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English-German translation for: drivers
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Dictionary English German: drivers

Translation 1 - 23 of 23

English German
NOUN   a driver | drivers
comp. drivers
Treiber {pl}
law traffic drivers
Fahrzeugführer {pl} [bes. amtsspr.]
Fahrer {pl}
automot. drivers [of cars]
Autofahrer {pl}
psych. drivers [one's inner drivers]Antreiber {pl} [innere Antreiber, z. B. seine eigenen Stärken]
2 Words
Men drivers!Männer am Steuer!
Women drivers.Frauen am Steuer.
jobs cab driversTaxifahrer {pl}
automot. car driversAutofahrende {pl} [seltener für: Autofahrer]
drivers' characteristicsFahreigenschaften {pl}
limo drivers [coll.]Limousinenfahrer {pl}
jobs taxi driversTaxifahrer {pl}
3 Words
transp. commercial truck driversgewerbliche Lkw-Fahrer {pl}
rail engine drivers' strike [Br.]Lokführerstreik {m}
transp. shortage of driversFahrermangel {m}
rail train drivers' strikeLokführerstreik {m}
4 Words
traffic accidents involving drunken driversalkoholbedingte Verkehrsunfälle {pl}
rail strike of train driversLokführerstreik {m}
traffic women drivers' car spaceFrauenparkplatz {m}
5+ Words
Some taxi drivers accept credit cards.Einige Taxifahrer nehmen Kreditkarten an.
automot. drivers of diesel-powered vehiclesDieselfahrer {pl}
drivers' orientation and safety trainingFahrsicherheitstraining {n}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Hell Drivers [Cy Endfield]Duell am Steuer
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Q 2019-04-16: Buy Real Registered passport,Express passport,Drivers license (fastpasspo...
Q 2019-02-27: https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/new-drivers-change-their-habits-w...
A 2018-12-30: PS: +Cyclists are 15 times more likely than drivers to be killed on UK roa...
Q 2018-10-26: low-level microcontroller embedded software drivers
A 2015-12-14: business drivers
Q 2015-12-13: Komplizierter Kfz-Text mit Marketingelementen (Abgabe Mittwoch, 16.12.2015...
A 2015-04-19: No, no - while approaching / going into motorway tunnels, in times of cong...
A 2015-02-18: poor drivers
A 2015-02-14: female school bus drivers
A 2013-08-01: Test days and testing days both sound to me like cars are being tried out,...
A 2013-08-01: top drivers
A 2013-08-01: stars, names, top people, top drivers, topnotchers
A 2013-05-08: Class of drivers' licenses - reference page
A 2012-06-14: +technology drivers+ scheint doch auch positiv besetzt zu sein
Q 2012-06-14: technology drivers in the specific markets.
Q 2012-05-21: Talking to taxi drivers
Q 2011-11-28: Artikel über Emotional Intelligence (Abgabe Di. 14 Uhr) - "backseat driver...
A 2011-04-29: PPS: London bus drivers have said to me +dear+ more often than I can count
A 2010-09-29: More context needed... could be "driver's amount", "amount of drivers"...

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