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English-German translation for: dwarf
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Dictionary English German: dwarf

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NOUN   a dwarf | dwarfs/dwarves
VERB  to dwarf | dwarfed | dwarfed ... 
SYNO   dwarf | gnome | midget | nanus ... 
dwarf {adj} [attr.] [dwarfish]
dwarf {adj} [attr.] [e.g. form, galaxy, male, planet, rabbit, shrub]
Zwerg- [z. B. Form, Galaxie, Männchen, Planet, Kaninchen, Strauch]
to dwarf sth. [in relation to something else]
etw. verzwergen [bewirken, dass etwas im Verhältnis zu etwas anderem sehr klein, nahezu zwergenhaft erscheint]
to dwarfklein erscheinen lassen
to dwarf sb./sth. [surpass, outdo]jdn./etw. in den Schatten stellen [fig.] [Redewendung]
to dwarf sth. [make appear sth. tiny]etw.Akk. zwergenhaft erscheinen lassen
Zwerg {m}
Knirps {m}
Wichtel {m}
Wichtelmännchen {n}
dwarf [female]
Zwergin {f}
fish T
2 Words: Others
dwarf-sized {adj}zwergenwüchsig
2 Words: Nouns
astron. black dwarfSchwarzer Zwerg {m}
astron. brown dwarfBrauner Zwerg {m}
hist. court dwarfHofzwerg {m}
astron. dwarf (star)Zwergstern {m}
agr. dwarf bunt [Tilletia controversa, syn.: Tilletia contraversa, T. tritici var. controversa]Zwergsteinbrand {m} [bes. bei Weizen und Dinkel]
agr. dwarf bunt [Tilletia controversa, syn.: Tilletia contraversa, T. tritici var. controversa]Zwergbrand {m} (des Weizens)
astron. dwarf cepheidsZwergcepheiden {pl}
dwarf characterZwergencharakter {m}
dwarf childZwergenkind {n}
hort. dwarf formZwergform {f}
bot. dwarf fruitZwergobst {n}
archi. constr. dwarf gable [triangular dormer]Dreiecksgaube {f}
astron. dwarf galaxyZwerggalaxie {f}
astron. dwarf galaxyZwerggalaxis {f} [Zwerggalaxie]
archi. dwarf galleryZwerggalerie {f}
bot. zool. dwarf growth [e.g. in cattle, plants]Zwergwuchs {m} [z. B. beim Rind, bei Pflanzen]
biol. zool. dwarf maleZwergmännchen {n}
astron. dwarf novaZwergnova {f} [auch: Zwerg-Nova]
astron. dwarf planetZwergplanet {m}
astron. dwarf planetsZwergplaneten {pl}
archi. dwarf rafterSchiftsparren {m} [Hochbau]
bot. hort. dwarf shrubZwergstrauch {m}
bot. hort. dwarf shrubsZwergsträucher {pl}
electr. rail dwarf signalZwergsignal {n}
biol. dwarf statureZwergwuchs {m}
dwarf tossingZwergenwerfen {n}
bot. dwarf treeZwergbaum {m}
bot. dwarf treeschwach wachsender Baum {m} [Zwergbaum]
hort. dwarf typeZwergform {f}
dwarf wall [mostly Br.](niedrige) Gartenmauer {f}
myth. forest dwarfWaldzwerg {m}
hunchbacked dwarfbuckliger Zwerg {m}
little dwarfZwerglein {n}
poison dwarfGiftzwerg {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
astron. white dwarfweißer Zwerg {m}
astron. white dwarfWeißer Zwerg {m}
astron. yellow dwarf [coll.] [G-type main-sequence star]Gelber Zwergstern {m} [auch: gelber Zwergstern]
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A 2012-05-27: "Battle dwarf" applied to a real person sounds odd.
A 2012-05-26: Linguee schlägt +battle dwarf+ vor - aber Achtung, auf die Weiblichkeit an...
A 2011-04-20: It means +turning oneself into a dwarf+
A 2011-03-18: dwarf
Q 2011-03-18: ... allowed to dwarf the catastrophe that dwarfs it.
A 2010-04-11: dwarf - midget
A 2010-03-31: vertically challenged (a dwarf)
A 2009-10-26: Or: (orange) dwarf cray
A 2009-10-26: dwarf crayfish
A 2009-08-11: maybe "dwarf-shrub heather" (calluna vulgaris) ? not a real expert on plan...
A 2009-01-23: if in context with your bird-query above: the dwarf/low-growing shrubs are...
A 2009-01-23: Chamaephyte or dwarf-shrub
A 2008-05-02: dwarf & midget, imp & gnome
Q 2008-05-02: Dwarf, imp, midget, gnome - What's the difference?
A 2007-12-02: The shrubs and dwarf trees in the stone-lined garden beds give off the swe...
A 2007-03-15: there is a type of rabbit called a dwarf rabbit
A 2007-02-28: a name, ein Hutzel is a dwarf
Q 2005-10-25: Problem mit dict cc : Beispiel, willkürlich (random): DWARF

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