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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: driver's
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Dictionary English German: driver's

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dickey [driver's seat on a carriage]Fahrersitz {m} [einer Kutsche]
2 Words: Nouns
driver's cabFahrerhaus {n}
transp. driver's cabFahrerkabine {f}
tech. driver's cabFührerhaus {n} [Lokomotive, Lkw.]
rail driver's cabFührerstand {m}
driver's cabinFahrerkabine {f}
rail driver's cabinFührerstand {m}
automot. driver's doorFahrertür {f}
driver's ed [coll.]Fahrunterricht {m}
mil. tech. driver's hatchFahrerluke {f}
driver's licence [Aus.]Fahrerlaubnis {f}
driver's licence [Br.]Führerausweis {m} [schweiz.]
driver's license [Am.]Fahrausweis {m} [schweiz.] [Führerschein]
driver's license [Am.]Fahrerlaubnis {f}
driver's license [Am.]Fleppe {f} [ugs.] [Führerschein]
driver's license [Am.]Führerausweis {m} [schweiz.]
driver's license [Am.]Lappen {m} [ugs.] [Führerschein]
driver's license [Am.]Pappe {f} [ugs.] [Führerschein]
transp. driver's license [Am.] [Aus.] [NZ] [Can.]Führerschein {m}
driver's license {sg} [Am.]Flebben {pl} [regional] [ugs.] [Führerschein]
driver's logbookFahrtenbuch {n}
mil. tech. driver's opticsWinkelspiegel {m} [Fahroptik]
automot. driver's seatFahrersitz {m}
driver's sideFahrerseite {f}
driver's tan [coll.]Autofahrerbräune {f} [ugs.]
automot. driver's windowFahrerfenster {n}
3 Words: Verbs
automot. law transp. to suspend sb.'s driver's license [Am.]jdn. mit Fahrverbot belegen
3 Words: Nouns
law (driver's) license revocation [permanent] [Am.]Führerscheinentzug {m} [ugs.] [Entziehung der Fahrerlaubnis]
law (driver's) license suspension [Am.]Fahrverbot {n} [für Individuum]
adjustable driver's seatverstellbarer Fahrersitz {m}
educ. traffic driver's ed student [Am.] [coll.]Fahrschüler {m}
educ. transp. driver's license examiner [Am.]Fahrprüfer {m}
driver's license holder [Am.]Führerscheinbesitzer {m}
transp. driver's training certificateSchulungsbescheinigung {f} des Fahrers
law transp. forklift driver's licence [Br.]Gabelstaplerführerschein {m}
law transp. forklift driver's license [Am.]Gabelstaplerführerschein {m}
admin. HGV driver's licence [Br.] [heavy goods vehicle driver's licence]Lkw-Führerschein {m} [Lastkraftwagenführerschein]
taxi driver's arm [coll.] [arm tanning]Taxifahrerbräune {f} [ugs.] [Bräunungsstreifen am Arm]
transp. truck driver's licence [Br.]Lkw-Führerschein {m}
4 Words: Verbs
to get a driver's licence [Br.]seinen Führerschein machen
to get one's driver's licence [Can.]den Führerschein erwerben
meteo. traffic transp. to obstruct the driver's viewdie Sicht des Fahrers behindern
5+ Words: Others
TrVocab. Do you have your driver's license? [Am.]Haben Sie Ihren Führerschein?
5+ Words: Verbs
admin. to apply for a driver's license [Am.]einen Führerschein beantragen
idiom to be in the driver's seat [Am.] [Aus.]das Sagen haben [ugs.]
to put sb. in the driver's seatjdn. ans Steuer setzen
5+ Words: Nouns
automot. (penalty) points on one's (driver's) licence [Br.]Punkte {pl} in Flensburg [Strafpunkte beim KBA]
traffic acquisition of a driver's license [Am.]Führerscheinerwerb {m}
holder of a driver's license [Am.]Führerscheinbesitzer {m}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F The Driver's Seat [Muriel Spark]Töte mich!
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Q 2018-08-29: Buy registered EU driver's license passports and ID cards Whatsapp+4966024...
Q 2018-01-18: Buy high-quality registered passports, driver's license, ID cards
A 2017-04-06: We offer registered EU driver's license passports and ID cards Whatsapp+43...
Q 2016-06-07: Buy Driver's License, Passport, ((wottenkelly79@gmail.com)) ((whatsapp +2...
Q 2015-05-03: similarly, driver's ed student - AE?
Q 2015-03-30: Kaufen Sie Qualität echte und gefälschte Pässe, Driver's License, ID-Karte...
Q 2014-10-23: Buy real and fake passports, driver's licenses, ID cards, stamps,birth cer...
A 2014-07-03: Not called a driver's license, but issued by
Q 2014-07-03: Is there an expression in AE for a person that has a driver's license but ...
Q 2013-05-16: to renew a driver's license - einen Führerschein erneuern
A 2013-04-28: Driver's License on CV
A 2012-12-12: Typo (15:5) - the +driver's+ girlfriend
A 2012-11-07: ... and by a passenger giving directions pointing with his arm fully acros...
A 2012-11-07: "excessive speed with the driver's view obstructed" would be typical U.S. ...
A 2012-10-19: "Verhaltensrechtlich" refers to legal issues involving so-called driver's ...
A 2012-04-17: to ascertain the driver's identity
A 2011-06-16: Endorsements on a driver's license are permits to operate a particular kin...
A 2011-03-30: driver's license
A 2011-03-30: driver's license
A 2010-11-28: Führerschein > driving licence (UK), driver's license (US)

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