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English-German translation for: during
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Dictionary English German: during

Translation 1 - 50 of 210  >>

English German
VERB  to dure | dured | dured
during | dures
during {prep}
während [+Gen.] [ugs. auch +Dat.]
during {prep} [on occasion of]
anlässlich [+Gen.] [während]
during {prep}
bei [+Dat.] [zur Angabe einer Zeitspanne, z. B. bei Nacht]
during sth. {adv}zur Zeit etw.Gen. [während etw. [Gen.], z. B. zur Zeit der Kirschblüte]
2 Words: Others
during 1945 {adv}im Lauf des Jahres 1945
during 2001 {adv}während des Jahres 2001
during acceleration {adv}beim Beschleunigen
automot. during acceleration {adv}beim Gasgeben
during class {adv}während des Unterrichts [ugs. auch: während dem Unterricht]
constr. during construction {adj}baubegleitend
during dinner {adv}bei Tisch
during dinner {adv}während des Essens
during infancy {adv}im Kleinkindalter
during infancy {adv}im Säuglingsalter
during meals {adv}während der Mahlzeiten
biol. during menstruation {adv}während der Regel [Regelblutung]
during operation {adv}im Fahrbetrieb
tech. during operation {adv}im laufenden Betrieb
tech. during operation {adv}während des Betriebes [auch: während des Betriebs]
during pregnancy {adv}während der Schwangerschaft
during sunset {adv}beim Sonnenuntergang
during thunderstorms {adv}bei Gewitter
during transport {adv}unterwegs
during vacation {adv} [at the university]in den Semesterferien
during vacation {adv} [at the university]während der Semesterferien
3 Words: Others
... during which time ......, während welcher Zeit ... [veraltet]
... during which time ......, (und) in dieser Zeit ...
... during which time ......, (und) während dieser Zeit ...
damaged during transportation {adj} [postpos.]im Transit beschädigt
during (the) carriage {adv}während des Transports
during (the) winter {adv}wintersüber
rail transp. during a stop {adv}beim Halt
during a trip {adv}während einer Reise
educ. during biology class {adv}während des Biologieunterrichts [ugs. auch: während dem Biologieunterricht]
during business hours {adv}während der Geschäftsstunden
dent. during cavity preparation {adv}während des Präparationsvorgangs
during early childhood {adv}im Kleinkindalter
during free hours {adv} [esp. in seminaries and cloisters]in den Freizeiten
during his lifetime {adv}zu seinen Lebzeiten
during his reign {adv}während seiner Regierungszeit
during its existence {adv}während seines Bestehens
during its term {adv}während seiner Gültigkeit
during its term {adv}während seiner Laufzeit
during leisure time {adv}in der Freizeit
during many years {adv}während vieler Jahre
during my presence {adv}während meiner Anwesenheit
during my sojourn {adv} [formal]während meines Aufenthalts
during my studies {adv}während meines Studiums
during office hours {adv}während der Büroarbeitszeit
during office hours {adv}während der Dienstzeit
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• during
during 1945
during 2001
during acceleration
during a lucid interval
during a stop
during a trip
during biology class
during business hours
during cavity preparation
during class

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