {adj}gutgekleidet
well-dressed {adj}wohlgekleidet [veraltet] [gut gekleidet]
well-dressed {adj}gut angezogen
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Q 2019-11-21: get dressed
A 2018-05-05: dressed to the nines
A 2018-05-04: dapper, groomed, smartened up, (stärker) dressed to kill
Q 2018-05-04: to be dressed to the nines ?=? wie aus dem Ei gepellt sein, wie aus dem Ei...
A 2016-12-03: Instead, mamma is dressed in a long-sleeved Russian blouse embroidered wit...
Q 2014-05-09: dressed … clothing
Q 2014-01-18: Heavily dressed
A 2013-11-15: all dressed, ready to go, his gun (strapped on ?)
A 2013-04-08: And then, there's +mutton dressed as lamb+ ...
A 2013-02-12: Nothing to do with being improperly dressed, but...
A 2012-07-26: Movie character (or actor?) from long ago. He rode a bicycle as an adult a...
Q 2011-11-05: They dressed themselves/theirselves
Q 2011-09-27: casually dressed
A 2010-12-16: Is there a more innocent way to pick up women than being dressed up as Santa?
A 2010-11-25: "My day starts with getting dressed." Now, who is getting dressed here, the day?
A 2010-11-09: Hannah is right: "flott" means "good looking, well dressed" here, not "fast"
A 2010-09-30: and the carnival is a very special event in Düsseldorf. I saw an undertake...
A 2010-09-28: dressed up in pretty words
Q 2010-05-01: advertising text: casually dressed?
A 2010-04-16: Black tie, indeed, Joanne. The 'mourners' at some of the funerals I recent...

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