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English-German translation for: drilling
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Dictionary English German: drilling

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NOUN   a drilling | drillings
VERB  to drill | drilled | drilled
drilling | drills
SYNO   boring | drilling | drilling ... 
NOUN   der Drilling | die Drillinge
SYNO   Drilling | Triole
Bohren {n}
Bohrung {f}
biol. triplet
Drilling {m}
tech. drilling
Aufbohren {n}
Drillen {n}
mining tech. drilling
Bohrarbeit {f}
hunting weapons drilling [triple-barrelled shotgun]Drilling {m} [dreiläufiges Gewehr]
games set [poker]Drilling {m} [Poker]
2 Words: Others
tech. self-drilling {adj} [esp. screws]selbstbohrend [bes. Schrauben]
2 Words: Nouns
geol. abrasion drillingFelsstrahlbohren {n}
airlift drillingLufthebebohrverfahren {n}
constr. auger drillingSchneckenbohrung {f}
tech. balancing drillingWuchtbohrung {f} [Auswuchtbohrung]
geol. tech. core drillingKernbohrung {f}
mining deep drillingTiefbohrung {f}
geol. deep drillingTiefenbohrung {f}
constr. tech. directional drillingRichtbohren {n}
constr. tech. directional drillingRichtungsbohren {n}
mining drilling activitiesBohraktivitäten {pl}
mining drilling activitiesBohrarbeiten {pl}
drilling banBohrverbot {n}
tech. drilling capacityBohrleistung {f}
ind. drilling chipBohrspan {m}
mining drilling collarSchwerstange {f} [Bohrtechnik]
tech. drilling coreBohrkern {m}
jobs mining drilling crewBohrmannschaft {f} [Erdöl-, Erdgasförderung, Bergbau usw.]
dent. tech. drilling debrisBohrgut {n} [Bohrklein]
dent. MedTech. tech. drilling debrisBohrklein {n}
tech. drilling depthBohrtiefe {f}
drilling derrickBohrturm {m}
constr. tech. drilling diameterBohrdurchmesser {m}
mining tech. drilling dustBohrmehl {n}
jobs mining drilling engineerBohringenieur {m}
mining tech. drilling equipmentBohrausrüstung {f}
mining tech. drilling equipmentBohrgerät {n}
mining tech. drilling equipment {sg}Bohrgeräte {pl}
mining tech. drilling equipment {sg}Bohrgerätschaften {pl}
tech. drilling fluidBohrflüssigkeit {f}
tech. drilling fluidBohrspülung {f} [Spülflüssigkeit]
tech. drilling headBohrkopf {m}
tech. drilling hoseBohrschlauch {m}
drilling jigBohrlehre {f}
drilling jigBohrschablone {f}
drilling jigBohrvorrichtung {f}
mining drilling line [drill]Fahrseil {n} [Bohrtechnik]
mining drilling line [drilling cable]Bohrseil {n} [Bohrtechnik]
tools drilling machineBohrmaschine {f}
tech. drilling methodBohrmethode {f}
tech. drilling methodBohrverfahren {n}
mining drilling mudBohrschlamm {m}
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A 2016-08-24: Flow drilling / friction drilling / form drilling
Q 2014-09-25: self-tapping und self-drilling
A 2012-11-25: mortising, slotting and drilling work
A 2012-08-24: http://visual.merriam-webster.com/energy/geothermal-fossil-energy/oil/dril...
Q 2012-07-04: step-up drilling
Q 2011-07-20: Dringend: "step out" drilling
A 2011-04-01: a method of drilling, it seems
A 2011-04-01: ? mud hole with rotary table drilling rig
Q 2011-02-07: Text über Tiefenwasser-Bohrschiff - "drillship equipped with drilling tops...
A 2011-02-03: Investigations into the impact of glued joints on process stability during...
A 2011-01-10: drilling and blasting heading, drill-and-blast heading > Bohr- und Sprengv...
A 2011-01-07: infill drilling > Ergänzungsbohrung, to intersect > durchteufen (bitte in ...
Q 2011-01-07: grades and infill drilling (bei Goldbohrlöchern)
A 2010-08-03: Correct. Drilling riser > Bohrsteigrohr / Steigrohr
A 2010-05-24: Not just drilling, though...
A 2009-06-04: In diesem Kontext: HDD (horizontal directional drilling)
A 2009-06-02: jet drilling, wash boring
A 2009-06-02: AE = "horizontal drilling"
A 2009-05-27: Drilling and Tapping
A 2009-03-13: Rig on drilling/deepening 460m (1,500 ft)/rig still on the well

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